Is that really me in my avatar ??


100% Authentic A$$Hole
I got NO poon back in the day.. to nice.. to real.. to kind.. to loving... to respectful..

Now its a fooking down fall of poon.. a fooking poonami... the pooniverse is all over me.. and I don't hide any of the woman from each other.. I let them know.. I love them all... woman who thought they could never deal with that.. are learning how to deal.. finding peeps who love to love is the real deal..

and if they can;t hang. i still love them.. and that's always the test... love as they come and love them as they leave....

weather it is spending the afternoon looking at clouds, looking under rocks for snakes, shagging in department store dressing room, running through big rain puddles... its all love.... even when there are heated and tense moments.. it is still love.. and i have no GIRLS in my life.. all woman... kinda weird how that happened..


Step into my world:hump:


Well-Known Member
hey would you guys know where I can get info on wiring a light fixture strip to a plug?
I need some side lighting