my experience with really heavy smoking


Well-Known Member
i never planned for it. i doubt anyone else who ended up at that point did. its a slow progression that took years for me. I categorise heavy smoking by two standards:

The Good Times
(up to 18- 20 grams a day)
The Bad times
(anything further than 20)

the problem is i never knew when i crossed the border. see it all started from the tender age of 11. this was when i first started smoking weed, it started off really slow, once a month, by 12 it was once a week and by 13 it was every other day. see i come from walthamstow in east london. a poor shitty area with a booming heroin and crack market. so naturally i started selling weed from around 12 1/2 and had a decent clientele by 13. when i reached 14 things started changing. i had started hanging around with gangs, drinking instead of blazing, fucking the slags and generally falling into block life. at this point weed was still a luxury.......but not for long. lets skip this part because i dont like my part in gang life. lets just leave it as i saw and did alot of disgusting things. so at 15 whilst im really deep in this life i realise my days are numbered and that i cant keep living a life of sleeping at home maybe twice a week and being unable to leave my house without my .38, at around late 15 or early 16(the drinking really fucked my memmory) i was approached by my original smoking friends(also my childhood friends) they had seen slowly that i was changing and i didnt like what i had gotten myself into. they offered me a stake in a new grow op, they had a grower with experience, the perfect house, all they needed was some cash and some help to move the final product. i agreed. so we got to work. i kept grinding for the gang(but slowly getting away) until the point when half the week i was with them the other half with my real friends. they also got me to stop drinking by giving me free weed. so mid 16 now. gcse's over. 2 grows finished. we decide to expand. we start building a name by moving our product 24/7, 2 of my boys during day and me 'n my boy in night. naturally i started smokin more, about 3 - 4 grams a day, and we get a new house. things are still very slow and hard due to the fact we had bad genetics and were still growing in soil from homebase lol.

we saved more and more by skipping meals and only drinking energy drinks. time moved on and shit got better. we got another house and started looking for better genetics. i am now smoking around a q a day. weeks of searching, testing and hard searching and finally we get a contact who will sell us very very good cuttings. we got the exodus cheese and did full houses. things go silent for a few weeks and then, 2 weeks before my 17th birthday(i think, high as fuck and very tired) i get a call to meet our grower at a garage in the blocks(oh btw its now around 12 - 13 grams a day) he opens a garage door and i see and smell the most heavenly thing on earth, 51.5 kilos of exoduse cheese. that was it. no more struggling, no more wondering if i could afford dinner, no more buying second hand games, no more sharing food, no more leftovers. i came a little btw. we moved in in a 20 kilo deal and in individual bricks(9 ounces). we payed for the best gentics and new grow equipment and a new grow house. i am now smoking about 16 grams a day. im about 17 1/4. i was still high as fuck really enjoying it.

the orders got bigger and more frequent and i had to hire some youngers to move food for me. my grower decides to take us on holiday to jamaica. we go and he drags us up to the mountains. this wasnt a gift to us. he was searching for genetics and forced me and my boys to smoke copius amounts of weed and describe the effects. that was hell.

we got back and i noticed that i wasnt getting that high so i actually forced myself to smoke more. i didnt notice but others did. i was locking myself away and smoking weed all day. here comes the bad times. 20 - 21 grams now. reality is a difficult concept now. after every spliff or blunt the world changes soo much. my shoes talk to me. my speakers play music when my computers off. i am in an imaginary reality. i hired more youngers because i thought i had too many orders, in truth, i was to lazy to meet any non heavy smokers. my life now is simply smoking weed, going on riu, making beats, listening to music, playing games and eating tons of food and occasionaly going to college. the only customer i actually took weed to were my 3 heaviest who i always had something special at a really low price for. why? because me and them could smoke for hours on end and "have fun". fuck knows how old i am. the only time i leave london is to get clones or go to amsterdam.

i remember that i had a girlfriend but as i said before, my idea of a fun day is workin my way through a big jar of nugs.

my lil brother is calling me every other day for advice that i cant give, college is stressing me. test times start. this was the heaviest part 27- 29 grams A DAY. i am not in reality at all. i wake up, light up, sleep, thats all i can remember. i am about 18.

