Club 600


Well-Known Member
On a more serious note. How many plants will it take to fill a scrog two foot wide and four feet long? Question two, in said space, which is a tent, is it best do ya' think to go with a cool tube? I have a four foot four tube t-5 in there now that I could use for the entire grow but that is hard to do with two six hundreds sitting around. I'm thinking of next summer, april here, and what is the best way to try to not have killer electric bills and still have a decent harvest coming in rather than nothing for four months. For some reason or other having a four hundred dollar a month electric bill rubs me the wrong way just like buying shit street weed. I feel like I'm being ripped off.
I grow in a 4x4 and scrog'd 4 plants.........wish I would of done only two!!!!


Well-Known Member
I agree HeadsUp, this is a v-cool thread if I do say so myself...har-de-har-har!

Well it's pissin it doon in London, and sunny in Amsterdam, can you fekkin believe it, got a black cloud following me around! haha.

mr west

Well-Known Member
I cant get the uploader to work this afternoon or I would post a pic of my monster AI x BB, the hammer didnt work as it was smothering the others. So i let it reach for the roof again lol.


Well-Known Member
I agree HeadsUp, this is a v-cool thread if I do say so myself...har-de-har-har!

Well it's pissin it doon in London, and sunny in Amsterdam, can you fekkin believe it, got a black cloud following me around! haha.
Ha....maybe you should start a rain water reclaiming business!!! LOL

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
Im going to agree with HU. This is the only thread im subbed to that is still active. Alot of good growers, good knowledge, good debates, and good vibes.


Well-Known Member
i dont know how to post the links to grows, but Danthebull is one of my favorites its ony his second grow and he is doin it bid, and his firt grow was fucking great. this thread is my Number one though even though im not on here as much. i also like Fdds outdoor journal, im not subbed but he does do a great job growing along with doubljjs green house grow his plants are fuckin huge


Active Member
Yeh Double JJ, 1BMM, Uncle Ben and TLD are some of my favorites that I can think of off the top of my head. Oh and VeggieGardener as well.


Well-Known Member
i like alot of the outdoor threads the ones you named country farmer as well as the loadeddraggons thread im not subbed to any because they are all massive threads really i like to look at the pics though and read how they do it, oh just realized you said TLD i forgot thats the abbreviation and im not even stoned nor have i been for about 2 months now i beleive


Well-Known Member
copy the pic then go to edit signature in your profile page and scroll down and it will say your current sig pic then go to option 2 and upload the pic. thats how i did it. you can also make a signature to like a link to your grow or a saying you like


Well-Known Member
oh man thats ruff, whats it like being str8?
well it was only the first week that was the real hard part but at times when i am angry or something i really feel the need to smoke but i dont. and its not to bad being clean i mean it will help me find a job as well as getting my neck tattoos lasered off witch i got done yesterday. the only really bad part is having to take the pain pills now instead of not smoking my meds i really miss growing as well im still waiting on my PO to say weather or not i can grow industrial hemp. i might smoke after this month though every now and then cuz i only have to send in a check up report every month for my po and dont even have to see him at all because ive been doing good since place on probation. i feel like i am starting to ramble a lil, but all in all its not bad being sober but i would much rather not be i also find my self drinking again but not to much:sad:


Well-Known Member
how do you get that lil roger watters dude on ya posts boys? and also a link to my journal?
this is for the roger 600 pic.
copy the pic then go to edit signature in your profile page and scroll down and it will say your current sig pic then go to option 2 and upload the pic. thats how i did it. you can also make a signature to like a link to your grow or a saying you like.

and then in the same page where it says signature copy and paste the title of your thread from the search bar and paste it in there and save, that is how i did it


Active Member
i just noticed something wierd!! how are us growers supposed to escape the dark sinister reputation we have when even the lil calyx dude that is the rollitup mascot has his gun in his hand???? ok it might not be a gun but its a pistil hahahaha

mr west

Well-Known Member
im not god wen i drink lol, id rather cut a plant 2 weeks early than run out lol. By PO do u mean parol officer?