5 WEEKS OLD d(-_-)b


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
I bet he'll harvest like 1 oz from that little ole thing. What strain is that anyways ( lol ) bagseed?

j/k its looking good keep us posted. :joint::peace::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
probably did but when u got a trillion leaves n an out of calibration ph meter 1or 2 get burned they soon came back healthier once i stopped using it and fed normal now iv chucked the ph meter n am using straight tapwater warm with reg nutes you should see her now shes all green n silver with crystals shes pullin all the branches down allready with them dense buds and as for the size of the cola (fuck) i cant explain how wide and seperate it all is its like the cola is a clenched fist normaly but mine is like an open palm capturing the rays peace dudes


Well-Known Member
lol@ fake pictures i take it as a compliment that you think there fake it impresses me even more that you think she cant possibly be and a big thank you for making my day


Well-Known Member
also i just thought i dont have to prove im not faking it but if you like i will take a video and touch every bud in it for you
will you believe my monster then il upload it to youtube or something peace also if he thinks its fake now imagine at day 65 hahah the smile on my face is huge =D


Well-Known Member
lol@ fake pictures i take it as a compliment that you think there fake it impresses me even more that you think she cant possibly be and a big thank you for making my day
wots he on abt with fake pics? thats HPS for u.
nice growing pasta, so many bud sites. Driving down M6 when ur harvesting, lol.


Well-Known Member
ah well if he was why did he put you can almost tell its not fake as in im trying to bullshit you all but im about to end this theory its day 41 anf here is a load of pics so either im ace and can do a pic in 5 seconds on photoshop or there real lol ps for the lion king 1 i just cut with paintbrush i dont even have photoshop or know how to use it lol i spend my time growing big weed arararar


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
Looks great, fuck ehm if they think its fake....cant wait to see it finish im sure ill be one of the few who know's first of how much it weights:hump:. :joint::peace::peace::peace: