girl or boy`?


yeah, thats what i thought, ill get him away from there.. thank you for your time! have 9 without these balls so its allright ^^


You can still make a little hash out of him lol =]
yeah, so i hear, how do i do this? have been thinking bout getting these bags u put into buckets n stuff, just havent gotten around to deiciding wich one to get.. but i also heard one can get it done with some nailpolish remover? im just not at all sure how?


Well-Known Member
Am I missing something in that pic? I don't see any male/female parts, but then again I'm a newb.


Am I missing something in that pic? I don't see any male/female parts, but then again I'm a newb.
well, this is the first grow for me, i have no idea at all.. as i started looking closer at the rest, they all have somewhat of these bubbling things, so im thinking i might have been to eager to find out, and theyd need some more time? the thing is i smoke alot, and can not remember how old they are. im guessing 4-6weeks, but really dont know.
they have recently started smelling, a little. not at all as id imagine cannabis plants cus ppl keept saying they REALLY smell..
but i also have a few more questions... am i supposed to take some of the top of? to get them a bit bushier? also some of them has some white spots on the lowest leavs.. looks a bit like paint.. what is it im not doing right to get these? i can post pictures if that would help anyone?


Well-Known Member
i have females with that bulge u seem to talking about, i feel like i dont see any male part or female for that sake. how long have u been flowering for. balls are pretty distinc and males usually show quicker them females. ide let it go longer its not like it has pollen sacks ready to burst at this point.


i have females with that bulge u seem to talking about, i feel like i dont see any male part or female for that sake. how long have u been flowering for. balls are pretty distinc and males usually show quicker them females. ide let it go longer its not like it has pollen sacks ready to burst at this point.
yea, ill haveto be a bit more patient.. thank you :)
and actually, i did put them into 12/12 cycle, but my husband got an advise to go back to 8/16 as he said it was too early, but i had understood that i could have them in 12/12 for about two weeks, to be able to tell the sex earlier, n all these very oposit information n tips everyone keeps handing out can be somewhat confuseing haha. but do i need to have them in a 12/12 cycle to tell the sex, or whats up with that?


Well-Known Member
umm some ppl believe that sex can be determined by the phenotype of a plant (how it physically looks and grows), but you cant officially tell untill you flower your hope to be lady. And as i see u are caretaking now ill assume that you were informed to go back to 18/6 not 8/16 (want more light if your vegging a plant). You can flower plants at any time, any height. If they are too young they wont flower bc of their maturity level but eventually will. Around 8-12in is a typical point where people begin inducing flowering at w/ alternating nodes on your plants. The longer you veg (13+hrs of light) the bigger your yield wil be in the end. Keep in mind flowering will double or even triple your plant in size.
*In regards to the varrying info you get a wise word i got from someone was to check their journals/grows out on their profile. check their comments (some ppl are just asses all the time and negative, or lacking in exp)


haha im sorry, im REALLY no good with numbers.. in anyway.. now theyre under 16hours of light, 8hours without.
so.. if id keep them im this cycle, n they grow taller n bigger, n then bloom, theyll from the time i change to 12/12 grow twice or tripple as big?
cus our tent is just 2m tall n the lamp is hangang pretty low, maybe it would be clever to change tomorrow then?
i really apritiate your advice, n dont wanna seem greedy haha, but if ud have a look a picture n see if u can tell what i need to do to avoid these, that would be really sweet. ill get the picture right away, just a sec


Well-Known Member
yes when u start inducing flowering (switching 16/8 to 12/12, your ladies will begin to stretch and most people notice at 10in-24in increase in height over the flowering period. Low stress training or topping your plants can effectivly increase yield while decreasing your plant size (veg longer, more buds, but not more height) and ill take a look at the pic as soon as u get it up


yea, kool, how much do i take of when topping them?
listen u dont happen to know alot about l.e.d growlamps do you? :P


Well-Known Member
only think i hear about LED is that its good when used in combination with HID lighting(not too good solo), but if you spend the money (like 800$) you can get awesome LED pannel that willl function like a 1000w hps. all those little 90w ufos and shit arent good and are quite over priced. Its a technology that needs a bit more tweeking in the grow world. When top;ping you want to just snip just the fresh growth (there is a much greater dtailed sticky at the top of one of the forums (youtube is great fro stuff like that to get a visual) As for your problem im not too good with diagnosis but if you post the pic in the disease section someone with better knowledge will be more then happy to help you (make sure to put in your lighting and nute sched in your post as this will be ther first question asekd about your grow)


ok, again, thank you for the help!
the led lamp-problem is that we orderd two, one square n one of those ufos.. however only half of both is working, i do think thats more likely to be caused by the converter were using than something else, so maybe i need to get a hold of some electrician or something. n ill post the picture where u said. peace^^