Craig's List Homosexual Sex

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Active Member
Yes, you are a faggot. Anyone who wants or allows another man to suck his dick is for positive, absolute certain a homo. No ifs, and or buts about it dude, you ARE a faggot. There is no gray area here. If you really do have a girl, then yes, you did absolutely, positively cheat on her.


Active Member
humm where to begin? Like someone already said, to be extremely generous you have a multitude of issues. And your total disrespect for another man, gay or not, is just one of them.
To me you sound like a very typical case of early childhood sexual interference. Your obvious self hatred ie your disrespect and dislike for other men, which in reality is your hatred of YOU. Your clinging to the only person that made you feel safe, ie your mother, and girlfriend, women in general. And your love for your little brother that you most likely see as YOU if your life projectory had not been interfered with by abuse.
And although your life may seem to be going swimmingly along, these issues dont go away. You should seek professional help. I usually just leark this site, but your obvious plea for help would be hard for me to ignore.


Well-Known Member
Wow guys, what a bunch of homophobic nerds you are! Not all straight men are "turned off" by homo sex, that is totally a lie. SEX is SEX, and can be really hot no matter who is involved. Now of course we all have our turn offs (big people, purple people, hairy people, whatever) but those are largely based on our own FEARS. Talk to a therapist before you try to argue with me on that, or just piss off, seriously.

Actually, I think the whole gay/straight obsession is a little sophomoric. Just get your groove on and leave other people alone!

So aababba, you're not necessarily gay in my opinion (not that it matters to me, honey) but you did cheat on your girlfriend... sorry. And you did treat that poor craigslist guy pretty badly.

But you do have one thing going for you, you got a lot of guys on this forum really excited over your post. Nice work. ;D LOL (sorry boys!)

And before any of you try to say I'm some raging bull-dyke, save your insults for your mother. Nerds.


Well-Known Member
You should have got some peanut butter and rubbed it on your wang and then had a dog lick it off cuz that is not cheating.


Active Member
You should have got some peanut butter and rubbed it on your wang and then had a dog lick it off cuz that is not cheating.
LOL- Technically, you care correct. But the fact that it is so much worse should stop him from doing that. If that doesn't, the fact that dogs can't use the interet will. It's not cuz' they're dumb, they just don't pay the bill.


Active Member
all i gotta say is.... if its all good with you. tell her. if she's the most important thing in your life... why the fuck are you posting on an MJ site. do you even smoke douche bag?



Well-Known Member
Wow guys, what a bunch of homophobic nerds you are! Not all straight men are "turned off" by homo sex, that is totally a lie. SEX is SEX, and can be really hot no matter who is involved. Now of course we all have our turn offs (big people, purple people, hairy people, whatever) but those are largely based on our own FEARS. Talk to a therapist before you try to argue with me on that, or just piss off, seriously.

Actually, I think the whole gay/straight obsession is a little sophomoric. Just get your groove on and leave other people alone!

So aababba, you're not necessarily gay in my opinion (not that it matters to me, honey) but you did cheat on your girlfriend... sorry. And you did treat that poor craigslist guy pretty badly.

But you do have one thing going for you, you got a lot of guys on this forum really excited over your post. Nice work. ;D LOL (sorry boys!)

And before any of you try to say I'm some raging bull-dyke, save your insults for your mother. Nerds.
I was just going to say, my mother IS a raging bull-dyke. She would probably throw down over some pussy. Honest. lol.


Well-Known Member
I've surfed on craigslist. I search M for F not M for M. If I was a gay guy without a girlfriend to hurt I would search M for M. Be honest with yourself; if you wanted a blowjob you could have sought out female companionship, but you opted for anonymous sex with a guy.

Better figure out where you are going with this, it will most likely lead to unprotected sex in a Greek bath house. Then your girlfriend will get HIV and you will have royally screwed up, now won't you?

How's the weed crop? Oh you don't grow or smoke? So why are you here?

The next guy who blows you might also enjoy having sex with dead bodies, think Jeffery Dahmer. Good luck


Well-Known Member
I've surfed on craigslist. I search M for F not M for M. If I was a gay guy without a girlfriend to hurt I would search M for M. Be honest with yourself; if you wanted a blowjob you could have sought out female companionship, but you opted for anonymous sex with a guy.

Better figure out where you are going with this, it will most likely lead to unprotected sex in a Greek bath house. Then your girlfriend will get HIV and you will have royally screwed up, now won't you?

How's the weed crop? Oh you don't grow or smoke? So why are you here?

The next guy who blows you might also enjoy having sex with dead bodies, think Jeffery Dahmer. Good luck
Why are there only a hand full of folks around here with this sense of humor? When I think of Jeffrey Dahmer, insulting homophobic jokes come to mind as well. Who else is with me?


Well-Known Member
LOL thanks for the laughes on this thread ..Very funny :)

OP ... I just want to point out ... Having a man sucking your cock is gay ..NO matter how you look at it .. It's like sayin " I'm Not Gay ...But My Boyfriend Is ! " .. Its funny ... but it makes no fuckin sence :)

I have to ask though ... Why not hook up with a chick ?... The internet is teeming with horny girls of ALL kinds and types all with a need for cock , Makes no sence that you would do it with a guy ..... Wait .... is this one of them " Trolling " threads i keep hearing about on the news ?...Bahha Im out !

lol :)


Well-Known Member
Damn guys dont be so quick to judge. Did you kiss him? No, Im kidding, your gay. And stupid if you were paying and didnt get a reach around. You must live in a really conservative state cause most of America doesnt care if you want to come out. Shit your girl might even be down for some 2 on 1. Your girl will have to get a strap on though.
Damn guys dont be so quick to judge. Did you kiss him? No, Im kidding, your gay. And stupid if you were paying and didnt get a reach around. You must live in a really conservative state cause most of America doesnt care if you want to come out. Shit your girl might even be down for some 2 on 1. Your girl will have to get a strap on though.
Ahh come on dont even put more thoughts in this sick guys head.


what the fuck? is kindergarden out already? You sure dont know me, because i'd be the last guy youd ever wana fight. It would be your last fight in this life, forsur.
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