Midwest Medical Grow - Soil & Indoor


Well-Known Member
Nice man, glad to have a pro like you a long for the ride.

I picked up this new thing today its called Root Shooters from Jiffy & Advanced Nutrients - going to try some cloning with it tommorow...Supposably it has the rooting stuff already in the cubes and its ready to go you just pop the cuttings in there. It is 100% money back gurantee so that is a pretty bold statement. I will be taking some cuttings, I know I shouldnt be taking them off plants already in flower but its too late for that now lol, They are only a few days in flowering anyway. I will take from the sweet tooth the branches that need to be pruined anyway (the ones that get no light)..
I took a clone after I had been flowering about 3-4 days... that bitch took like 5 weeks to root, lol be prepared to wait on the flowering clones, they will root, they just take forever!


Well-Known Member
lol flowering clones : /. I read in jorge cervantes marijuana horticulture bible or whatever that you could take clone after clone after clone and the strain in theory would only become more potent because of increased maturity. The only think that i read would decrease potency in a plant was " revegging " or cloning off a " flowering plant " : /. Still lookkkkkkin good! i just posted the first pic update in FOREVER on mine. Watchin your grow deprave : D


New Member
Ok well I have kinda decided not to clone the flowering plants heh

The new plants coming up in veg hopefully one will make a good mother. They are all doing good and one of the 'sativex' clones has rooted.

also - We have Buds and I am now 90% sure they are all 100% girls

The room smells very strong and has an undertone of sweet fruit. This is kind of lingering in the rest of the building somehow so it is something I am going to look at soon some odor remover things. Now I would show you the outsides of the room but ofcourse that would defeat the purpose of it being hidden, we did a lot of construction on the outside the entrance to the room is a secret passageway behind a book shelf and concrete wall with a vault door - If I was osama bin laden I might consder to hide in there lol....Even though this is a legal operation and well hidden the smell is going to be somewhat of a concern in the long term because about 100ft from this room is a main entrance and breezeway of sorts and the smell now managed to carry itself to there slightly (I dont think at this time its not something one would notice unless you trying to notice it), first I will try to just simply place an ONA container in this room(the breeze way) and if I have to take it further we will be going with OZONE and building a carbon filter.

So Next Major Update with Pictures are going to be later today or tommorow...


Well-Known Member
Deprave yoooo whats the deal on my coming up there? Im still planning 100% on leaving my state and moving up there sometime hopefully right before or right after the new year. That is if everything goes as planned. Its really cool to be able to speak to someone whos up there who is doing exactly what i wanna do : D . So whats changed? its easier for me to get my card? Quicker?



New Member
Yea man I can get it for you easy just takes 21 days for u to be legal, reason that changed is I got better connections

I blasted the plants with P today - Beastie Blooms and tiger bloom full dose - hopefully they will be cool - the guy at the hydro store said they are likely starving for it

also got some ONA which completely removed odor from the room and outside it - amazing shit


New Member
[Day 64 UPDATE]
Day 64 Total- 9 Days of that Bloom so far. (Plants of all different ages)


IMAGE_603.jpgSweet tooth age 63 days. 9 days in bloom.

IMAGE_597.jpgVanilla Kush..What is wrong with my vanilla kush? It is a crazy mutant and now it has this glossy look to the leaves wtf ?????

IMAGE_607.jpg This is the lemon skunk it is now about 5ft tall including the pot..This strain has been very stretchy the whole way thru the grow with sparse foliage. I believe that I vegged way to long for my lighting, especially with this strain. What do you guys think? I am thinking about getting some side lighting asap. I am thinking longterm get a 400W MH for veg, then a conversion bulb for my 1000W MH to HPS and add my 1000W to flower side and then I want to hang t5 lights vertically from the ceiling, in between the plants. I am definitly going to be doing smaller plants the next few runs, I will veg plants until they are just past the seedling stage and transplant 1 week before into the 3.5 gallons.

IMAGE_594.jpg This is the top of the Lemon Skunk.

IMAGE_599.jpg The top of our smallest sweet tooth. This plant is about 44 days old and 9 of it has been spent in bloom.

IMAGE_593.jpg Group Shot. Back right lemon skunk, back left bagseed, middle right vanilla kush, The rest are sweet tooth.

IMAGE_604.jpg sweet tooth side shot. This is the one that suffered nutrient defeciency, and quite a stunt in growth.
IMAGE_598.jpg On 2 plants the leaves look like this in a few fan leaves near the bottom of the plant, they could die off soon.

IMAGE_602.jpg Lemon Skunk Top. 53 day old plant, 9 of those days in bloom, nearly 5ft tall lanky sativa hybrid.

