USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........


Well-Known Member
Ok, the group may have a bias (assuming here) but even if the amount is 1/2 of that... The government needs to do something about it.


Well-Known Member
not just a little biased, they are extremists who advocate an enforcement-only approach and want to restrict even LEGAL immigration.

oh, and they also accept funding from this group:

Under John Tanton's leadership FAIR was criticized for taking funding for many years from the Pioneer Fund, an organization dedicated to "improving the character of the American people" by promoting the practice of eugenics, or selective breeding.[13]

not to mention the Southern Poverty Law Center has them classified as a hate group:

EXCELLENT source :clap::clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
and they will-

amnesty will provide a huge demographic. pardoned criminals. think they'll be required to take a class? at least one that teaches how to work the ballot box.


Well-Known Member
not just a little biased, they are extremists who advocate an enforcement-only approach and want to restrict even LEGAL immigration.

oh, and they also accept funding from this group:

Under John Tanton's leadership FAIR was criticized for taking funding for many years from the Pioneer Fund, an organization dedicated to "improving the character of the American people" by promoting the practice of eugenics, or selective breeding.[13]

not to mention the Southern Poverty Law Center has them classified as a hate group:

EXCELLENT source :clap::clap::clap:


i saw it and simply figured i'd share. did you happen to notice i posted nothing of my own? take it for what it's worth. there is nothing wrong with seeing ALL points of view. is there?


Active Member
I don't think there is any dispute about illegal immigration being a problem; it's the solution that we're debating. I would assume that most things put out by a group like FAIR would tend to exaggerate the extent of the problem since that's what suits their agenda, but that's not really the point or at least not the central one....

It seems to me that there are two approaches to solving the problem:

a) Build a massive barrier along the border, use the armed forces to beef up border security and have local, state and federal officials devote significant law enforcement resources to rounding up and deporting people who are here illegally.

b) Improve border security through existing means, provide a path to citizenship for illegals who are here already with some strict rules and penalties and crack down on employers who hire people without documents. Unless you want to put the squeeze on farmers across the country and have food prices explode, you'll also need more seasonal visas for people to come work during the growing season.

The reality is that unless you reduce the supply of jobs available to illegals, people will find some way of getting in. Militarizing the border and having state and local LEOs check people's papers is not a solution...

Unless you do something about the demand for illegal workers first, trying to crack down on the supply is a fool's errand.

It's also interesting that everyone has a problem with illegals taking jobs, but no problem with people giving the jobs to them. Regardless of whether the people being hired are legal, illegal or wanted felons, isn't there a problem with employers hiring people illegally? Or is it just the immigrants who are breaking the law....??


Well-Known Member
I don't think there is any dispute about illegal immigration being a problem; it's the solution that we're debating. I would assume that most things put out by a group like FAIR would tend to exaggerate the extent of the problem since that's what suits their agenda, but that's not really the point or at least not the central one....

It seems to me that there are two approaches to solving the problem:

a) Build a massive barrier along the border, use the armed forces to beef up border security and have local, state and federal officials devote significant law enforcement resources to rounding up and deporting people who are here illegally.

b) Improve border security through existing means, provide a path to citizenship for illegals who are here already with some strict rules and penalties and crack down on employers who hire people without documents. Unless you want to put the squeeze on farmers across the country and have food prices explode, you'll also need more seasonal visas for people to come work during the growing season.

The reality is that unless you reduce the supply of jobs available to illegals, people will find some way of getting in. Militarizing the border and having state and local LEOs check people's papers is not a solution...

Unless you do something about the demand for illegal workers first, trying to crack down on the supply is a fool's errand.

It's also interesting that everyone has a problem with illegals taking jobs, but no problem with people giving the jobs to them. Regardless of whether the people being hired are legal, illegal or wanted felons, isn't there a problem with employers hiring people illegally? Or is it just the immigrants who are breaking the law....??
this thread is NOT about solving the problem. it is a thread about going to war. we should get on it.



