can my neighbor bust me


I always have a couple plants in my yard

Nways he was always cool till sum shit went down now he hates me and plots revenge on me everyday.. I recently heard that he was gunnu call the cops..

they know he hates me cuz I gave him an asault charge..

is there anything he can do to get me in trouble?


Well-Known Member
fuck yeah he can, you'd better hope its not already too late. Either that or that guy and his buddies are gonna kick in your door when your gone someday to steal all your bud/money/whatever(along with the outdoor plants) since they can see your growing quite easy. Get rid of that shit asap, the cops will still investigate his claims, all they would have to do is drive by.....


Well-Known Member
ya id be hiding them too or riding of them . personally my house would be up for sale if i was a grower and next door to me hated me and knew what was going on with my growing . ME im indoor never tried outdoor . Good luck


ok well heres the thing we live in a small town I have a huge yard and the cops know that anything he sais about me is probly not valid..

so does that change any answers???


Active Member
nah, they can think it's not valid but just the chance of busting u is enough motivation for them....never give popo the benefit of the doubt...


New Member
Dude, he could have a bad day, totally unrelated to you and decide he's gonna get you busted. Fuck bringing the plants inside; DESTROY them or MOVE.


Well-Known Member
ok well heres the thing we live in a small town I have a huge yard and the cops know that anything he sais about me is probly not valid..

so does that change any answers???
no it doesnt matter at all, if someone calls in, the cops HAVE TO go check it out...they are required by law.

may i suggest not pressing charges on your neighbors for anything when you're growing outside....


Well-Known Member
Living in a small town is worse. Local cops are looking for any kind of bust that will land their name on the front page, be it finding one plant or 20. If they get a tip that you're growing MJ, expect to get a knock on the door quite soon.


Destroy all plants and lay low
Move plants indoor in a secret room and lay low


Active Member
i would move your ladies to a temporary location! if you live near the woods well thats a great spot for placing them at the moment! once the heat cools down and your neighbor looses his attitude then place them back in your yard=)! good luck=)!


Well-Known Member
Dude I'd just move the F outta there, why would you wanna stay around knowing that someone who doesn't like you could drop a dime on you anytime. This will go on for years dude, thats if you decide you still want to keep growing. I mean even if you move things inside they can still get some bullshit warrent to check it out. Only two options really, get rid of the grow or move


Well-Known Member
get rid of them.... your plants are technically in plain sight and you already heard the guy was going to call the cops... sounds like too many people know anyways and they are talking about it which is never good. If he doesn't call them, i wouldn't be surprised if someone else did just to be opportunistic. People love to watch other people go down even when they have no reason, especially in small towns. People in small towns do stuff just so they have something to talk about.


Well-Known Member
and even if he doesnt call the cops he can go destroy your plants himself whenever he wants.


Well-Known Member
dont listin to these guys get rid of em i kno for sure if someone knew i was growin and i heared they goi prick i wouldnt want dat shit in my house or any wur around it!!! or tell him u give him a bud if he shuts up lofl...but na get em outa der fast