Show Me What You Got LST?


Active Member
heres my lst second try tell me how im doing plz i need help lol wat am i doin wronge

The Don
can't help you without pic's and I'm not signing up with the place you have them now so figure out here how to post your pictures with riu.

i doubt anyone will sign up in another forum to see your plant. post the pic in this forum if you want feedback


Well-Known Member
opf it appear you have spider mites on the plants i can see the damage on the second pic, but oter wise the plants look fantastic

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Hmmmm....not so sure about spider mites. If you refer to the "spots" on leaves, it looks more like "water spots. I see this in my grow all the time.

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
And...OPF, that looks like an "old fig tree stump", LOL. My God, YOU are good! Def.+ rep for you.
Good luck & good grow.......BB
yea i took car of mites days ago but those spots never go away. fuck it its only on the very bottom of the plant i think could spare a couple ugly leaves lol
opf it appear you have spider mites on the plants i can see the damage on the second pic, but oter wise the plants look fantastic


Well-Known Member
yea i took car of mites days ago but those spots never go away. fuck it its only on the very bottom of the plant i think could spare a couple ugly leaves lol
in no means was i tryin to be disrespectful. you plants are amazing. i was just letting you know just in case you didnt. glad its takin care of. lady bugs are always good to have on your plants they work as a good pest preventer and cleaner upper.
and again you plants are amazing
No problem brother no disrespect taken. i hate spider mites i get mad just thinking about them lol
in no means was i tryin to be disrespectful. you plants are amazing. i was just letting you know just in case you didnt. glad its takin care of. lady bugs are always good to have on your plants they work as a good pest preventer and cleaner upper.
and again you plants are amazing


Well-Known Member
She looks a little tramatized somthing had to have happened to her but she seems to be bouncing back just keep giving her tender loving care and you should be allright and keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
This is a feminized DNA RockLock that I am growing Bheavy yeilding anzai style. I wanted a small but plant so I knew that I needed to LST this little girl, I am going to tie the individual branched down tonight.
Here she is:
Pretty Plant! Looks a little thirsty.

Here's some LST update pix for you guys.

First 3=Lacy Girl
Next 2=Purple Napalm#1
Next 1=Pineapple Express
Next 2=Purple Napalm#2
Next 2=all the girls



Active Member
Yeah its just thirsty, It got to 98F today...
Well man, when u grow outdoors you sometimes get a bug on ur plant...
I moved to a diff. forum just because of this shit "Hey do you know that all of your plants are crap & u can't grow? Just thought I would let u know. No disrespect though man even though I just insulted u and ur skills"
Fuck ppl suck, Can't ppl just do like non-douchebags & just do something other than point out problems that are clearly visible to any one that grows. I know the goddamn plant needs water but i wated to wait till the sun went down a little cause its fucking 99F outside. I used to love posting on RIU so I could come back later and read the positive comments but douchebags that need to go to the damn chatlines and stay off our weed communities have to hate all the goddamn time!!! Fuck this I'm going back to IC!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah its just thirsty, It got to 98F today...
Well man, when u grow outdoors you sometimes get a bug on ur plant...
I moved to a diff. forum just because of this shit "Hey do you know that all of your plants are crap & u can't grow? Just thought I would let u know. No disrespect though man even though I just insulted u and ur skills"
Fuck ppl suck, Can't ppl just do like non-douchebags & just do something other than point out problems that are clearly visible to any one that grows. I know the goddamn plant needs water but i wated to wait till the sun went down a little cause its fucking 99F outside. I used to love posting on RIU so I could come back later and read the positive comments but douchebags that need to go to the damn chatlines and stay off our weed communities have to hate all the goddamn time!!! Fuck this I'm going back to IC!!
:oI feel your pain bro,but 98 degrees that sux I'm in 110 degrees weather right now so I know what you mean. I'm just growing indoor 1 plant at a time right now. Presetly I have a LA Woman shown in pictures here ,so cheer up pup there are those who have a lot of good things to say too. Way I look at it with out both the other wouldn't be of much value if you know what I mean. Peace my friend and have a great grow.:hug:




Well-Known Member
:oI feel your pain bro,but 98 degrees that sux I'm in 110 degrees weather right now so I know what you mean. I'm just growing indoor 1 plant at a time right now. Presetly I have a LA Woman shown in pictures here ,so cheer up pup there are those who have a lot of good things to say too. Way I look at it with out both the other wouldn't be of much value if you know what I mean. Peace my friend and have a great grow.:hug:

In case every one is wondering I learned a proven technique from riddleme in his post he cut off the very top of forming bud 1/2" and in two weeks time it was doubling in size and trich production it was pretty amazing so I'm just doing one site like this and we shall see where that takes us. Lets Get Together and Feel Allright.