Roto-Grow Journal


Active Member
Quick update:

The drying process is still not complete, but significant progress has been made. It is drying very slowly and has at least a couple days before they are ready for curing (typically dry in about a week). I find that patience and slow even drying are essential to bring out the best in your product. I have seen (and personally) ruined harvests from flash drying or too much heat, light, and humidity. I am a stickler for the details, and even have my drying room email me on my BlackBerry if the parameters fall out of the set boundaries (no joke). Drying and curing are just as critical to the process as everything else, but surprisingly, I find it gets the least attention by some growers. Things have to be just right to lock in that incredible taste and smoothness associated with great top shelf meds.


Well-Known Member
WOW!!! That is an incredible machine and your setup appears to have worked very well!
It will be interesting to see what your final yield is in weight but you definitely have some high quality meds there so regardless of quantity, excellent grow.


disregard my stupid question i read you were using thousands. I gonna be running thousands in the same unit. I got the dimmable ballasts so i all dim them down to 600 for the first week. How was your heat . I gonna use a chiller and ice box. I am also running a dehum but no c02 because sealed room never work for me. Yes my plants loved it but i could never get my smell in line. For me security is everything all tae the less yeild if i can keep going. . I was told i need to hand water first week until clones break 4 inch cube any truth to this. my last flat garden i average 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 per 1000 very basic but effective room. With the roto i hope to hit 2lb per 1000 cant wait to see ur numbers


Active Member
Quick update:

I am at the office so I will be brief. Drying phase complete - now curing. I have 9x 5 gallon buckets filled with waterproof lids to cure all of this. (jars seemed to be a little impractical given the volume I am dealing with at one time). It is a sight to see. My entire cellar has taken on a very sweet smell of cured meds even wth the charcoal filter running 24x7. Soon as I open the door a wave hits me in a very strong, but pleasant way. Fantastic smell and visual appeal! I will be trimming in a couple days and can provide weight by strain for those who are interested.

I will answer questions later tonight or this weekend - have to get back to making the big bucks to pay for all this craziness. ;)


Active Member
How much do Aqua flakes run about?
Well Aqua Flakes are just the base A+B formulas. I used an entire lineup of the hydro mix, which for this run, ran approximately $700, or about $900 total including the grow medium and rooting hormones. I will provide a cost breakdown of all the pieces when I conclude the run to give more details of how much it would cost to reproduce this.


Active Member
disregard my stupid question i read you were using thousands. I gonna be running thousands in the same unit. I got the dimmable ballasts so i all dim them down to 600 for the first week. How was your heat . I gonna use a chiller and ice box. I am also running a dehum but no c02 because sealed room never work for me. Yes my plants loved it but i could never get my smell in line. For me security is everything all tae the less yeild if i can keep going. . I was told i need to hand water first week until clones break 4 inch cube any truth to this. my last flat garden i average 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 per 1000 very basic but effective room. With the roto i hope to hit 2lb per 1000 cant wait to see ur numbers
Nice! I would be happy to see another grow journal if you are up to the challenge. Demystifying this method of growing is essential to more mainstream adoption and furthering the experience base. It has been a relatively lonely club thus far, so always happy to see how others approach it.

Heat - Heat was not an issue for me either ambient or in the reservoir. Another grower also mentioned that he was getting advice to run a chiller in the reservoir. Is this a common problem? I actually had to run an aquarium heater to keep the water temps within my posted ranges. I have my reservoir sitting on top of a concrete slab base, so I am sure using the earth itself to insulate helped considerably in keeping the temps consistent. You can see my temp readings per week on the Notes post for that week. As for ambient, I use a temperature controlled location and set it to never reach over 85 degrees F with large AC units that engage should it approach that level. I live in an area that can easily get to 100 degrees, so heat is a big problem for growing in general and not something to take lightly as it can have devastating effects on your crop if not managed properly.

Smell - I would think that a sealed room would help keep the smell inside versus venting? Am I just not understanding something?

