how many does it take?

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
how many of you stupid fao farm loving hippies does it take to pat each other on the backs for plants that i could have did a better job with by letting birds eat the seeds and crap them out were ever they fall. we shall see ..!.. u all


Well-Known Member
Dont be hatin! We are all here for the same reason sorry u got some whack comments or whatever from another soil grower but that doesnt mean if u grow in dirt your a hippie hell i didnt see light of day of the 60s .I got respect for the grow setup u got going major props to you man ! Just not everyone can afford to do all that .Soil is a good way for people to start its cheap and forgiving , some master it some dont.
Calm down man smoke a doobie or somthing the hippies arent invading !


Well-Known Member
i that case stop being a hater
each to their own dude unless they are trying to put it in your ass or forcing you to eat tofu ,live and let live


Well-Known Member
i think he took advice, from hippies, that said to use fox farm soil. then when he fecked it up. he developed a indiscriminate hatred for fox farm and hippies. lol
i seen a post almost identical to that crap on a different thread . oh btw he cuts trees down for a living, he'll prob throw that in at some stage


Well-Known Member
Oh, that makes sense. I thought he was saying "how many of you stupid fag farm loving hippies" as in we are farm loving hippies who are faggots, i guess not though, yours makes more sense than mine does.


Well-Known Member
yeah,i copied and pasted this from another thread :-

Originally Posted by sven deisel
oh yeah and stay away from the soil assholes to they grow in something that already has everything a plant needs and then pat each other on the back like there pulling some kinda magic out of there ass. soil is only good for mother plants and growing outside DEATH TO HIPPIES



Well-Known Member
how many of you stupid fao farm loving hippies does it take to pat each other on the backs for plants that i could have did a better job with by letting birds eat the seeds and crap them out were ever they fall. we shall see ..!.. u all
I understand that you got into it with someone and got really pissed off, but this is not ok. You need to take a deep breath and relax and realize it dont really matter anyway, if you disagree with people dont get all worked up, just walk away or respond with your facts/points in a calm adult way, no personal attacks, nothing like that.

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
well honestly i do kill trees i have been a climber for 17 years. and your right i am just going to chill but these people piss me off click on my name and go look at how all my threads got nothing but bashed all i did was come to this site and try to share some of the things know and do. but as soon as it doesnt follow what these pud smacks who r still stuck on the info that they have from the 1890s the bashing begins. seems like you have to be a follower to fit in here and thats not me i like trying new things if it works it works if not thats cool to. as far as my hate for fox farms i did a side by side of fox and scotts and for fox being 3 times the price i didnt get 3 times the plant from it all your paying for is the art on the bag there isnt any magic in it


Well-Known Member
No doubt you can do just as good w/mg or scotts,adding in mix ins definetley helps, but youve got to know what your doing first off. lol. It's easier to use fox farm.


Well-Known Member
except for MG has a tendency to have insects in it. I've never had a fly issue since I stopped using that crap. It can def. be used successfully it's just a bit more maintanence. As far as sven being a climber, great, I have relatives that are arborhists, for far longer than you've been a climber. You do get respect for being a climber, but it's negated by the douchery.


Active Member
right... sven your reason for blindly lashing out at the entire riu community is because *no one is paying attention to you*??? may give a more self aware person pause... perhaps you need to have followers even though you might be a 12 year old... here is the microcosm of the whole community: hard science tech types, air earth and sun only types and everything in between... you can't lash out because your elite advice isn't being followed, if your information is the truth, put it out there... the truth always outs... but i refuse to think that any one person has a lock on what is true as there are people here growing in scotland, all across the us, australia, hong kong and beyond... they grow in hydro, dwc, nft, soil, indoors, outdoors, +co2, reverse osmosis, air conditioned, mh, hps, led, cfl... there is no one truth... my truth happens to be that "this way" works for me... don't be so arrogant as to think that your way will work for everyone... i know plenty folks who use and love fox farms, and others who don't... please don't diss the hippies, they've been doing the work to get us where we are now and i respect then even if i am a mere hydro-hippie... no one will follow a petulant child, but plenty of folks will listen if you say "this is what works for me under these conditions"... so think it out... and stop being so negative all the time... go boulder scramble, roll up a fattie, and just get centered... all the hate is going to make our community unwilling to listen... just my 2 cents, either listen or don't ... it matters not to me...

trichlone fiend

New Member
how many of you stupid fao farm loving hippies does it take to pat each other on the backs for plants that i could have did a better job with by letting birds eat the seeds and crap them out were ever they fall. we shall see ..!.. u all your plants. Fox farm works great for me...I'm not a hippie.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
well honestly i do kill trees i have been a climber for 17 years. and your right i am just going to chill but these people piss me off click on my name and go look at how all my threads got nothing but bashed all i did was come to this site and try to share some of the things know and do. but as soon as it doesnt follow what these pud smacks who r still stuck on the info that they have from the 1890s the bashing begins. seems like you have to be a follower to fit in here and thats not me i like trying new things if it works it works if not thats cool to. as far as my hate for fox farms i did a side by side of fox and scotts and for fox being 3 times the price i didnt get 3 times the plant from it all your paying for is the art on the bag there isnt any magic in it
dudes smoking sum bad shit cuz i looked threw sum of your threads and seen no bashings..