HELP!!! My Ph just keeps goin up.


Well-Known Member
Hey all I just started my first hydro grow and I am using Hydroten.

Anyways I set it up yesterday and today I changed the water and put new water Ph'ed at 5.6, I have been monatoring throughout the day.

3:30p.m Ph 5.6
4p.m Ph 6.2
5p.m Ph 6.5
7:30 Ph 7.

WTF why does it keep going back up, I wanted to put my germed seed in their tonight is this common in the beginning using Hydroten?


Well-Known Member
Did you rinse it out real well or put it right from the package into the pot? If you didn't rinse it, then dump all of that and start over again. If you did rinse it, I dunno.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
thats what water does till its stable. keep adjusting it. get a bottle of bottled water and once its open watch the ph rise to once the air hits it.
what is the tap ph and ppm of the water


Well-Known Member
Did you rinse it out real well or put it right from the package into the pot? If you didn't rinse it, then dump all of that and start over again. If you did rinse it, I dunno.
I rinsed very well I made sure I got all that crap out. Hopefully it will just go down I will exchange the water again.


Well-Known Member
thats what water does till its stable. keep adjusting it. get a bottle of bottled water and once its open watch the ph rise to once the air hits it.
what is the tap ph and ppm of the water
Thats what I thought I will just try and learn how much ph down to add to keep it at a stable Ph.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
so lower it more than oyu need as you know tis going to rise some anyways. our waters all do this at diff rates as depends on how2 acidic it is from tap and what is in it. some ive seen take a few days to stabilize. filtered water is more stable. i use a hydro logic water systam with upgrade filter for the chloramines.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
i dont like ro. its hard on the envronment with all the watsed waqter they have. i use a filer instead as my water isnt to bad here fom my tap. and added a kdf85 filter to get all the chloramines out. ro only takes partial chloramines
what is your tap ph and ppm of the water.


Active Member
did you soak the hydroton overnight in ph 5.8 water? and did you fill the bucket and allow the solution to sit overnight with the pump on? no matter what it will rise, but i only adjust mine each week at the solution change and it hits 6.5 by the time i need to change. could be your water, i use dehumidifier water and it starts off at around 30 ppm, and it's much easier to balance than tap water in my experience. plus you know everything that's in it except for that 30 ppm. also, certain nutrients contain higher salts than others, and these can raise ph pretty quick. i use botanicare, and never have issues with ph or deficiencies.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
realy? , dirty dehumiditfioer water. eeewww. full of crap from the machine and all it sucks in from the room to. and why soack the stones. its not rockwool. the food we sue has nothing to do with deff`s. uits how we use it or the grower. never the foods fault. 90% of the foods out there we make are all the same but the sales lies and advertisinbg costs to raise the prices.
and no way anyone should let ph hit that high in hydro. anymore than a ,.2 swing makes them suffer or cause slight isues weather you see it or not. hell in the 6 range for hydro they dont even get foods for the most part. ph fopr hydro is at 5.5 your 100x stronger at 6.5


Active Member
clearly you've never used botanicare nutrients. perhaps my garden is some sort of scientific anomoly... as my plants should be dead and thc free, but yet they live and are ridiculous. according to traditional plant science, i shouldn't be able to create clones without dipping in gel or powder... yet i've yet to use it and have roots in 80-90% within 4-10 days. according to traditional (or at least yours) science, my soil plant shouldn't have lived to be harvested... yet it did, and it may be the strongest plant i've smoked, and i'm not the only one to say so.


Well-Known Member
clearly you've never used botanicare nutrients. perhaps my garden is some sort of scientific anomoly... as my plants should be dead and thc free, but yet they live and are ridiculous. according to traditional plant science, i shouldn't be able to create clones without dipping in gel or powder... yet i've yet to use it and have roots in 80-90% within 4-10 days. according to traditional (or at least yours) science, my soil plant shouldn't have lived to be harvested... yet it did, and it may be the strongest plant i've smoked, and i'm not the only one to say so.
Is it so clear, because I have used Botanicare in my soil grows, as stated this is my first time with Hydro, I bought one nute and I will only be using one nute FloraNova Bloom.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
i never said shit about rooting gels. and ya. theres no need for

and yes i used to run botanicare for years actualy and left them long ago for a betetr source.

ya i get it your just better. it ok. lots of that on here. im jusat tryin to help with some shit i learn working for the nute co and with the dr`s and research facilities i have axcess to and if you want to call it worng its your decision.


Active Member
i never said shit about rooting gels. and ya. theres no need for

and yes i used to run botanicare for years actualy and left them long ago for a betetr source.

ya i get it your just better. it ok. lots of that on here. im jusat tryin to help with some shit i learn working for the nute co and with the dr`s and research facilities i have axcess to and if you want to call it worng its your decision.
when i see indisputable evidence, i'll change my opinion. regardless, you're saying my garden should be dead, or at minimum severely stressed out, yet they remain quite healthy, and have given me no problems, other than the occasional pest. if ph is so important with your nute brand, i'm sorry. i used to be a slave to the ph meter too.


Well-Known Member
None yet, I am about to put my germed seed in their tonight, I have the water balanced I will keep monitoring it.
Well since there are only minerals in your water and you're lacking the main Macros, I wouldn't worry about your pH. I don't know how much experience you have but plants grown in hydroponics need food and cannot live on water alone. Well, maybe they can live, but not well. What nutes do you plan on using?


Active Member
The hydroton will hold the ph of what ever water source was used to cool them after the firing process. Rinse that shit clean then soak it in 5.5 water over night. And yes if you are using organic ferts you should mix and bubble 24hrs befor adding them to your res.