the stress is mostly over and i cut down to 23 - 25 grams a day. i am a recluse. i get invited out and the only question i ask is "can i blaze there?".

my boys tell me were goin on holiday, to my home country of cyprus. i scream and shout "you fuckers know i cant get weed there" etc. they agreed that they would change the tickets so we would go to the dam for a week then go to cyprus.

shit stays the same for a while (nothing changes when you smoke that much)

we arrive in the dam, we get to our hotel and in our rooms. i put my stuff down. close the door. lock the door and literally sprint to the nearest coffeeshop. i smoked a shit ton of weed. i got kicked out of like 4 coffeeshops for smoking too much. on the day of our flight to cyprus i buy 5 grams from 3 coffeeshops(each) smoke 12 and triple bag the last 3 and between the cheeks it. as soon as i got through security i went to the toilet dropped it out. took off the first 2 bags and put it in my pocket. we arrive at around 11 in cyprus time. one of the best thing about cyprus is how cheap cigars and such are. i made a nice blunt and went to a beautiful beach restaraunt and got a ice cold carlsberg. put my beach mat thingy down and layed down sippin carlsberg puffin on my blunt listening to my ipod for a good half hour of pure bliss. then i went back to my hotel(5 star of course) and realised that for about 25 days i have no weed at all. when that hit me my appetite suddenly disappeared, my tiredness along with it. i sat down. and just sat there for god only knows how long. my boys banged on my door and kidnapped me to the nearest kebab house. i ordered the tastiest thing i could, the mix grill (chicken doner and shish with lamb doner and shish with lamb chops and lamb kofte) it came, smelt very nice, i tried eating but everything tasted like bland bread, i ate the lot but ended up puking it 2 hours later. we went for a swim and then relaxed at the bar at our hotel for a bit, got changed went out to the clubs. the whole time it was like the colour had been sucked out of life and everything was soo boring. i pulled as usual, took her back to my hotel, she was defo impressed, we fucked but that was it.......there wasnt that feeling of wildness or letting go. when it was done and i had flushed the dom etc she was talking bout how we should meet again but i just didnt care, nothing was interesting, eventually she got the message and left, i wanted to sleep but couldnt. i just layed there......for hours......staring into the ceiling. i looked at my watch 2:00 then looked again some time later 5:00, the sun came up at 5:30 and i was still awake, at 8 i curled up into a ball and started crying because i realised that id never be able to live without weed,i promised myself i will be asleep by 10:00 and when i arrive in england i will never go over a 15 gram a day limit. i was asleep by 9:50.

the rest of the holiday was just a normal fun as fuck holiday, i drank loads of carlsberg and fucked god knows how many girls and ate the finest food. the only prob i faced was sleep. i could not sleep earlier than 4 in the mornin.

now after this crazy journey im back where it mostly began. my room in our house. i have a jar of cheese in front of me left by my wonderfully forethinking grower and am hoping to start university next year. im high as fuck and its 4 in the mornin.

this was just my experience. what do u guys think of my "amazing journey" as my boy puts it?


Wow uk, I haven't seen you post in awhile and was kinda wondering what happened, but damn that is one crazy story, you could publish a book on it practically. Not to sound weird, but I have always wondered how you got to be where you are at, simply cause of the posts you publish about the amounts you smoke and the lifestyle you got and all, now your story clears it all up ha. I got one question though man just cause it seems in how you told the story that out of your crew you smoke the most and have had the most trouble with it if you get me, idk just wondering about clarity I guess, and also your crew was chill with all you went through like becoming a recluse and all?


Active Member
fuck that dude no offence but you should really try to cut back as hard as it might be. i smoke alot of pot but dude when your life becomes a haze thats when you stop.