IMAGE_600.jpg A Sweet tooth Top.
IMAGE_592.jpg The new up and coming plants: Rocklock, Wembley, White Persian, and Northern Lights #5.
IMAGE_606.jpgLemon skunk left Vanilla Kush Right
IMAGE_609.jpg Another group shot with 2 sweet tooth plants cut out of the picture



New Member
Ok well there is a chance the vanilla kush could be a male or a hermie....The heat is not helping any, over 100F today outside, the room has been 90-95F, some plants also grew into the light and got some burnt leaves. The eldest sweet tooth has lots of leaves dieing with brown dead spots all over many fan leaves. Heat stress and being burned by the light are playing a major role in killing off fan leaves on this sweet tooth and a few of the lemon skunks older fan leaves are demostrating this same type of death but to a lesser degree.

I transplanted the white persian into a 3.5 galon pot, the whole party cup was one big rootball...I will be transplanting the other seedlings tommorow. Really uncomphortable to work in the room with this heat :(

I will be working on an emergency temporary solution to the heat for now maybe Ice Cubes or a swamp cooler of sorts is in order.


New Member
Well Im 99% sure the problem with our eldest sweet tooth is magnesium deficiency which is bound to effect our other plants also soon, I did add dolomite lime to the soil however I did not crush it so if you ever get dolomite lime remember to crush it up really good if its in pebbles, I think the grow big was helping this from becoming a real problem because grow big contains mag, almost instantly after switching to Tiger Bloom this problem showed up, PH seems to be fine I have checked and rechecked runoff and I always check solution but I could go for another runoff test this morning....

It has become quite obviously a mag problem, starting on the middle-aged fan leaves and then working its way to the new leaves it progressed in only about 72 hours to where it is quite evident on the entire plant (our eldest sweet tooth).....So my mission for today is to go to the hydro store for some cal-mag...If I do not have the time to do this today I will be using 2tblsp espon salt in a gallon of water and feeding her, likely maybe even crushing up some dolomite lime and sprinkling it on the top of the soil..Keep in mind I have read this to be quite common when you use distilled or R/O water and we are using distilled.

These plants sure could produce a rocky yield with all these problems I have had, but none the less its a solid first grow, and so far its been testing on the plants as I dial in the entire setup, hopefully future generation will not suffer this much lol, I have learned a lot so far and I hope you guys have also, I hope we can work thru this problem just like the others.

The start of it as photographed earlier, it is much worse now, however, much more obvious the problem is mag at this point, this is a middle-aged fan leaf, my research tells me this is the location mag deficiency typicaly starts to show:



Well-Known Member
Well Im 99% sure the problem with our eldest sweet tooth is magnesium deficiency which is bound to effect our other plants also soon,
Maybe the sweet tooth just has a sweet tooth for mag : D . lol. Phenotype maybe?

Your grow is goin SWEET! I almost wish you would have started another vanilla kush from the get go. Thats the one i was rootin for the most and now its all abnormal and effed up. lol. How long till we get some buddage up in here my bra?



Well-Known Member
good lookin sweet tooth man.

about the clones and flowering....it takes mine 10 days to root and i take the cuttings 21 days after 12/12. this is monster cropping, you can google it.


New Member
gavem calmag by botinacare and repoted the babies to 3.5 liter - gave the babies vitiman b to help reduce transplant stress


New Member
Thanks Rzza gunna look into that, I might as well take some clones here anyway the lower branches that dont get light need to be cleared off my sweet tooth.

Wesmkdro hopefully I should have some real buds soon they are starting to come in.

speaking of , the vanilla kush definitely has shown female parts but it looks like it could be a hermie, hopefully I am wrong about that, It could go either way right now.

so my camera has been missing for abit going to need to track it down :(


New Member
[Update Day 69, 14 days bloom]

Bud Porn I promised and Bud Porn you get, Vanilla Kush has started to form buds!

By jaybuds at 2010-07-10

Some Of the New Additions In there new homes; Northern Lights #5 from pyramid seeds, Rocklock, Wembley, and White Persian

By jaybuds at 2010-07-10

Another Shot of the Vanilla Kush - I feel bad about all the bad things I said about her she is a true beauty!

By jaybuds at 2010-07-10

IMAGE_620.jpg Up and Coming Clones form Compassion Club, Local Strain. Not the best cloning setup but the one on the right has started growing.

IMAGE_616.jpg This is our sickliest plant, This is the Sweet Tooth who suffered from Mag defeciency, The cal-mag has already cleared it up but check out all the heat and nute burns, she is quite the tropper and pulling thru at still one of our largest plants and one of our eldest, she stands at about 4 feet in height, checkout all that foilage including dead foilage she shed, think she is do for a cleanup or what? Perhaps in 7 days I take clones off the bottom to do a monster cropping technique and get more energy for that main cola!

IMAGE_617.jpg The Lemon Skunk is out of control now standing at around 5 foot 4 inches or more with the pot included.
IMAGE_619.jpg Another shot of the up and coming babies.

IMAGE_614.jpg Smaller resolution picture of the Vanilla Kush plant.

IMAGE_615.jpg some of the foilage on the sweet tooth plant that suffered extreme nitrogen deficiency at one time.

IMAGE_612.jpg Here is another shot of the sweet tooth that had cal/mag problems among all the nute burn and heat stress, she is a trooper!

IMAGE_621.jpg Another shot of the babies.