WOW shes flowering fast!


Well-Known Member
how is your sick plant doing kratose?
Well, I was finally able to flush her. Flushed with 3 gallons of water. The damage is already done though. It got all the way up to the top leaves. She is hurting pretty bad. The other one I was able to flush in the nick of time. The damage was just starting. Going to do one more straight water then Ill start feeding it lightly again.

They are sayin if I order when the next dinafem promo is they will add more of those and 1 free extra UFO. But I fucking asked exactly how many I would be getting cause the previous promo I was suppose to receive was 10 fem seeds. For all I know the next promo is 1 fucking seed. These people are really trying to take advantage of their customers. I'm thinking I'm just gonna fucking explode on Attitude and end up getting nothing for my time and money. I have to stay up til 2am pst just to fricken get an email from them, then I respond instantly and have to wait another 2 hours to get a second email that was no help what-so-ever.
Dude thats fucked. I would just say I am not taking the chance of ordering again. I was suppose to get 10 fee seeds with my last order and your not making it clear to me how your going to fix this problem. You say your going to send me 1 extra freebee with the next order but I was suppose to get 10. This is to much of a headache for me and I will no longer be ordering from you. I understand if you don't have the freebee's that i was suppose to get in stock now, you could just send me them when you get them in. But since it seem's like you don't want to do this forget about it because I am not placing another order after what I just went through. Let them know how you feel about there customer service. Hell, ask if there is anyone else you can talk to. Possibly a manager or supervisor.

Still trying to figure out where I'm gonna put my S.A.D and my KandyKush that have been germinating cause ill have have right now is my closet to grow in but I wanna finish this girl out cause she is growin a lot and would be good for me to geta harvest, no matter the size, under my belt lol here is a pic of my little girl lol tied 3 fan leaves down to try and allow more colas to pop up.
Looking really good Quantim. She is growing fast.

i feel ya dude. that a shitty position to be in.

i got an email back from advanced nutrients. here is what it said:

Thank you for your inquiry,

At this time we do not have a sample program in place as all of our products are backed by a our “100% money back performance guarantee.” This way, if you wish to try our products risk free, and are unsatisfied with the results for whatever reason, you can return them to the original place of purchase.

atleast they back their nutes up. i cant wait to try their products out in a couple more grows! it was worth the try though!
Yeah at least they back there products. I have seen them give out samples to growers on youtube, and other people who can get there product out there. Probably because they get lots of views, its a way for them to spread the word of there products.

here goes some more pics of my girls. (the pics are scrambled again. i hate that) they are really putting on some weight. im very excited. i have to focus on other shit b/c it kills when i look at them. all i see is a big cola with a rello wrapped around it lol.... some of the hairs are starting to turn brown. it would be nice if they finished in less than a month! im gonna have to take a ride to radio shack! they both had a good flushing and i gave them some nutes. i try to keep them as happy as i can.

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Good fucking job man. Nice cola's. They are looking very healthy and sexy. Just keep doing what your doing your going to have a nice harvest.

So here's my options from attitude, they finally agreed to send the 10 dinafem seeds when their next promo comes out and they will pay for shipping or I can order like 1 seed when the promo is occuring and get 20 dinafem seeds and some extra ufos and then I gotta pay for shipping, so my plan is to order 1 decent seed and get a tshirt cause that makes it a guaranteed delivery( worried about more than 20 seeds going thru customs lol)

I picked up some 5 gallon buckets to plant my S.A.D and KK in.
Well that sounds good. Disreguard the last thing I said you should say to attitude. At least they are working with you.

i prolly shouldnt have but i did. i cut off a small but that was in the under growth. i dried it in the microwave using the wet paper towl method. anyways the bud shrunk up a bit, it was pretty hard though. i cut it up and through it in the vaporizer. i was soo stoned off that little bud. i couldnt believe how good it was. i had bud but i just had to sample it. if its this strong now i cant imagine what its gonna be like cured.

on the other hand, soon after i smoked that my ash tray fell off the couch and fell right on the vaporize whip and shattered it. i do not have the money to replace it and im pretty pissed off now. that was my main smoking tool. carma is a bitch i shouldve left the plant alone!
There is nothing wrong with taking a tester bud. I do it too. Just don't take lots of bud. Just one bud to test out. Damn you shattered your vaporizer? That sucks those things are not cheap. Sorry to hear that man.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit dude that's good news and shitty news @ the same time hahaha at least ur vap didn't fail after a week lol

So here's my cabinet customized with 2-24 watt T5's and 4-27 watt cfls. I haven't yet installed then intake and exhaust fans cause I don't have any yet. The S.A.D and Kandy Kush have been planted now.
Really nice growbox man. Is there good air flow in there?

