Which hydro system makes most sense for me?

I am getting ready to build a hydro system but I just cant choose which one. I know quite a bit about all of the different methods just not sure which one I will benefit from most.

I'd like to run 20-30 plants. Like to have a veg time of 1-1.5 months.



I agree with StonedBlown Skiller.
1-1.5 months is a long veg time for hydro. Get some trays and set up an ebb and flow system.


Well-Known Member
I think Bubbleponics with a drip works best, but that's just me.
Yes but if you have a power failure you roots drown and ur plant dies :( Ebb & flow all the way. Look up Al B. Fuct. And look at his SOG grow set up. After screwing with hydro for a little over 7 years. The way he has set up is 100% full proof, electricity efficient, and im getting bout 1.8lbs every 2 weeks now so bout 3.6lbs a month :) Enjoy.


Well-Known Member
Ok. I'm just saying that for me the bubbleponics system has worked the best. Of course I only grow about once a year. Peace!


Well-Known Member
Ok. I'm just saying that for me the bubbleponics system has worked the best. Of course I only grow about once a year. Peace!
I know bro i aint ragging on u sorry if u took it that way. I was just saying it happened to me once so its a possibility to take into consideration thats all :)


Well-Known Member
Well I live in the desert so I don't think my plants would mind soaking in the pool for a while anyway. They'll take any moisture they can get I guess. Hmmmmm, I wonder if we could cross breed a cannabis plant with a succulent?

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
All different hydro setups have their pros and cons compared to others. IMHO, ebb and flow (flood and drain) is the most forgiving in terms of a power failure and doesn't use misters, drippers, or emitters that can clog up from time to time.
Again, IMHO a ebb & flow is a good choice for a first hydro. The roots are protected for a few hours if there is a power failure. More than a few hours of power loss you can manually flood the tray by pulling buckets of water from your res. and dumping it in the tray by hand. That will give you another few hours hoping the power comes back on so you get your lights back on.


Well-Known Member
All different hydro setups have their pros and cons compared to others. IMHO, ebb and flow (flood and drain) is the most forgiving in terms of a power failure and doesn't use misters, drippers, or emitters that can clog up from time to time.
Again, IMHO a ebb & flow is a good choice for a first hydro. The roots are protected for a few hours if there is a power failure. More than a few hours of power loss you can manually flood the tray by pulling buckets of water from your res. and dumping it in the tray by hand. That will give you another few hours hoping the power comes back on so you get your lights back on.
Man sounds like a lot of work :/ I just take a 12 inch square pot bout 10 inches tall put one inch of floc(loose rockwool)on the very bottom fill the rest with big chunk perlite and toss ur rockwool cube with plant in that. Flood once every 12 hours. If you have no electricity the floc will keep the perlite damp enough for up to 48 hours :)


Well-Known Member
Well I live in the desert so I don't think my plants would mind soaking in the pool for a while anyway. They'll take any moisture they can get I guess. Hmmmmm, I wonder if we could cross breed a cannabis plant with a succulent?

Might be sort of possible. With fruit trees you can take a branch from say a pear tree and splice it onto an apple tree. I know not really a cross, but might still be fun to try. Take a few cuttings and splice them onto a few random cactus and see what happens, it might work. would be fun to see.


Well-Known Member
Well I live in the desert so I don't think my plants would mind soaking in the pool for a while anyway. They'll take any moisture they can get I guess. Hmmmmm, I wonder if we could cross breed a cannabis plant with a succulent?
They will in till there's no more oxygen left and they start to drown :-D


Well-Known Member
Might be sort of possible. With fruit trees you can take a branch from say a pear tree and splice it onto an apple tree. I know not really a cross, but might still be fun to try. Take a few cuttings and splice them onto a few random cactus and see what happens, it might work. would be fun to see.
Its called grafting i wanna take a branch off my og kush and graft it to either a rocklock or a pineapple chunk. Might be doing this experiment once school lets up a little in the next 2 weeks or so. To many mid terms atm :(
Its called grafting i wanna take a branch off my og kush and graft it to either a rocklock or a pineapple chunk. Might be doing this experiment once school lets up a little in the next 2 weeks or so. To many mid terms atm :(
It'll work if you do it right. At least thats what farmers have told me.
So lets say power failure isnt an issue. Ive spent $2500 on the grow room structure itself so i wanna do a good job and do it right. I will be installing a generator in case of power failure in the winter. I am also putting a security system in that will call me via cell phone and alert me of a power outage. So power is not a problem.

I'd rather not run an ebb and flow because I feel like it is too simple and I could get better results with a little more complex system system? is this true?

And yeah i think 1 month veg and 2 months flower will be a better schedule.

I have two 10ft. x 16ft. rooms and i am trying to use the space and tools i have most efficiently. for gods sake i am building my own reflectors out of stainless steel and tig welding them all up. I think its bullshit that we have to pay 200 bucks for a piece of tin. Dont worry i have a plan to make it reflective.=)


Active Member
I would suggest ebb and grow. Its a flood and drain but in buckets. This system has all the advantages of the trays but with the added advantage of more room for root growth since each plant has its own bucket. You can root them in DWC and easily transplant to the ebb and grow buckets. You will get much better root growth which will lead to better harvests.
I would suggest ebb and grow. Its a flood and drain but in buckets. This system has all the advantages of the trays but with the added advantage of more room for root growth since each plant has its own bucket. You can root them in DWC and easily transplant to the ebb and grow buckets. You will get much better root growth which will lead to better harvests.

I am plannin on using cloner that i built. Its similar to an easy cloner. I am just gonna take cuttings, drop them in the cloner for a week or two with plain water on a 1 minute on, 4 minutes off schedule.

Is an ebb and grow bucket setup similar to dwc bucket setup?