The hardest thing about growing marijuana is?

what is hardest thing about growing marijuana? i am out of ''curiosity''
learning how, but its all starting to look like rocket science
i am learning as much as i can, i even learn new words
that i have never head before everyday, and i am often
reading things that say other things i have read aren't true,
is very misleading sometimes


Well-Known Member
It will give you a new appreciation for life if you learn correctly. Nothing better than watching them grow to flower.


Well-Known Member
The hardest thing for a noob is to do nothing. Just tend to the plants basic needs of light, warmth and food and don't overdo it. I agree curing is hard as well, having to wait.


Well-Known Member
Oh there have been times where I have grown some killer danko and I feel like a kid in a candy store. The problem I have to wait. It SUX, like a kid waiting for christmas.

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
Learning to just leave it be, and do its thang. Which means not re-fuckulating things more than you should, and better yet not screwing something up in the first place.

All you need to do is provide the basics. A place for the roots to grow in, Light, CO2 {+ Air Circulation}, PH that inst fucked {so food is available to the plants}, Water {but not too much} and Food {but not too much}. Simple stuff, except for learning not to mess with things too much. Then you get into advanced stuff, and tweak every aspect of the basics.


Active Member
Hey email,
Get some good seed (feminized) and give it a go. Ask I your not sure and don't get to sensitive about jerks jumping you when you post for help. There are a lot of Knowledgable (SP) dudes that are kind and will answer all. Navigating this site is one tuff hombe LOL
I'm a lot older then you, so not a techie.
Your 1st harvest will get your rocks more than the high.