Deep Purp V. DJ Blueberry


Well-Known Member
Thought I would try and take some more shots, one of the mutant pheno is starting to get a bit ready, the hairs are turning, as the other 2 keeper moms are still largely white hairs...


Well-Known Member
Nice bro im very impressed. I want to get all the best strains and this look nice here thanks for all your info & pics. I can't wait for the smoke report. Hey ppl gave some of TGA strains a 6 on the smoke which I think is not to good I like a 8 or better so im going off of your advise on if I should purchase a TGA strain I hope this one is an 8 or better.


Well-Known Member
Nice bro im very impressed. I want to get all the best strains and this look nice here thanks for all your info & pics. I can't wait for the smoke report. Hey ppl gave some of TGA strains a 6 on the smoke which I think is not to good I like a 8 or better so im going off of your advise on if I should purchase a TGA strain I hope this one is an 8 or better.
I will give a smoke report as soon as I can brudda.. Im a purple lover so Im sure im gonna be happy... The grape smell is really pungent at the moment and still have 10 days or so left...


Well-Known Member
Don't you know all the cool kids are runnin Super Soil these days?

Once you try it you wont go back
Lol i try to avoid what the typical cool kids do although cannabis cool kids are a different story :)
Super soil next season 4sho


Well-Known Member
hey man monday is put in day for me so expect pics from me on the thread figured id fill yah in i have 4 of my old blue hash i was training and working to be moms going in as i lost 18 of my clones due to late male popping lol so expect REALLY nice pics lol


Well-Known Member
You know nathen when I see you avatar I always think of John Riggins from the old days of football, he was a madman