EPIC Blue cheese grow....


Well-Known Member
looking fucking great man. what is the spinosad do. the clones look very happy in theri new and final homes, and the scrogged mothers are lookin great.


Well-Known Member
looking fucking great man. what is the spinosad do. the clones look very happy in theri new and final homes, and the scrogged mothers are lookin great.
Thanks purp lad...

The Spinosad is a natural based insect destroyer... Look it up bro is good stuff. I used it last grow when i got thrips and it wiped them out in a matter of days. And it will not effect your plants in anyway or form, used correctly that is...


Well-Known Member
i will look it up and see what its all about, i usally use a combo of neem and lady ugs to prevent and eradicate bugs because its organic, but i alsways interested in somthing new


Well-Known Member
Man looking great as always dan cant wait to see how the SoG and Scrog work out for you!!
One thing i noticed though was you have a CFL way up there with HIDs. Those are only good within a couple of inches so if your gonna hang it you should drop it way down its just wased electricty that far up less you just like being able to see em with the white light on em, i know i think buds look 1000x better under a blue spectrum light lol. You do any research on CMH bulbs yet? if not you should, they run cooler, have full color spectrum in one bulb so no more MH/HPS, and they give of UV rays.
Anyways grats on getting all that transplanting done now the fun begins:bigjoint::-P:weed:


Well-Known Member
Man looking great as always dan cant wait to see how the SoG and Scrog work out for you!!
One thing i noticed though was you have a CFL way up there with HIDs. Those are only good within a couple of inches so if your gonna hang it you should drop it way down its just wased electricty that far up less you just like being able to see em with the white light on em, i know i think buds look 1000x better under a blue spectrum light lol. You do any research on CMH bulbs yet? if not you should, they run cooler, have full color spectrum in one bulb so no more MH/HPS, and they give of UV rays.
Anyways grats on getting all that transplanting done now the fun begins:bigjoint::-P:weed:
Hey D83 where ya bn pal...? :joint::joint::joint:

Yeah the CFL is yet to be place in its correct position with added reflector. I have 4 goin in so its going to be a tight fit. But you now me by now pal, Its the way i like it ....lol

Yeah i'll defo go and check out the CMH bulbs, alway looking for new and improved equipment. Thanks for the prompt dude....

I'm so looking forwads to getting them all in to flower.... Going to be EPIC..........lol ( I hope ).



Well-Known Member
lol im finding it harder and harder to tell who's post is who's with our avatar's lol.

I scroll down going Me Me Dan Dan shit who's that one lol



Well-Known Member
lol im finding it harder and harder to tell who's post is who's with our avatar's lol.

I scroll down going Me Me Dan Dan shit who's that one lol

i thought dan was talkin to him self for a min, it is kinda confusing but are both cool avatars. wheres mine dan, na just playin i really like my avatar. i was lookin for a map of the us that had a strain for each state kinda like a sates flower map but instead a state strain, and now i cant find it
Hi everyone. Its been a busy few days for me.

I have potted on all of the clones. 120 in total. This took me the best part of sunday afternoon.

There all standing around the 10 cm mark. I gave them all there very first feed of half strength CANNA products, as i no longer needed to feed with CANNA start. Im going to give them 2 days to settle in to there new pots then I'm flowering 12/12 the hole room.

And as you can see the scroged mothers have exploded with growth. I will have to rearrange some of the branches before 12/12. Im also going to take up some of the undergrowth so they have better air flow. Im giving them all a spray of spinosad this evening... ( can never be too cautious ). I will also be spraying with UMPH power for lost minerals...

The CFL light that is just hanging there in the pic is because I'm just starting to fit them to the room, once fully installed i will post pics. And also as can be seen in pics are my old reflectors from my last grow. I have used these for the SOG. The light distribution is now perfect. And because the outside temp's have dropped the room temps are also perfect....

So not long now until the really exciting part begins.

hey dan i just noticed but it looks like the hps's pver the clones are really high above them


Well-Known Member
hey dan i just noticed but it looks like the hps's pver the clones are really high above them
Hey purp. You have good observation. Lol. Yeah I'm just settling them in to the HPS slowly. The light will come down daily until the hit the correct hight. So as not to scorch or stress them too much.


Well-Known Member
This grow will be a good one i can tell by just looking at the pictures of the grow room great set up dude


Well-Known Member
Hey purp. You have good observation. Lol. Yeah I'm just settling them in to the HPS slowly. The light will come down daily until the hit the correct hight. So as not to scorch or stress them too much.
ya i was taught tobe very observational and always aware of my surroundings at all times. and thats a good idea, i was gonna say if they stay that high your plants will stretch like a mofo and it wouldnt really be a sog anymore.


Well-Known Member
Hey guy's n Gall.

I now have all the mother scrog'd and the 120 girls into flower. Its been a fking nightmare setting everything up. From flushing, potting up, cleaning, more cleaning, setting up the nutes, changing timers, sprayed for bugs........... well ya get my point....lol

Anyway everything seems to be running ok, But and its a big BUT... I don't think I'm done with my light set up.......lol Yup you herd right, Im going to change the light set up again.

This is what i have planned in the next week. Im going to purchase 2 new 600w light and sell the 1 with attached ballast that can be seen hanging. Im also going to sell the CFL lighting i have as i will no longer need to use this. I'm doing this because I'm having problems with the CFL in the room and everything is becoming clutter'd up.

Ok some about the grow now..

Its the first day of 12/12 and as you can see the scrog and the girls have grown. The scrog has just gone CCCCCCCCCCCrazzzzzzzzzzzzY over the last week and i think that i will be doing more sorting out before budding really starts...

Most of the little girls have shot up about 2 cm each and are super healthy looking. i have lowered the 2 600's to the correct hight above them and given them a micro flush with diluted flowering nutes.

All comments welcomed.




Well-Known Member
seems things are falling right into place and very well. the scrog looks so good and the clones look better to they look like they are settled in. and do you have a buyer for your lights already, ive been trying to sell my 200 watt cfl for some time now and it only has like 100 hours on it and is guaranteed to last over 10000

Silent Running

Active Member
Looking awesome in there Dan. I think your lighting change is a definite good idea. Around here, lights don't stay on craigslist for more than a day.