When will my plant be ready to bud?


Well-Known Member
yeh man its coming along nice, soon those 2 tops will grow rapidly, my 2 colas have grown bigger then the whole plant itself like doubled the size of the plant


Well-Known Member
You probally should have tried the FIM technique. Instead of 2 main branches you get 6-8 and if you do it wrong (the FIM stands for "Fuck I Missed") the only thing that will happen is 2 main branches end up growing just like it would if you topped it. Theres a REALLY good topic on it by someone on here called M BLAZE. I think to get to the topic go to forums then to advanced something or other and its in there. its a step by step thats incredibley easy to follow. Check it out, youll be glad you did for sure.
Dont sweat it if youve already top it, if you check out the fim guide by mane and like it you can wait a couple of weeks and do it to each branch for even more colas.
how will i know when the plant is gonna start flowering? will there be things that appear that let me know? and where do i look for such things?


Well-Known Member
You should probally notice little pre flowers on it by now. I'd say around a week or two you should noticeing little changes like more little hairs and latter you'll start noticing crystals and small buds.
Hope this helps
Did you check out the guide for fimming by m blaze yet?
actually i found it. i didnt know there was an advanced forum. anyway i think thats what i did. it basically said to cut off the very top, which i did.


Well-Known Member
Well, with FIM you only cut 90% of the growth shoot, not the actual stem. As far as when you should start flowering some people veg only for 2 weeks some over 2 months. I guess its all just personal preference. The longer you veg the more bud youll get at the end unless your doing the SOG method wich they flower after about a couple of weeks. No matter when you decide to flower your plant it will definitely get bigger through out the flowering cycle. But since you just topped it i would wait 2 weeks before you start the flowering cycle 12/12.
hope this helps


Well-Known Member
when you switch to 12/12 it could be anywhere from a few days upto 2 weeks to actually find out the sex first,
at the end of your 2nd week into flowering you should be able to see noticeable bud sites developing
i already know the sex of the plant. its definately a female. but i have no idea where to search for those bud sites. do they come from the sex organ?


Well-Known Member
ok so if you already know its a female, once you flip her to 12/12 you will see the bud sites forming all over her in the 2nd or 3rd week, you might not see them now but once you start flowering you cant miss it :D


Well-Known Member
yeh man it gets fun watching your plant grow from here on, i was at the same point you are now few weeks back when i first switched to 12/12, i was like where the hell are these buds lol then one morning i woke up and i could clearly see bud sites everywhere, heres a pic of where they start growing


how much will my plant go while its flowering? its tall now and i dont want a massive plant. i want to get a several ounces from it though. how long should i wait till i start the flowering if i want that much? here is the whole plant now. it has gone through a lot and a few of the leaves died. but its my first and im proud of it. also is a closer up pic of the top to show you were its at now.



Well-Known Member
it will double its size in flowering or even triple, the reason why your plant is so tall is because its stretching too much for the light, but in the 2nd pic i can see it starting to bush out which is good, those 2 new tops that are growing now will get big in flowering, possibly even bigger then the plant itself which is what mine has done

EDIT: the bad thing about plants stretching is you get a tall plant with a thin/weak stem, which can make it unstable and you might have to tie it to a support pole just to get it to stay upright when do you start flowering

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
When she looks like this she is getting closer

also check your PH your stems are red a def sign of Ph is off that is why she is lanky too. Not getting a full day of recommended vitamins.
i heard the red was just from it being an indica plant. i had another forum on that. and yes my plant did get stretched severely. but it started to fix it at the top. so would it be okay to start the 12/12 cycle now if i want it to produce several ounces? i have no idea how it works. sorry :(
my ph is ideal i think. i use bottled water to water it. and that reads out as ideal. idk if when mixed with the miricle grow soil it changes that.