All your buds like rocks!!!

Bud Stankalot

Active Member
He allegedly has five harvests under his belt, but only 1 pic and it's the one in his avatar. He keeps saying he'll have pics in 1 to 3 days. I'm thinking he just wants to string everybody along for another 1 to 3 days. This thread has been pretty funny to see this dude failing at his attempt to win everyone over to grow fluffy buds. LMFAO. I hope the mods shut this thread down too. 55 pages? This shit is silly.

Nickfury, that's a hell of a tree you're holding up.


Well-Known Member
nooooo dont close this will be just like the cloning from a leaf thread. people will read through the whole thing for years and think its got some sort of relavent info in will be classic...

Bud Stankalot

Active Member
I think if fruity wants to stick around on RIU he better make a new screen name. He kind of fucked himself with this thread. Lol.

Here's a tip for you fruity. Don't go onto a weed forum and tell everybody they're fucking idiots because they grow thick, healthy buds. It's not going to do much for your credibility. We all love our girls to death and nobody has got 5 harvests under their belt but only has 1 picture to prove it. The mods are shutting down your threads. I think it's time to give it up. You lose.

Bud Stankalot

Active Member
Funny stuff. Fruity got banned, but here he is again....with the one and only picture he's got. Lol. If you want to come back to these forums, at least pretend to be somebody else.


Well-Known Member
and get a different avatar. i tried to look on google to see if fruity just downloaded it, but there were too many damn pics so i gave up.

Bud Stankalot

Active Member
I'd be willing to bet that he ripped it from somebody else's grow. They probably said they'd be harvesting soon and that's the pic he was going to use for the "harvest pics." Basically he proved himself to be a complete clown show.


Well-Known Member
Really he got banned? I just hate it when I see someone shouting bad advice to people that don't no any better. I mean the whole reason to join is to learn or share.
Hard to learn when people like fruity are spreading nonsense like grow ur buds fluffy it's the bomb.