USA goes to WAR with mexico, ........


Well-Known Member
If only it weren't for that 1 word. Close though. Keep trying.
yes, that one word.

it wasn't "illegal", either. it was "mexicans".

it's not illegals you are pissed about, it is mexicans. i'm about 10 pages into the thread and it's quite obvious how bigoted you are.

your use of the bigoted slur "anchor babies" doesn't do you any favors.


Well-Known Member
I'm rather amused at the fact that I can get you to waste time in your life to do what you do. It says a lot about you. :cool:

Your opinion of what other people think or feel means little to nothing. IMO. I don't allow others to control who I am. I'm pretty secure in myself. I hope someday you find your inner peace. :peace:



Well-Known Member
I'm pretty secure in myself.
not secure enough to own your bigotry and racism.

i'm willing to bet that when i get done trimming and look around some more, there'll be some homophobia and misogyny to go with it.

the way you treated carne will probably reveal it all.


Well-Known Member
That is some of the most ignorant rhetoric i have ever heard. I have NEVER heard of molotvo cocktails being thrown at border patrol and rocks even are pretty rare.
99% of people crossing the border are non violent workers trying to get in for a job. It is well known if you injure or even kill a border patrol, crossing in that area is through for years. If any cartel catches you throwing rocks or trying to hurt them, theyll kill you themselves.

Most crossings are handled by Mafia, or cartel you have to give them a fee and they cross you. The rules are, no weapons, and carry all the water you can.

Think about the last time a border patrol agent has been killed! It rarely happens because the cartels know angry americans are not good for their cause.

I know there are exceptions and there have been cases of violence but im saying it is not a rampant thing and i would say is at a rate far less than most suburban cities.
Right Camarina's death was OKed at a high level within the group that killed him, and the cartels learned a lesson from Sam..The last agents were killed by common cartel soldiers and the cartel taught them a lesson. U.S. badges are the last thing the Mex. gangs/cartels want.


Well-Known Member
UncleBuck said:
i heard a whole bunch of 'mexican' spanish coming from the roof of one of my neighbors these last two days. i'll go snap a pic for you, princess.
Shocking! You got mexicans on a roof next to you.
What's next?
You telling us they used 20 pounds of flour to find the wet spot on your hippo wife.


Well-Known Member
Trying to put lipstick on the pig, eh? Of course no guns come this way, they are going the other way. Saying all illegals are just coming here for work, well, what about all those sacks of pot that are found near illegals. Do you think they got there by levitation, plus I'm convinced that just like the Marial Boat fleet, Mexico is trying to get rid of their criminals and are pushing them over the border. To solve this border problem we need more troops on the border with shoot to kill orders on suspected border jumpers, then the Catholic church needs to step up and OK birth control. Mexicans breed like rats as they have nothing better to do than fuck. As long as Mexican families have 4-10 Kids, there will be no solutions as the overpopulated country is growing by leaps and bounds. I have nothing personal against Mexicans, I have a few Mexican friends, they are wonderful friends. It is the situation I take umbrage with. Common sense would dictate if you are dirt poor, stop having more mouths to feed. The Catholic church and their denial of Birth control to these people is the main culprit in the population explosion. Stop having babies and get your government to make your country more liveable. Taking construction and low paying jobs away from Americans will not lend any sympathy from me to border jumpers.
Both Catholic and Islam are over populating the world.