So its been a little longer than 10mins my bad lol
Looking very healthy.

well shit. i think i might have burned one of my plants. i flushed her out a couple days ago and added some nutes. today i noticed the leaves that are yellow now have brown spots on them and almost all the tips are a spotted brown color. i tried taking some pics but u cant tell on all the pics i took. i guess im gonna have to keep my eye out on it. the other plant does not show any of these signs. the hairs are starting to go from white to brown. i dont know if this is a part of the process or not but i put money on it i burned this bitch.
It does sound like it. I would need a picture to really know though. Keep an eye on the tips and blades of the leaves. If you see them going brown/black and curling then most likely you did burn them. Catch it before it gets to bad and flush.

Welcome back again kratose, totaly understandable lol how's your sick plant doing my friend?
Thanks man. Its doing alright now but the damage has been done. It got pretty burnt. Looks like I stuck it in the oven and the leaves burnt lol. Its a pretty bad burn. But I flushed both the plants really good. So the problem should be under control. Since the flush it doesn't look like its getting any worse.

Gonna post a few pics of the healthy one in a minute. Ill put a few of my White Widow seedling too.


Active Member
So I just received an email about the attitude promos that are coming up and the dinafem one is complete bullshit, its u buy 1 seed get 2 free auto haze and buy 2 get 4 free buy, 5 get 6 free and so on. So the only possible thing I can get is auto haze........................well that's def not as good as being able to get like their blue widow or blue haze or any of their last promo seeds. This really pisses me off again lol

Kratose, at least you were able to stop one of them before it got too bad man.


Active Member
No there isn't any air flow in my growbox yet, need to go get an inline and exhaust fan to install into it today before the lights come back on, its stays about 85 degrees in there w/ the doors closed so need to get it done asap lol


Well-Known Member
every since i took that damn bud shits been going down hill. i regret taking that bitch now. nice to see you back kratose. i managed to get a $12 microscope from radio shack! the tricomes are on the clear maybe milky side! no red ones at all. i stuck my camera up to the scope and managed to get some half-ass pics. here they are.



Well-Known Member
So I just received an email about the attitude promos that are coming up and the dinafem one is complete bullshit, its u buy 1 seed get 2 free auto haze and buy 2 get 4 free buy, 5 get 6 free and so on. So the only possible thing I can get is auto haze........................well that's def not as good as being able to get like their blue widow or blue haze or any of their last promo seeds. This really pisses me off again lol

Kratose, at least you were able to stop one of them before it got too bad man.
I hear ya bro. Must be very frustrating. Maybe you can ask them when is there next promo? If your going to order you probably want to order a strain you really want. Or you can just order 1 seed to get your freebee's. It would suck if you were to wait for another promo then them forget about the seeds they owe you.

Blue Widow sounds really good. I never grew blueberry but have smoked it and its really tasty. I never can find blueberry seeds. They have or had them on BCbud depot but I have heard bad things about them and there prices are very expensive.

Yeah thankfully I figured out the problem before the other one got bad. Took awhile to figure it out but its better then never figuring it out.


Well-Known Member
No there isn't any air flow in my growbox yet, need to go get an inline and exhaust fan to install into it today before the lights come back on, its stays about 85 degrees in there w/ the doors closed so need to get it done asap lol
85F isn't to bad. But yeah try to get it down if you can. Its a nice growbox though.

every since i took that damn bud shits been going down hill. i regret taking that bitch now. nice to see you back kratose. i managed to get a $12 microscope from radio shack! the tricomes are on the clear maybe milky side! no red ones at all. i stuck my camera up to the scope and managed to get some half-ass pics. here they are.