Well-Known Member
Wow uk, I haven't seen you post in awhile and was kinda wondering what happened, but damn that is one crazy story, you could publish a book on it practically. Not to sound weird, but I have always wondered how you got to be where you are at, simply cause of the posts you publish about the amounts you smoke and the lifestyle you got and all, now your story clears it all up ha. I got one question though man just cause it seems in how you told the story that out of your crew you smoke the most and have had the most trouble with it if you get me, idk just wondering about clarity I guess, and also your crew was chill with all you went through like becoming a recluse and all?
i smoke the most and defo had the most problems, i didnt talk about the paronoia and shouting at them because it would make me seem very nasty, i have the room 2nd to the end of the upstairs corridor and loads of times my boy would on his way past look at me whilst i lie there completely out of it and say things like "you need to sober up" or "i think its time you started goin out again". i would just grumble or shout "fuck off its my life and ill do what i want with it". they wernt cool which is why they took me to cyprus to sober up. im thankful for it. these guys have saved me from myself twice so far. i dont think i could ask for any better friends than these guys.


i smoke the most and defo had the most problems, i didnt talk about the paronoia and shouting at them because it would make me seem very nasty, i have the room 2nd to the end of the upstairs corridor and loads of times my boy would on his way past look at me whilst i lie there completely out of it and say things like "you need to sober up" or "i think its time you started goin out again". i would just grumble or shout "fuck off its my life and ill do what i want with it". they wernt cool which is why they took me to cyprus to sober up. im thankful for it. these guys have saved me from myself twice so far. i dont think i could ask for any better friends than these guys.
Word, those are some true friends you got there. Like my boys I chill wit and are tightest with most of them except one don't smoke so they don't really get shit, but when I started getting into trouble with it they weren't as supportive as yours mainly cause I think I was good at hiding it and all, but only one of my non-smoking friends really was like telling me "yo you gotta stop goin so hard with it cause your changing" cause I was trying to smoke everyday mind you while in highschool and being a top of the class kid, still got my marks, but shit they weren't as sharp as in the past plus I can barely remember the middle of last year. Anyway I straightened out, but it definitely wasn't the struggle you had. Plus you got a damn good thing goin on by the sounds of it, you damn lucked into a great situation by sounds of it


Well-Known Member
Word, those are some true friends you got there. Like my boys I chill wit and are tightest with most of them except one don't smoke so they don't really get shit, but when I started getting into trouble with it they weren't as supportive as yours mainly cause I think I was good at hiding it and all, but only one of my non-smoking friends really was like telling me "yo you gotta stop goin so hard with it cause your changing" cause I was trying to smoke everyday mind you while in highschool and being a top of the class kid, still got my marks, but shit they weren't as sharp as in the past plus I can barely remember the middle of last year. Anyway I straightened out, but it definitely wasn't the struggle you had. Plus you got a damn good thing goin on by the sounds of it, you damn lucked into a great situation by sounds of it
yeah i do have a good thing goin. but still, without these guys i would still be on the block with rocks in my mouth and tar between my cheeks. they gave me the oppurtunity to be in this and for most of last year ive taken it for granted. most people by that point wouldve kicked me out but my guys........its just........we known each other since we were 2 foot tall, we made this together, everyone played there part. i have to put the past behind me and look towards the future, learn from my mistakes and better myself, im gonna repay them. im gonna stay like i am now, fun to be around and to jam with and talk to. not the paronoid freak i was a few months ago, im gonna call my girl and have a lil catch up. i need to get my shit together coz ive had my fun, now its time for work.


ukgrower, I really enjoyed reading this=D. Reminds me exactly how things started off and went down for me!! becoming a drug dealer getting involved with gangs smoking hella weed. Many don't realize how tough shit is sometimes but it's the worst place to go. I got in fights all the time got robbed once with a gun pointed at my face being searched by three people and robbed for an ounce. I swear to god bro, like the most amazing thing I did at one point was I quit all of it went cold turkey no smoking no drinking not chilling much with people. Started hanging out with friends that I felt were real and not just for the moment, like lifelong friends. My perspective on the world completly changed and I was amazed I was actually refreshed with the feeling and it felt awesome to quit along with making my parents happier. Not to say that a year later I started blazing again on and off and didn't really feel like I needed it and shit. Having a father that is narsisistic and who is the biggest piece of shit you could ever meet I had to start smoking reef again to deal with that shit. I swear I would be dead without weed as long as I had lived with my father. Many people still say I am the mirror image and it's sad man I see a counselor and shit and he thinks I am no far down the road. I remember him telling my mom that I was done my dad took over and I was grown up to one of the severest mentally ill people, and my mom started crying I was out of the room because they closed the door and were talking briefly I felt horrible went to the car and cryed because I knew how fucking true it was. Without weed I am like my dad like I am a split motherfucker. When I am not around him I don't care at all about smoking like it just doesn't really even matter because I have priorities and what id rather do is only smoke at night because thats when it's the nicest+clubs+partys and chillin with everybody ! It's amazing sometimes how shit happens man. I am all for marijuana and think nothings wrong with it. But moderation is key. I used to smoke an ounce a day of dank when I was selling, id be selling all day in school bringing in ounces a day and getting rid of them like it was nuffin. You just gotta take breaks in my oppinion and make yourself take them because it helps get you back to normal for a little while. I also recommend when quiting detox the fuck out. I find it works and stops any cravings=D learn how to manipulate your body and you can do anything.


