

Well-Known Member
I wonder if kabuto put or will put those spell note things into all those he brought back by edo tensei, it would be really interesting if they were allowed to keep their personalities and/or overcame the mind control spell note things. I think that will happen with itachi and it will play a pretty big part in the story and especially sasukes and madaras stories. I could see itachi overcoming the notes even though the 1rst and 2nd could not with orochimarus attack on the village due to the sharigan eyes, maybe pain/nagato too since he's got his rinnegan eyes. I wonder if kisame is actually dead now and if kabuto will go and bring him back as well. Another thing ive been pondering is just what was in the final coffin kabuto summoned that really shocked even madara(maybe he was playing, but i dont think so)himself. I've been thinking maybe it will be madaras true body, but the theory has alot of unknowns in it since we know so little about madara and his abilities and what really happened after that day everyone thought he died. Orochimaru is going to come back too i think. Most likely not from him being resurrected but from the parts of him that kabuto took into his own self that like kabuto said are trying to take over his body still.

When did rukia and ichigo show romantic interest in each other to you? I'm not asking to be a dick, you very well may be on to something i missed/failed to pick up on or forgot.


Well-Known Member
It was in the anime, it wasn't something I would have picked up from the manga...I'll have to go back and review them, I was planning on it anyway...I alwlays figured she would either get with ichigo or renji.


Well-Known Member
Man, i just read the bleach spoilers and it seems aizen is no match for ichigo currently, but from what I see i think aizen is nowhere near his max. ichigo says....
Ichigo: "It seems you haven't noticed. My power is greater than yours currently is. It wasn't your sword that blew away that rocky mountain. It was mine"

So we should see some interesting changes in the fight soon i think. Neither are taking it to serious. I mean sure ichigo was going on about how he would finish it in one blow or as quick as possible, but imo thats bullshit. lol. if he was serious and really that much stronger than aizen he would of killed or at least badly wounded him right away before aizen can go all the way to his max. That also leads me to believe that ichigo is still holding back greatly.


Well-Known Member
†LOL† yea, they're going to drag this fight out a good damn while... reminds me of dragonballl z, alon gtime ago, when the planet namik was supposed to blow up in 5 minutes, and they dragged that 5 minutes over 6 episodes....


Well-Known Member
just like the sasuke vs. itachi fight, lol, that was so irritating to me since they switched from jiraiyas death right after it happened to their battle so their were so many interesting unanswered things about pain and him and then they went and said probably 3 times during the Sasuke/itachi fight that the next chapter would be the conclusion of the battle. I wanted to know about jiraiya and pain alot more than i cared about their fight. One thing that threw me off was how it seemed that maybe itachi really was evil and would not be redeemed in the end since i figured it would happen before he died, maybe even bringing the uchia all back in exchange for his life like pain sort of does later on in konoha or something like that . but then it turned out madara was the one who confirmed my suspicions After i had started to doubt they would redeem itachi at all.

One thing i dont get in a way is why madara went and lied to sasuke about the fox and his role in the attack. I guess maybe he thinks if he finds out that he was responsible and that he was the one who escalated the tension w/the uchia and the village by due to the village blaming the whole clan over it and it leading up to itachi and madaras massacre of the uchia to stop the village from a civil war, that sasuke will be unwilling to deal with him at all.
Im gonna go read the naruto spoilers, should be good im hoping.


Well-Known Member
oh wow. looks like some konan and madara shit is going to go down, i cant wait to see what they have to say next chapter. I wonder if kisame is really dead now or if its another fake. The shark he summoned eating him and making everyone think he died would seem like a pretty good way to get away to me. I do think konans threat of her coming there to kill madara is kind of lame, no way she could kill him imo. I do think she will reveal something critical though, probally a weakness of madaras she knows about. I dont think she will succeed with it still though. Plus, if you look at it as a whole, No way in hell is kishimoto gonna have konan be the one to kill madara. no chance of it at all.


Well-Known Member
†L†that was pissing me off with the itachi/sasuke fight to...I kept thinking...isn't this manga named "Naruto" not "Sasuke"? We went over a month with little mention of the main character...and I wanted to know alot more about the jiraiya situation more to...
Your right, no way in hell she is even slightly capable of killing madara, and for her to even try is stupid and suicidal, she's not capable of it, and kishi definitely would never allow'll either be sasuke or naruto. But I know there will be alot of good flash backs with pertinent info when they do that I think about it, that makes it more likely to be naruto killing him than sasuke, one because he's the son of the fourth, who pretty much kicked madara's ass back then, couldn't kill him, but was more than madara could handle...and second, I think naruto will want to avenge her after madara kills her...
as far as Kisame...50/50, good chance will see him later... probably more 30dead/70still alive...