As for the clones - healthy clones are essential, if not THE most essential piece to the puzzle. Correct strain selection, voluminous root mass, and overall health and viability of the clones determine everything. I rooted all my clones in small rockwool insert cubes (approx 1"x1"x2") that are typically found in mats at the local hydro store. I kept them in humidity covered dome trays with a heating mat underneath with RH at 90% and base temp of about 78 degrees under t5 lighting. After the clones were rooted (where the roots were starting to poke out of the cubes), I transplanted those into the larger 4" cubes inside the grow trays and loaded them in the Wheel at the same time. At that point, I vegged them for a couple weeks directly in the Wheel with 24 hr/dy light cycle (refer to Week 1, Week 2 on the front page of this thread for the specifics). I saw no need to hand water nor do anything outside the initial rooting process. Light shock was not an issue, but clones that did not have healthy root masses before transplanting, quickly succumbed to stress and died within the first week. I anticipated this and had standby replacements sitting outside the wheel, still receiving the same light and ready to be swapped in. That is why I state my realized mortality rate was much less than actual, simply because I had backups. I cannot stress how important it is to have your clones very healthy and viable before introducing them into the setup.

2lbs should be very doable, and I can confirm the actuals here in less than a week when things are trimmed and cured. The important driver to maximum yield is proper strain selection and you will see why when I have my data tabulated and verified.


Well-Known Member
9X5 holy shit
I think it's time to get a roto
thank you so much for this thread
off to the hydro store i go.


Active Member
9X5 holy shit
I think it's time to get a roto
thank you so much for this thread
off to the hydro store i go.
Keep in mind its all still attached to the stalk in those buckets. I cure with the stalks attached to allow a small reserve of moisture to slowly permeate the dry buds while sealed in the container. I also keep the curing room temperature controlled and 'burp' the containers at least twice a day for about 20 mins each. I find this works best to lock in an outstanding flavor and smooth taste with minimal harsh smoke from being too dry and flaring up when its used. This also allows the resin to remain slightly pliable to form a protective barrier over the cured bud for long term storage and aesthetic appeal.


Well-Known Member
The other roto reports first run were usually within 1700 grams or four pounds roughly. Though a few others reported near seven or slightly over on average when dialed in and no complications. Not sure how close to average could be expected with the infestation and other learning curve encountered, but I think under 1000 grams cured seems unlikely based on your pictorial and other reports so far.

Of course weight is not everything. Quality over quantity, but most people look at solutions such as these for efficiency and maximized yield per kwh and floorspace for sure. Though it does appear that so far you have managed to get the quality balance needed for the time and efforts to recover this took.

Indeed the largest challenge with these setups is getting the clones ready and uniform enough. The amount of space and efforts needed for that operation alone is a show stopper in a lot of ways. Most people forget that factor in what space savings this method can achieve.

Again, thanks for your efforts and looking forward to round two when time permits again.


Active Member
Quick Update:

Trimming is a pain - such small buds to work with, but progress is being made albeit slowly. Curing is near completion and moisture exchange is all but stabilized so long term storage is very practical now. Average weight of trimmed and fully dried/cured MJ is averaging about 9-11g per plant, with some notable exceptions (strains) pushing 14g+. I am heading out of town on business for a few days, but I have more pictures of the finished product and my data sampling is near completion. Smell, look, and taste are all amazing - more on that too when I return.

You can start extrapolating what the yield is based on these preliminary numbers if you like (240 plant theoretical max per run). I will publish the actuals when I have them all recorded.


Well-Known Member
Quick Update:

Trimming is a pain - such small buds to work with, but progress is being made albeit slowly. Curing is near completion and moisture exchange is all but stabilized so long term storage is very practical now. Average weight of trimmed and fully dried/cured MJ is averaging about 9-11g per plant, with some notable exceptions (strains) pushing 14g+. I am heading out of town on business for a few days, but I have more pictures of the finished product and my data sampling is near completion. Smell, look, and taste are all amazing - more on that too when I return.

You can start extrapolating what the yield is based on these preliminary numbers if you like (240 plant theoretical max per run). I will publish the actuals when I have them all recorded.
84 ounces then, give or take a few. In a reletively small space.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you broke the four pound barrier based on using the stated 10g average. That is encouraging news considering the previously mentioned issues.

Since I like to wager, I'll forecast 2600 grams as an optimistic yield then to help accommodate some of the higher yielders.

Trimming and processing surely is the most demented part of it. Labor of love that you curse the whole time for being so tedious.


Active Member
Dude, this has been so frickin awesome to follow along with this grow! Thanks so much for sharing, can’t wait to see the next one! I’m sure you won’t disappoint us. Reps to you bro! S