First attempt.. Need help sexing.


I haven't done this before, so I am hesitant to declare an absolute sex for any of the 3 plants here. I didn't see a thread for this, so I am guessing this is the spot. p2.jpgp3.jpgp1.jpg

Thanks for the help! And feel free to delete or move this if I screwed up!



The other two are now gone. Which is good as I don't have much space. Hopefully this one is an F. It has easily 5x the roots the other two did combined.


Bummer.. Thanks for the help. I will kill it off and start over. 3/3

they had been in 12/12 for about 4 days and those protrusions on 1 and 3 appeared quite suddenly.

Definitely thanks though!
Now you got your feet wet and you know what to look for.Once you see what you just saw trash it or get it away from the females so you can breed with it.


Well-Known Member
That newest pic could be a female, so don't chop it yet. I see a tiny preflower started, and it looks like it could be female, with their sorta pointy preflowers. Is there any way you could get a really close up pic of the upper internodes? It would have to be a really good pic to know for sure, so you might have to wait 1-2 days, then post new pics. We'll see. :)
That newest pic could be a female, so don't chop it yet. I see a tiny preflower started, and it looks like it could be female, with their sorta pointy preflowers. Is there any way you could get a really close up pic of the upper internodes? It would have to be a really good pic to know for sure, so you might have to wait 1-2 days, then post new pics. We'll see. :)
If you look closer to the new pic you will see a ball forming on the first node.


Well-Known Member
If you look closer to the new pic you will see a ball forming on the first node.

Possibly. It does look like a ball, but seems to be in the wrong spot. It's in the center,(of the leaf stem) where a branch would be forming, rather than off to the side, like most preflowers are. IDK, you could be right, I'm just not completely sold, not yet. Maybe I'm not looking at the same preflower as you?

We need more pics, damnit. :razz:



I was hopeful for a moment! :) back to the drawing board.

I don't quite see what you guys do still, but I am inexperienced and a bit dumb.

Thank you for the help!


You are correct. When I was originally looking for photos to help sex I didn't see any that looked exactly like mine (to my eyes). Different varieties..etc. It probably would have been easier to tell if I had also had a female in the mix as then "one of these things is not like the others" would have probably made the difference.


Well-Known Member
I'm betting it's going to be a female, based on the shape of that tiny preflower I've pointed out. I don't see any balls anywhere, in any of the pics, just baby branches sprouting.

EDIT: I just noticed that you have to click on the pic, to be able to see the very tiny preflower I circled. For some reason, my edit isn't visible in the mini-pic. Hmm....anyway,...Keep an eye on it, and it'll be sprouting a tiny white hair, in a couple days.

