Grow Room Build


Well-Known Member
I like your building style. and your crystly bud. Subscribed and +rep
thanks. what kind of style do i have?

:eyesmoke:Your cats are adorable :) mines on my lap and he thinks yours are very handsome
lol thanks. ill tell them he said so. :mrgreen:

ok here we go. i finally go my camera back so here are some pics. :hump:
the only thing i have left is make reflectors for the lights...but i cant fucking find the roll of aluminum i bought to make them. i made one to see how it would go about 8 months ago..then put the roll on a shelf in the shop...and now its not there and nobody knows what happened to it...i guess it fuckin walked away or something lol.
there are some shots of the room, my custom air-cooled ballast box, some plants and some buds that i have drying right now. enjoy. :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
and here we have a set of TGA Subcool Qleaner twins. i had to kill off one of my bag seed clones cuz the twins put me over my limit by one but thats no biggie...bag seed for Qleaner is a good trade. i planted the set in one pot then separated them after they broke ground. they seem to be doing well. one is a runt and the bigger one is kinda weird looking but i think they'll be ok. they are under cfl's right now in my old veg box and ill be moving them into the new veg room and put them under the MH soon. im thinking im gona the old veg box to keep my males in and as a breeding station...



Well-Known Member
and then here are some pics just for the hell of it. ive been goin to the flea market every week this year lookin for a dam tool box for my basement and i finally found one this past was a little more than i wanted to pay ($80) but i talked the dude down from $100 and its a craftsman in real nice shape. then some shots of my cats and one from out my kitchen window..we'll be combining that corn here in the next few weeks...not lookin forward to that at all...



Well-Known Member
Nice job on the indoor shed!
thank you much :blsmoke:

Wow. Everything came together nicely.
thanks, i think so too. i'll be doin little upgrades here and there as i go but its done for now....then eventually ill be switchin to hydro/aero...maybe...

alot of leaves on yer buds still
yeah im not finished trimming them yet, just done with the first round. i trim off all the bigger leaves first then hang them to dry and i trim all the rest of the leaves off after its dry.


Well-Known Member
I was going to sub but the guns just laying around the house unsecured just turned me off... huge gun fan and even bigger fan of gun safety ... you already said you got broken into once... take the time to secure your weapons man before someone secures them for you and uses them in a crime. Stupid ... just plain stupid!


Well-Known Member
oh i see, but why? its gonna be a pain to cut all those out when they are dried. best to do it all at once.
nah dude, ive done it both ways and i find it much easier to cut em when they are dry.

I was going to sub but the guns just laying around the house unsecured just turned me off... huge gun fan and even bigger fan of gun safety ... you already said you got broken into once... take the time to secure your weapons man before someone secures them for you and uses them in a crime. Stupid ... just plain stupid!
well you know what they say, opinions are like assholes.
my weapons are secure, safeties are a good feature. and the 2 in the closet where the buds are hangin dont have the firing pins in them...i'd say thats pretty secure. plus i always keep my house locked up tight now and when i got broken into one door and all the windows were unlocked.


Well-Known Member
lmao, lets hope they dont.

where i live b and e isnt a big enough threat to worry about. like i said, i think it was my ex tryin to get revenge. plus if i had my gun in a safe and someone broke in with a gun, they would have me dead before i got into the safe to get the fuckin gun...:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
if someone wants to steal it, they'll get it no matter where its at...unless its locked up in a safe or i'd say im good....and nobody can steal it while im yeah, im not worried about it. thanks for the concern though.


Well-Known Member
thats a badass 3 door closet thing man
nice work
have fun with the corn, didnt know farmers smoked pot lol


how much in total you spent for your grow room ? about how much plants can you keep there? and whats the equipment you bought, can you list the items and their prices? im starting to build my grom room so im getting as much info as i can get about that. soon ill make an thread with pictures. thank you in advance for your answer.


Well-Known Member
yeah i can write up what i spent, just gotta find the receipts, ill do it tonight or tomorrow night. the only thing is that all the wood and a few other things were free, we have so much shit laying around the farm here that i didnt have to buy too much other than the lights and exhaust fans and screws, plastic sheeting, mylar...shit like that. off the top of my head i would say i spent under $500 (rough guess). i was also limited on the amount of lights due to electricity issues so i didnt spend as much as i would have liked to there.

if i wanted to fill up the rooms with plants...which ill never do cuz i can only legally have 12 at a time...i could proly fit 10-12 5 gallon buckets in the flowering room and 6-8 5 gallon buckets in the veg room without the cloner. ill only have 6-8 in the flowering room and 2-4 in the veg/clone room at a time. but then you could do a sog or scrog and fit a lot of plants in that bitch. but ultimately my room is designed for a 12 plant perpetual grow with my custom stinkbud aero system which ill be switching to in the future when i can afford to upgrade my circuit breaker box and get bigger lights.

your welcome. feel free to ask all the questions you want.


Well-Known Member
Hey cmt, I'm just wondering if you have a thread to record the progress of the plant that's growing 2 main branches on its own? I'd like to track the progress of that plant cuz I wonder what it will mature into :)

Nice grow room btw!