my first CFL closet grow.i want your input! lots of pics.


Active Member
These are my 2 plants ive began to grow.The taller one is a skunk clone i recieved and the smaller one i have grown from day 1 and that seed is unknown.if there is anything you can tell me,tips,ideas, more things i should know about my setup,lighting,growing area,watering etc. id like to hear what you have to say.this is my first time growing and basically i used this and other websites to learn and figure out what i was here is what i got so far.being a first time grower i baught moisture control soil made by miracle grow so it sucks up alotta water.i water them every other day about 800mL of idk if that is too much or not but i have a soil moisture meter and so far Ive figured its best to water every other day like i am.i have 3 cfl 60 watt bulbs and directly above i have 2 t8 tube bulbs.i have them now on a 17/7 cycle i know its odd but hey i did it. i have a room thermometer in there it gets anywhere from 70-80 degrees when lights on. im not actually sure what the temp is when the lights are off i cant see haha. ive always been pretty stumped on how high my lights should be hung whats up with that..guess im fine so far.bongsmilie



Active Member
Welcome and so far so good. Looks like you are on your way. Once you get into the flowering stage is when you will get alot of tips and suggestions. Keep it up and will check back in soon.


Youv got your plants in pots and watering manually i assume... youv got them up to a good height so far... nows the time to get a metal halide or high pressure sodium light on them... you can get them from grow shops or websites... or if you want cheap go to an electronic shop and get a low bay light or street light lamp 250w to 400w for 2 plants is plenty... put the light close but not too close so as to not burn then... try and keep as much light as posilbe in the room and as close to your plants as possible... for soil i would just use baby bio... just a few drops in every litre of water... use 18 on and 6 off light sycel...

let me no how ya get on with that...


Well-Known Member
Youv got your plants in pots and watering manually i assume... youv got them up to a good height so far... nows the time to get a metal halide or high pressure sodium light on them... you can get them from grow shops or websites... or if you want cheap go to an electronic shop and get a low bay light or street light lamp 250w to 400w for 2 plants is plenty... put the light close but not too close so as to not burn then... try and keep as much light as posilbe in the room and as close to your plants as possible... for soil i would just use baby bio... just a few drops in every litre of water... use 18 on and 6 off light sycel...

let me no how ya get on with that...
mmmm. I would question anyones advice that cant spell cycle.
thanks. i think ill try the MH lights becasue im trying to stay away from a ballast
MH lights use ballasts too. HID lights refer to HPS and MH - both use ballasts
would it be possible to finish the whole grow with my setup now?
It would but it wont produce much at all. Dont let that worry you. Get your first grow under your belt. The picture i will post seems to be two different strains. Is this possible? One is lanky as fuck and the other is short and fat.


Active Member
rocksteady yeah they are 2 diff strains. i dont know why they are so different. i know the tall one is a female you think on the short one i should cut any of those leaves? seem like theyre kinda big and blocking light from the smaller ones sense its so short.????


Active Member
also i have a few agrosun 60 watt incandescent growbulbs. would those have any use?? maybe replacing 1 or 2 of the cfls with an incandescent? no?


Well-Known Member
i would put it all in a more confined area,and tie the big one down to make it even with the small one....


Active Member
ehh idk because it gets too hot and i have no way to keep them cool i only have the one fan seen in the pics above and that just keep the air circulating. i have them in a closet and i dont want to muuch stink getting out wich is alreeady happening surprisingly so i nailed a sheet above the sliding doors and it blocks the stink believe it or not and still lets some fresh air in.


Well-Known Member
rocksteady yeah they are 2 diff strains. i dont know why they are so different. i know the tall one is a female you think on the short one i should cut any of those leaves? seem like theyre kinda big and blocking light from the smaller ones sense its so short.????
Nah dont cut the leaves on the shorter one. I have just taken a closer look and your lanky one is a clone so i guess thats why you can tell its a female. Tie it down as the person a few posts back suggests. Search LST and it will show you what to do. Your short plant is from seed and its doing good. Leave it ALONE!! Dont use the incadescent globes. Useless. Keep your lights as close as possible. I am in Malaysia and this internet is costing me heaps from this resort. I hope you heed some of that advice.


Well-Known Member
i had the same problem with mine,one was way taller than the othere,so i tied it down and now its about same height,,,what sbout toping the plant,that'l buy you a little time..


rocksteady take the piss again and i will hack you for your address... you dont have to be perfect about every word spelling as long as you can understand it... think you may have been bullied at school... it was a simple mistake no need to be a cock...