Well-Known Member
I wonder if kabuto put or will put those spell note things into all those he brought back by edo tensei, it would be really interesting if they were allowed to keep their personalities and/or overcame the mind control spell note things. I think that will happen with itachi and it will play a pretty big part in the story and especially sasukes and madaras stories. I could see itachi overcoming the notes even though the 1rst and 2nd could not with orochimarus attack on the village due to the sharigan eyes, maybe pain/nagato too since he's got his rinnegan eyes. I wonder if kisame is actually dead now and if kabuto will go and bring him back as well. Another thing ive been pondering is just what was in the final coffin kabuto summoned that really shocked even madara(maybe he was playing, but i dont think so)himself. I've been thinking maybe it will be madaras true body, but the theory has alot of unknowns in it since we know so little about madara and his abilities and what really happened after that day everyone thought he died. Orochimaru is going to come back too i think. Most likely not from him being resurrected but from the parts of him that kabuto took into his own self that like kabuto said are trying to take over his body still.

When did rukia and ichigo show romantic interest in each other to you? I'm not asking to be a dick, you very well may be on to something i missed/failed to pick up on or forgot.
I could be wrong, but I think the one that surprised madara was the body of the fourth...


Well-Known Member
thats an interesting theory, i never thought of that possibility, a few thoughts on it- I wonder if the fourth can be revived at all, his soul is with naruto and in the god of death who traps/seals its users and its intended victim/s in that dimension to suffer for all eternity. do you know of any sites that have most/all the manga chapters? I used to go on for them but they shut down a month or 2 ago and the only other sites ive found with chapters only had the last 10 max. I want to re-read the kabuto and madara confrontation. I bet their are at least a few hints ive forgotten about or didnt notice.


Well-Known Member
my wife and I have been going back and fourth about the death god thing, in which case that should cancel out all of the previous hokages....
check, but they stop updating the manga, also check, but for old chapters, narutoget is prob your best option...


Well-Known Member
That chapter was cool as hell though....†LOL† you had me looking so hard for that arm, my eyes aren't that great and I need new contacts, so I was blaming it on my eyes... :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
lol, i was really disappointed. I was speculating on that thinking it was true wondering what it could mean ever since the first time i thought i saw the arm. I've been thinking about bleach alot, like always, lol. and ive got an interesting, kind of cliche, theory. I think it will kind of be like narutos waterfall experience, i can imagine ichigo saying something like " You know aizenm I always thought the way to master/use my own inner hollows power was to overcome/overpower him and supress his personality, Zangetsu taught me the truth however, the way to master my inner hollows true power is not to overpower and supress him, its to accept he's a part of me and embrace him. Now instead of using almost all of my power to try and keep his nearly equal amount of power surpressed we are using all of both of our powers together. zangetsu and my hollow side and i are all 1 being, together we are unstoppable." Lol, so what ya think? it seems fairly plausible imo, his hollow is always talking bout him and zangestu and ichigo all being 1 originally and zangetsu and his hollow merged and all that from what we have seen.


Well-Known Member
Actually, that makes alot of sense. Huh...Oh, and having read the manga, no, I think shark boy is dead...and we know kabuto doesn't have pain, because Konan hid it, hence why madara is going to kill her. Next week is going to be really fucked up in far as bleach, I think they're going to pull a dragonball z...aizen doesn't stand a chance! oh, wait, another evolution, now ichigo is doomed, oh wait, he's had another evolution, aizen doesn't have a...oh wait, he has had ANOTHER evolution.........


Well-Known Member
Konan has/had his body, thats true,but what ive been wondering- kabuto's got pains soul re-animated in a sacrificial body needed for the jutsu which also uses ash and dust in the coffins so the bodies are right for the person summoned. The pain that kabuto reanimated had the rinnengan, but madara seems uninterested in him (whatever happened to the 7 different pains eyes in the end too?) and wants the ones from nagatos body. I wonder if that means orochimaru's jutsu isnt quite as fearsome as originally thought, the 1rst and 2nd hokage didnt really do anything amazing in their fight and the 3rd was old and off his game, maybe they were not as nearly as strong as the originals but compared to old sarutobi it was enough to overwhelm him. if that is the case maybe kabuto and his zombies wont play such a big part in the story like i was thinking they would.
Yeah, kisame is dead now, it was kind of lame how he was going after naruto and killer bee going through all that trouble to hide and then the second he gets out guy kills him, i enjoyed seeing more of his backstory and i liked guys eight gates stuff, but overall that death wasnt really all that good imo, i liked when the raikage and killer bee *killed* him better.


Well-Known Member
I have to say, I was really surprised that they ended the fight as quickly as they did, I was expecting 2 more chapters at least...


Well-Known Member
yeah, me too. im slowly becoming more accepting of the scenario of kisames death. i guess it could of been worse. I'm still mad about stark ending up being meaningless in the story though!(from bleach, of course, lol)


Well-Known Member
Yea, that was complete bullshit. Stark was a bad ass, then they kill his chick half and then him like it was nothing. What kind of stupid bullshit?!! And I really liked stark.


Well-Known Member
so, guy = lee's daddy?
it doesn't look like guy can use chakra either, even when we thought he was, apparently it was a crazy straight physical attack
and no one else looks like either one of them....just sayin...