Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide


Active Member
Sorry but this is probably asked before but I cant seem to find it

I have some lowryder 2 autoflowers right now and I'm using 6500K lighting. Am I suppose to switch to 2700K when I see the first signs of the plants sex?


Well-Known Member
hey guys if anyone is interested inbuy some auto seeds check out herbies autoflowering seeds im not joking they are the cheapest and fasted on the net. im from australia and got my seeds in 5days ~!


Active Member
Thanks for the help. Could you take a look at my plants? (LR#2)

first side

other side

14 days since it sprouted and the plant looks extremely small still. The leaves are drooping and not a lot of roots are forming. Is this expected from autoflowers, or am I doing something wrong?

dwc bubbler
4 42W 6500K lights
1 40W 2700K light

800 PPM, constant 5.5-5.6 pH (using general hydroponic (hard water series) + lucas formula)
75-78 temp, res temp is the same (a bit lower)


Well-Known Member
The leaves are drooping and not a lot of roots are forming. Is this expected from autoflowers, or am I doing something wrong?

Dude dont sweat it, they look absolutely great to me. They are just ahead of the growth curve for day 14 in my opinion. Autos are small, if they are going to get large they will do so as soon as they show sex. No personal experience with hydro so you might take arsenal's advice on the PPMs just to be safe, however. Here in a week or less you should be able to tell sex and they should start to take off, or perhaps stay small and squatty.

Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
Yea, I would expect 10 weeks from any plant, I will be checking the trich's to tell when each one is ready. Blue diesels flowers are much larger than the easyryder. I will post more pictures in 20 days or so, I topped because everyone hates on it.. we will see what they grow into, only hoping for good green, not lbs.
Actually many of the Autos are supposed to only go 7-8 weeks from seed. One of my Easy Ryders is going to be harvested just over week 8, and one of them at week 9, both with 30-50% amber trichs already, but they're the smaller phenotype ER like they show on the Attitude site. My larger phenotype ERs will go until week 10 or 11, which is very typical for the larger phenotype variation.


Well-Known Member
Dude here,
Just thought I'd pop in and say hey. Ive been following this thread here and there for a little bit now, a lot of great info.
Please allow me to introduce you fine ladies and gentlemen to a good friend of mine.
My fitness consigliere, Michelle. My Diesel Ryder.
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She's about 6 weeks old, flowering for 26 days. 10" tall in a 1 gallon pot. Under a 250 hps and some side cfl's.
I was hoping others had some good grows with this strain in soil. What was your yield? Harvest day? Im thinking she can go till 75. Let me know...
Looking nice and green, and flowering nicely. Not sure if you already plan on doing it, but you should transfer her though to a 2-gallon or 3-gallon pot if you want to maximize your yield. 1-gallon per foot is the rule of thumb and that's definitely going to grow some more, but everybody I've seen has had better results growing their autos in a 3-gallon rather than a 2-gallon or smaller. Don't let something like the size of a pot hurt your yield when you put so much work into growing them.


Well-Known Member
High everyone, I am poised and ready to order some autos for outdoor sun in Hawaii, 'need you vote at this point in this thread for the best (potency, yield, ease of growing) strain. I am a return customer of Attitude, so anything from their menu I will consider.

Thank you! :leaf:
Well, using the info on Attitude's site, personally I select the Indica or Sativa to begin with depending on whether I want a body or head high, and then narrow the selection down from there based on THC level, height, time to harvest, ease of growing, pretty much in that order. Once I narrow the list down to several that I'm interested in I read up on those strains here on ROI from others that have grown them to see how they grow, problems they had, yield (did they auto?), smoke report, etc.. Everybody will have an opinion, but except for yield and % THC, those opinions only matter to the people that have them.

If you want something with a high THC, check out Afghan Kush Ryder (22%). Attitude's site describes the characteristics as "Narcotic, almost devastating". Has a short to medium height so it works for stealth grows or confined spaces, and the flowering time is short to medium. Not sure what the yield is yet, I have the seeds but haven't grown any yet. It's an Indica btw.

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
Hello guys Heres my Cobra and Stoned im happy with the results so far
cobra is cool gettin near end but the Stoned has a we way yet crazy thing is cobra is in a 5litre pot and stoned is less than 3 liters the stoned is near twice the size of cobra (my setup the soil is wormcastings and coirbrick thats it with 5 23watt cfl 19/5 and sun during day with 6.5ph spring water i spray mist my plants when they look thursty twice a day just soaking the top plus i only fed a little bit of nutes here and there its seasol i rarther it be natural only fed them 3 times thats me :-o:weed:

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Well-Known Member
Has anyone ordered seeds from Herbies? I ordered some auto flower yesterday. Just wondering if you had positive or negative feedback.
Do your homework before ordering seeds from any bank. You get what you pay for, and in some case you don't GET what you pay for lol. General consensus is that Attitude is the best place to shop in terms of quality, reliability, and stealth. Not the cheapest, but just use code 420 at checkout for 10% off which helps a little.

Sorry, not familiar with Herbies...


Well-Known Member

17 days Russian rocket fuel...
Not grown much???
Wow again, but for the opposite reason lol. Looks more like 7-8 days, but it does look healthy. Please post specific details of your setup including soil, lighting nutes if any, water, etc.. Maybe we can help get that thing on track, but the yield is definitely going to suffer being that far behind.


Well-Known Member
Sorry but this is probably asked before but I cant seem to find it

I have some lowryder 2 autoflowers right now and I'm using 6500K lighting. Am I suppose to switch to 2700K when I see the first signs of the plants sex?
Switch to 2700K when they start to flower (around day 20 will be fine). Won't hurt to keep some 6500K lighting in there too, depends on your setup and how many sockets you have available. I mix mine about 4 or 5 to 1, personal preference.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help. Could you take a look at my plants? (LR#2)

first side

other side

14 days since it sprouted and the plant looks extremely small still. The leaves are drooping and not a lot of roots are forming. Is this expected from autoflowers, or am I doing something wrong?

dwc bubbler
4 42W 6500K lights
1 40W 2700K light

800 PPM, constant 5.5-5.6 pH (using general hydroponic (hard water series) + lucas formula)
75-78 temp, res temp is the same (a bit lower)
It's on the small side for 14 days, but not ridiculously so. Drooping leaves and a lack of roots are NOT normal for autos, but I'm not a hydro guy so I won't comment at all on what to change, I'll defer to those with the hydro experience. Good luck!

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
enonumas stop multi posting your killing my post u could of posted all of that in one post

i know your trying to help but dont spam post k i want people to see these strains

Hello guys Heres my Cobra and Stoned im happy with the results so far
cobra is cool gettin near end but the Stoned has a we way yet crazy thing is cobra is in a 5litre pot and stoned is less than 3 liters the stoned is near twice the size of cobra (my setup the soil is wormcastings and coirbrick thats it with 5 23watt cfl 19/5 and sun during day with 6.5ph spring water i spray mist my plants when they look thursty twice a day just soaking the top plus i only fed a little bit of nutes here and there its seasol i rarther it be natural only fed them 3 times thats me :-o:weed:

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