His name is Earl

NBKA - haha i wish

CL - I'm inland a good ways but a small deviation in projected path is all it takes. Hurricane force winds will seriously hurt a crop.



Well-Known Member
They showed 7 different comp models of where it was going and only one projected it to just brush the edge of the coast. I wouldn't be to worried.


Well-Known Member
I had to deal with 70 mph winds earlier this year but I can't even imagine a hurricane. Much luck!


Tell me about it man! I lost one crop earlier this year... I only got two left, I would be really REALLY upset it some asshole hurricane were to wreck ma shit!

Silent Running

Active Member
Living on the east coast...hurricanes are common place for us this time of year. All those models that show it doing something other than brushing the coast...don't show you what it does to us even when it doesn't hit land. But hey, if he stays far enough out...time to grab the surf board and ride from OBX down to Myrtle. (if only!)
Survived Andrew and Charlie, this one should be a breeze.

Still mojo-ing for ya. GG
Yeah nothing can compare to Floyd in my lifetime anyway. The one-two punch from Dennis and Floyd had areas here over 500 year flood levels. I've seen the damage from high winds but the flooding we had here was incredible.

Luckily it looks like this one will miss us inland dwellers mostly. Personally i credit RIU mojo.... :)