Well-Known Member
you're an inspiration for all those who abuse weed to get back to normal. good job bro I'm proud of you, even moreso proud of you for posting this huge ass post that will actually help people.

jsut remember man, weed is just there to enhance life, it isn't life itself ;)


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the kind words and support. its been an amazing journey that can only get better. tody ive smoked about 3 grams and im well and truly fucked, i forgot how strong this weed is, oh btw ill be starting my new hobby grow soon. gonna make a journal. its gonna be purple haze super lemon haze and pineapple express with some watermelons(the fruit not a strain) under a 150watt MH in a spare wardrobe. a quick question, do i need a carbon filter or will a litre or 2 of ona gel pro do the trick? right now kickin back with a fatty of strawberry kush lisenin to:

listen to the lyrics closely coz he aint talkin bout no gyal.


Well-Known Member
hell yeah bro, when you have low tolerance cannabis is VERY strong.

especially edibles bro, I switched entirely to edibles from vaping because my lungs couldn't even handle that much. now I get high for like 6 hours straight, and it's fucking amazing.


Well-Known Member
hell yeah bro, when you have low tolerance cannabis is VERY strong.

especially edibles bro, I switched entirely to edibles from vaping because my lungs couldn't even handle that much. now I get high for like 6 hours straight, and it's fucking amazing.
i dont think i could handle an edible right about now lol on the 6th gram and its almost like when i was smoking 22 grams a day, on a diff note do u know bout the ona gel question, also, i dont have a fan on the ground just and exhaust fan and 2 pc fans next to the mh, is that enough or do i need more. i dont want to ask my grower because he will laugh in my face and tell me a load of shit so i fuckup. then when i do fuckup he will laugh at me and say things like "you cant grow for shit" etc


Well-Known Member
i dont think i could handle an edible right about now lol on the 6th gram and its almost like when i was smoking 22 grams a day, on a diff note do u know bout the ona gel question, also, i dont have a fan on the ground just and exhaust fan and 2 pc fans next to the mh, is that enough or do i need more. i dont want to ask my grower because he will laugh in my face and tell me a load of shit so i fuckup. then when i do fuckup he will laugh at me and say things like "you cant grow for shit" etc
hah bro an edible would get you higher than you've ever been in your entire life right now, fuckin a, I say go do it!

also, the carbon filter vs that gell stuff, I'd say use both . . . . .carbon filter will work better when it's finished, but that stuff with a carbon filter is guaranteed no smell you know? I just figure a carbon filter is a safer bet.


Well-Known Member
Good story UkGrow, you've got quite an imagination. Are you Peter Andre? :D
i was waiting for some asshole to say something like this. thought it'd be that D.S.M guy but u beat him to it. well done, you win asshole of the thread award. and to poplars, we dont have any edibles at the mo, we need to go shopping then maybe my boy will make them.


Well-Known Member
im gonna use the gel + a really quick n simple carbon filter, i cant be arsed to go out buyin pencil holders n shit, a teatowel stapled together filled with carbon duck taped over the exhaust fan should do it right?


Well-Known Member
yes, but also bro, those gel things work on the concept of still air, if your fan is blowing the scent past the gel and the gel can't catch it, and your carbon filter misses some, then you've just leaked some smell . . .so idk, make sure the carbon filter doesn't leak!


Well-Known Member
yh by the time the plants are flowering, the temps outside will be like 5-6 celsius so the window will be closed. will the smell still leak out? will it be very strong? how will it smell? i dont mind a fruity smell but a house smelling like a skunk is not what my roomates prob had in mind when i asked them to grow.