Well-Known Member
this thread is NOT about solving the problem. it is a thread about going to war. we should get on it.

another war for the us?
how is the us going to fund it and staff it?

a draft? right...
steal drug money from Mexico to fund it? dont think thats going to be enough.
if we fought Mexico... who is going to keep watch on the oil wells in the middle east?

maybe u could have suggested a war with Mexico WHEN the us had the money to pay for it.


Well-Known Member
another war for the us?
how is the us going to fund it and staff it?

a draft? right...
steal drug money from Mexico to fund it? dont think thats going to be enough.
if we fought Mexico... who is going to keep watch on the oil wells in the middle east?

maybe u could have suggested a war with Mexico WHEN the us had the money to pay for it.
i think we could find plenty of people to volunteer their time and their guns and ammo. :cool:

does mexico even have an army?


Well-Known Member
i think we could find plenty of people to volunteer their time and their guns and ammo. :cool:

does mexico even have an army?
they dont really need an army.

havent u learned anything from Iraq and Afghanistan?

its the "nation building" that is costly. not the initial takeover.


Well-Known Member
we're not going there to fix it, we're going there to take it. ;)
if you're trying to be funny/ironic, i don't get it or it's not funny.

if you're trying to be serious, i would laugh but more in an 'at you' than 'with you' kind of way.

either way...:roll:


Well-Known Member
The title of this thread is a bit off, USA is actually going to war with Arizona on behalf of Mexico. Siding with a foreign country over one of our 50 states. Treason anyone?


Active Member
Seems like the RIU braintrust is at it again.....:sigh:

The US government sues states all the time. It's part of how our system works. If it's treason, then every administration we've ever had has been extremely treasonous.

Maybe we could sell arizona to the tea party and they can all have their tax-free police state there and deport all the illegals, gays and lefties. We could probably throw in a couple of others like oklahoma and kansas, too....we keep texas though.

Also, you do realize that if we invade and annex mexico, it comes with a lot of mexicans, right...? And they won't be illegal anymore, either.


Active Member
Abe is completely correct. The states and the feds constantly sue each other over a myriad of issues and policy positions. This is only different in the sense that it definitively indicates the fed's antagonism towards enforcing our immigration laws.


Well-Known Member
Seems like the RIU braintrust is at it again.....:sigh:

The US government sues states all the time. It's part of how our system works. If it's treason, then every administration we've ever had has been extremely treasonous.

Maybe we could sell arizona to the tea party and they can all have their tax-free police state there and deport all the illegals, gays and lefties. We could probably throw in a couple of others like oklahoma and kansas, too....we keep texas though.

Also, you do realize that if we invade and annex mexico, it comes with a lot of mexicans, right...? And they won't be illegal anymore, either.
Name the last time our federal government sued a state, in order to keep illegals aka future votes for the democratic party streaming in uncontested? They want as many in before they enact this bogus comprehensive immigration reform, which will give 30 million new votes for that party. This is a war, and nothing is being done, you can call it something else, but you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig.


Well-Known Member
Abe is completely correct. The states and the feds constantly sue each other over a myriad of issues and policy positions. This is only different in the sense that it definitively indicates the fed's antagonism towards enforcing our immigration laws.
And why don't they sue sanctuary cities? Because that don't bring in new voters, every American should be outraged that illegals are being brought here to leach for the sole reason they will vote for the party offering amnesty. Why isn't there more outrage, doesn't anyone respect our country or system anymore?


Active Member
Name the last time our federal government sued a state, in order to keep illegals aka future votes for the democratic party streaming in uncontested? They want as many in before they enact this bogus comprehensive immigration reform, which will give 30 million new votes for that party. This is a war, and nothing is being done, you can call it something else, but you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig.
In 1994 the feds sued california over proposition 187. Look it up.

I'm sure there's more recent, but that one seems the most obvious...