Personal Medical Grow in Coco. [Chem D, Grape Romulan, Grapefurit Haze, Casey Jones]


Well-Known Member
Day 62. I cut out the nitrogen on day 54 but they are holding on to it pretty well. I was hoping for some funky colors but I guess next round I will cut out the N even earlier.





Well-Known Member
Awesome stuff Bender. Hope all is well your side. Peace, DST

EDIT: Interesting track, perhaps you might like The Knife, brother and sister act, split up now but still doing their thing I believe



Well-Known Member
hey bender my main man! props as always

is the grape romulan a class above the other strains?

it looks like the GR is GREAT pot and the others are good, but not great, is there a difference or is it all on the same level

GR looks like another level its trippin me out

ill try to get pics of my big budda G-Bomb its pretty nice


Well-Known Member
Subbed. Great job. Wish I could get some nice shots like those. And buds.
Hey bro, thanks a bunch man. No wishes bro, all the knowledge is available here to grow fire.

Awesome stuff Bender. Hope all is well your side. Peace, DST

EDIT: Interesting track, perhaps you might like The Knife, brother and sister act, split up now but still doing their thing I believe

DEEEE mahh man, how it goes. The track is indeed wicked.
When I first saw "The Knife" I thought it was gonna be the Plump DJs - The Knife. But def I like the bro and sis act.

Fire nugs bender!
Thank you sir.

woah! as finer nugs as ive seen fgor a long time bro
Donny man, you are too kind to me bro.

hey bender my main man! props as always

is the grape romulan a class above the other strains?

it looks like the GR is GREAT pot and the others are good, but not great, is there a difference or is it all on the same level

GR looks like another level its trippin me out

ill try to get pics of my big budda G-Bomb its pretty nice
HOC, thanks brother, much appreciated.

There is no question that Grape Rom is an ELITE strain at every level, grow, potency, effect and appeal.
The thing is that a lot of other ELITE strains don't have the trichrome coverage that grape romulan does, I guess what I trying to say is that from my experience it is difficult to just look at plant growing and determine if it is going to be in the top percentile, but in case of Grape Rom it is very obvious by just looking that this strain is fuckin nuts.

The GR mother way too many generations old and rooting GR is becoming somewhat of a pain but it is just so dang good.

Looking forward to seeing the G-Bomb, feel free to post as many pictures as you desire in my journal.

Just fuckin redankulous man. Whatever it takes to bring the best out of a strain, you have it my friend!
Raider bro that is a huge compliment coming from someone like you. I can honestly say that I am so proud of both of us, we started together about a year ago, and God know we have had a kick ass journey with some serious progress.


Active Member
Thanks for the encouragement. You are right, I will grow some dank too, but yours does look PicturePerfect. Well done. Plus Rep.


Well-Known Member
Can i hire you to grow my cannabis. :)
You plants are like manaical said "PicturePerfect".
I cant discribe the feeling i get when looking at your buds.
Excellent Job Bro.


Well-Known Member
Very nice my friend! I see you recruited some harvest help there in the back ground ;) So are all your strains 70 day strains or do just like mostly amber trichs? I notice all your grows go 65 days or more. Anwyay brotha, you got the greenest of thumbs. Big props!!



Well-Known Member
What up Raider. Thank you brotha. Yup I recruited three other medical patients to give me a hand, it took 4 hours to get through everything, which is a record time for me.

Oh yeah about the harvest timing, I def prefer the stonier effect. Especially if it is a sativa or a hybrid, which in my case all the strains were hybrid, I prefer it to go a full distance.


Well-Known Member
Yup, all of the above, that is definitiely just the way it should be, and a little bit more...peace, nice weekend bru. DST