First AeroGarden Grow!


Now i'm certainly no expert in aeroponics, but from what I have heard and seen, i wouldn't use wood. (: good luck with your growing man.
I agree, I have this in a wood enclosure but have no issues with mold or high humidity, I have the AG in side of a wood cab then inside of a white foam enclosure to keep in light. I also have circulating air constantly. So the chance for mold to develop especially inside the foam is unlikely. I check daily for anything out of the ordinary.


Alright so it's a few weeks. The three remaining plants have developed a substantial root system and have now began to grow nicely. I still have the tall ass one I plan on supercropping it tomorrow, I have had them in 12//12 so I can keep them as small as possible. I have been refilling the AG with purified water and the large plant has stopped yellowing, I also noticed this after raising the hood, which I would like to lower but since there is a reflector could that cause burning easily? I had the lights about 1.5 inches from the large plant and it was yellowing. Maybe the reflector was burning it? I haven't used much nutes.. I also have an AG nute set for blooming which came with an AG flower kit.



12/12 for about 3 weeks
only did 1 week of veg so it was very minimal.

Temps are and humidity are phenominal.

I do not know the pH i do not have a meter, I bought one and it constantly read "6.9" so i took the piece of shit back. I need to invest into a digital meter.

I am trying to keep the plants as small as possible, I have been using purified water and just added AG flower nutes.

I plan to add two 26w warm cfl's on each side to help kick these into flowering. I have no sign of sex yet but hope to see female pistols very soon, it may be awhile I haven't seen a plant show signs of sex this short yet, so i suspect they need to grow another 2-4 inches before i see anything.

I also plan to add an addition airstone to help the roots obtain oxygen.

Also does anyone have any good remedies for incorporating hydrogen peroxide into the AeroGarden?




okay you all seen the pics i posted yesterday, well i added more nutriets yesterday, I also added more purified water.. The plants took a liking to it and had a shocking overnight growth spurt, I about shit my pants when i seen how much they grew! hopefully it means they are kicking into flowering.. I see some that may have pre flowers but cannot determine whether or not it is a new branch or if it is a pre flower I assume it is a new branch. I'm guessing the blooming nutes are the reason for the spurt but hopefully that means they are switched to flowering. I don't know how these full spectrum lights do in flowering so i'm adding some warm CFL's on the sides, just give me a few days to determine how i will add these.

Anyways here is the pics of the them to yesterday.. It is amazing

The lights are not kept this high, I have them raised for pictures.




As of today I have one is the plant on the far right.. I'd post pics but the camera i am using can't focus good enough to get the details. I'll have to wait until i can get my girlfriends camera from whereever it is..i searched the whole house and nothing.. There is two tiny pistols that measures about 3mm. i know a white female hair/pistol when i see one The one on the left of the female has pre flowers but i can't determine if it has any pistols yet, I assume it will be a day or two.


Active Member
yeah man here are my babies taken today!!!
12/12 for 3 days signs of pre-flowers yet but in the next few days
space saver 6 pod.


Alright so I have two females as of now.. I tried my best to get a close up on one of the female pistols.. I circled it to show you where it is at. it may be difficult to see but it is definitely there


Alright so the shorty is showing pre flowers but no hairs, it looks like it is growing male flowers,... here is some pics, can you guys help me determine.. it has been showing pre flowers for 4 days but no pistols or white hairs! I think this one is a male! but before i chop it down i need someone's opinion because to be honest I've NEVER had a male. I've been 10/10 now im 12/14 until the last one starts showing signs of sex, unless there is some miracle and this plant pictured is a female?

The first picture is bit blurry but the second picture is the top node and definitely looks male in my opinion


Sorry but i forgot to post what the plants look like as of this morning.. here you go. the two front ones are females, the shorty might be a male today, and the one in the back isn't showing any signs of sex.



Well-Known Member
That sucks. Kinda looks like a male to me. At least you still have three vigorous plants left.

Are you still using those nute tabs?


Active Member
assasin beat me to the question i was wondering that too I use ANs Sensi grow and bloom A&B works great i got way better growth with those
and i have only burnt them once because i have no ph meter and the fish tank and pool testers are too high like 6.8 no less i found a cheap digi one on ebay
from chinese company for like 8 ph scale 0-14


there are digital ph meters available on ebay for $10-$15.
You can get a digital thermo hygrometer at walmart for $6.50

I am using the AG nutriet tabs sparingly, usually adding about 1 tablet for each gallon of water. I fully disolve the nutes first, then refill the res with it. I also noticed a substantial increase in growth with adding nutes, and not just vertical and foliar. I noticed increase flowering properties.

I have two females, and one that has just began growing pre flowers, it was stressed a bit so it may take some time and hopefully it is not a male.

I decided to buy a wardrobe enclosure from walmart for 20 bucks. I will be lining it black plastic and then will re-line the black plastic with white plastic, this should keep light in and keep light from the outside from messing with photoperiod. I also am compiling an 8-26w cfl light fixture to replace the full spectrum AG lights, I will use 6 red spectrum and then 2 daylight spectrums bulbs.

anyways here is my progess as of today.
I know the little CFL side light isn't doing much but i wanted to add more red spectrum to it. I had a little burning because i few of the leaves had were touching the light this morning.. that is why i had to get it out of the wood enclosure so i could let them get bigger
