1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
looking good don. i got bubblegum in aswell its at about 8 week with a fat as coke can cola. i'm gonna attempt a mini scrog with it in about 4 week soon as i finish the auto cloner that i'm building. i'll throw a pic up when i'm done.

oh and that cherry cheese sounds really good too.....got a link for em?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
no worries man

the forums a bit small but theres some good heads on it but the main reason i joined was the frankly outstanding strain selection.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
LMFAO........hey Don buddy this site is pretty cool! Lots of weed wisdom over there. Having a pot of coffee and nice little kief and weed parfait and cracking up one side and down the other reading some of this shite.

11-06-2009, 03:25 PM
Posts: n/a

Heya smoketilluchoke my UK brotha! You were lagged as fuckkk the other day missed out on some good scratching.

Man Imagine that something from Northern Lights and Haze is strong noooo way couldnt be its not a fucking og kush cut from swerve nooooo wayyyy. Give me a fucking break, DoggyStyle. Reminds me of how the TGA kids crawl up Subcool's ass while he makes a bunch of shit crosses.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
And the fruity smelling quick finishing indica bag seed girl is taking on a slight skunky undertone.

I'll let ya'll updated with the clues as they pop up.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i'm on it like a fat kid on cake......in comfort eating mode.......crying and covered in chocolate lol
hahahah hell yeah squeeeeel pigggy
LMFAO........hey Don buddy this site is pretty cool! Lots of weed wisdom over there. Having a pot of coffee and nice little kief and weed parfait and cracking up one side and down the other reading some of this shite.
kief and weed parfait eh damn that sounds good. im gonna get a buddy over this week coming and do us some fillet steaks in cheesey cannabutter but i really should look into branching out in the edibles department. they sound tasty
11-06-2009, 03:25 PM
Posts: n/a

Heya smoketilluchoke my UK brotha! You were lagged as fuckkk the other day missed out on some good scratching.

Man Imagine that something from Northern Lights and Haze is strong noooo way couldnt be its not a fucking og kush cut from swerve nooooo wayyyy. Give me a fucking break, DoggyStyle. Reminds me of how the TGA kids crawl up Subcool's ass while he makes a bunch of shit crosses.
hahah theres no messing about they make top draw crosses nothin less.
And the fruity smelling quick finishing indica bag seed girl is taking on a slight skunky undertone.

I'll let ya'll updated with the clues as they pop up.
sweet bro

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member

So in the last couple of days my Blueberry cut that I have been running for almost three years, is taking on distinct characteristics of my keeper Void cut that I call Purple 10

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
I was super pissed at first but I guess I'll roll with it. That Void cut was a keeper for a reason....freakishly frosty with good potency and taste, but the weirdest thing about that cut is the way the calyxs stack on top of each other to finally end up looking like one big long calyx about the size of an infants finger.

Yield looks to be higher like in the range of between half again as much and twice as much...they have another week and a half or so to go, so this could be interesting.

But foook!! that BB was in my stable for so long for a reason :)


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
damn you lost your BB cut then ? flowered out? TGA Void right? look tasty that one but TGA is off the menu for the forseeable tho i have a couple of chernobyl i keep meaning to get started

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Ya I hear you. I'm still trying to get away from tga stuff myself. Had 4 tga strains last winter and about a million phenos to work through. Narrowed it down to the Void keeper, a sativa Vortex keeper, a sativa Qleaner cut that might be better than the vortex and an indica Qleaner pheno keeper.

Got my eye on a couple of new strains but even though I may have a pot to piss in, I'm so broke right now lol can't even afford new beans :) oiu vay
Better to have weed and no money than the other way around. Start harvesting this next batch next week....Smaller yield than normally but it will still be well over a lb.

Ya I remember your DQ from last winter. Lot of my tga phenos did the same thing towards the end also.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah the strains could deffo have been refined to a little more uniformed set of pheno's but hey they're fun to work out eh

yeah late naners is a biatch too


Well-Known Member
band wagons are never very comfortable anyways, will! lol. I must say I am happy with the Deep Purple Querkle the fairy dropped off...although i laid a couple more beans down and nothing has shown for a few days....prey to the ganja gods.