wind and rain


Hey all.

Over in the UK the weather has got pretty bad all of a sudden. Its forcast to rain on and off for 10 days straight with some days of strong winds. My plants need about another 2 weeks ideally.

What is the best thing to do for my plants, as I cant bring them inside. I am gonna try to keep shaking most of the rain off them. Is a good idea to put them in the shelter of the rain where the wind cant get to them, or is the wind good to keep blowing off the moisture?

thanks in advance,



Active Member
hay Stoogy
im in the same boat man, my plants seem to be coping well at the moment but im gonna follow this thread for advice, and at least there getting a good flush haha.



that makes 3 of us. im at school and only get to see my ladies once a week. been having nightmares everynight fearing mold..hopefully they stay strong and finish this out healthy.

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
Been getting a lot of rain, too. Just check them real close every chance you get. The earlier you catch it, the less you lose. I shake them as well, but I haven't got a clue if it helps.


Active Member
well good luck all fingers crosses we get a harvest iv got 3-4 weeks i think so its gonna be tight


Active Member
hows things gettin on guys its been miserible weather for growing!! im still hanging in there got a few days of good weather to come next week and il have to see from there good luck all and Peace!


Active Member
damn I hope your girls pull through. I just had a storm here in SoCal yesterday as well, took an arm off one of mine. Luckily it dried up today :P

Best of Luck guys!

someone else

Active Member
I would keep shaking your plants, but I'd also think about trying to throw a tarp over some trees and make a shelter. It's what I did, and it worked perfectly the last week of rain and bad weather here.


Well-Known Member
I am just watching my plants out there every day to catch mold if it comes - luckily nothing yet. 3 weeks for harvest - hope it stays warm now, because it was 0C the other night but plants are okay. I think a bit of wind is better than no wind when plants are wet, so don't put a wet plant in a shelter - you'll have mold imediately if you are not lucky.

someone else

Active Member
I am just watching my plants out there every day to catch mold if it comes - luckily nothing yet. 3 weeks for harvest - hope it stays warm now, because it was 0C the other night but plants are okay. I think a bit of wind is better than no wind when plants are wet, so don't put a wet plant in a shelter - you'll have mold imediately if you are not lucky.
Obviously don't put a wet plant in a shelter; I wasn't suggesting that.
I suggested shaking the plant, and putting it into a shelter of sorts. Can't expose bud to constant water and expect good results. It sounds like the OP had just such a problem.

I've done exactly that the last week, and all my weed stayed dry and is glistening with THC, despite near hurricane storms for over a week.


Active Member
Cover them if you can. Shake the branches every day if you can. If you are getting a lot of rain, the plant will absorb water like a sponge. Ensure that any large branches are staked or supported as the extra water weight combined with how the plant will get a bit water logged can combine to cause branches to snap.


Active Member
sound advice guys lucky there ok at the minuet im checking them twice aday shaking and scanning over for rot 2-3 weeks cant come quick enuff. peace


Active Member
does anyone know if and when i should stop feeding my plants?
I'll just tell you what I am doing and why. I have kept my plants green all year because I am a firm believer that green leaves and lots of them help build nice buds.

But now I am about 15 or so days out from harvest, so I am feeding my plants one more time on Monday, and then I am going to let them eat themselves. Additionally, this last feeding is a 0-46-0 NPK, so the last N&K my girls got was prior to this recent drenching by mother nature. I expect my fan leaves to begin to turn yellow, but for there to still be plenty of green leaves on my plants during this last stage of ripening.

I do this because while I truly believe a multitude of healthy green leaves going into harvest help to grow the biggest possible bud sites, I would like the plant to already be clearing some of its own chlorophyll taste.

So, am I flushing? Not for the reason most people do so, in order to clear out some sort of chemical taste due to fertilization. I flush because I want the plant to help me in removing as much chlorophyll as possible before harvesting. And if the fan leaves are yellowing and dying due to the plant cannibalising itself for bud formation, that will help me in removing that taste.

Or so I think. Hell I could be full of shit.


Well-Known Member
Enough with the rain already!! My plant was looking so good till the rain started a few days ago. Checked first day of rain found a few spots of mold. Was hoping to harvest tomorrow since I found some mold and removed it but don't wanna loose any more buds. The rain is kicking my ass tho. PA

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
In the same boat here lads, at least 2 weeks left on my girls and the rain starts. One of my plants got seriously raped last year.

What do you expect in sunny ireland tho? Its not all tans and cocktails.


Well-Known Member
so once it is dry it will be ok to cover? Do you leave some space at the bottom to allow fresh air flow?