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How long they been in flowering now? From those shots it looks like they still got some time to go. Also it depends on your preference. Do you want Couchlock or the headhigh? I like to pluck them when they are about 20% Amber.

Its nice to be back talking to you guys. How long was I gone for? 2 days I think?


Well-Known Member
wow kratose shes lookin good. i see u have some white widdows going too. im lookin forward to seeing them grow!!

the only thing that i have done differently was after i flushed the plant with 3 gallons of water and added a half gallon of nutes right after. the last time i flushed i diddnt add the nutes until the next day. i dont know. i will keep an eye out and if it gets worse i will post pics. i wonder if it would be ok to flush again even though the pot is still heavy with water?

if my plant is burning will it affect the bud that is already there? (because the bud is already some good shit) THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
wow kratose shes lookin good. i see u have some white widdows going too. im lookin forward to seeing them grow!!

the only thing that i have done differently was after i flushed the plant with 3 gallons of water and added a half gallon of nutes right after. the last time i flushed i diddnt add the nutes until the next day. i dont know. i will keep an eye out and if it gets worse i will post pics. i wonder if it would be ok to flush again even though the pot is still heavy with water?

if my plant is burning will it affect the bud that is already there? (because the bud is already some good shit) THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks man. Yeah she is looking pretty good. Just wish I didn't have the salt buildup. Otherwise they would of just needed regular flushing and would of been able to continue to feed them full strength nutes.

You added nutes right after you flushed? Probably should of let the soil dry out abit before giving more nutes. Sometimes what I like to do is give them a good flush, let it dry out, then give them a regular watering with just water. Then next time I will feed with the nutes. I seem to have good results doing that. But each strain can take nutriends differetnly. Some you can feed and feed and they will eat it up without burning, some can't take the nutes as well.

I would let it dry out a bit before giving it another flushing. Because you could end up with a over watering problem if you do that. They don't like there feet constantly wett. Thats what i had to do after I fed the plant with Mag thinking it was deficient. I ended up having to wait til it dried out abit before flushing it. I didn't want to cause more harm.

It really won't effect the bud that is already there, but hinder the potential to produce more buds and fatten up.


Well-Known Member
theyve been flowering 4 weeks as of today
Nice, then you got awhile to go still. I believe AK48 is a 9 weeker. You can pluck it at 8, but let it go for a extra week or two for that extra oil and resign production. They really start packing on the oils and resin when you let them go that extra week or two. If you ever watch some of GHS video's on youtube even they recommend doing this with some of there strains. Most commercial growers will pick at 8 weeks but if you wait it will ripen up even more, and add some extra weight on your buds.


Well-Known Member
ya the flowering time is 7-9 weeks. i will wait till its dry and flush it again. (if the problem gets worse)


Well-Known Member
ya the flowering time is 7-9 weeks. i will wait till its dry and flush it again. (if the problem gets worse)
Sounds like a plan. I hope the problem doesn't get worse. But don't worry to much you only got about 4-5 weeks left to flowering. Your plants look like the are in good shape so you should be alright.


Well-Known Member
ya but unfortunatly they are rapidly turning yellow. i added nitrogen but since the roots might be rotting it might not be able to get any nitrogen... does that sound plausable. i wouldnt know any othe reason why the plant would still be yellowing.


Well-Known Member
ya but unfortunatly they are rapidly turning yellow. i added nitrogen but since the roots might be rotting it might not be able to get any nitrogen... does that sound plausable. i wouldnt know any othe reason why the plant would still be yellowing.
Have you checked the PH of your water? Rapidly turning yellow is not good. Especially at the 4 week mark. Around the 6 week explosion is when you should notice them starting to yellow a bit (it being a indica and finishing around week 9) They should only be rapidly turning yellow when you are flushing at the end of flowering. Maybe your PH is off and its not taking up the nutes? I wouldn't think its because of a salt buildup locking out your nutes because you just did a really good flush, so that leads me to think it could possibly be the PH.

Hopefully they will get that feeding of nitrogen you gave them and stop yellowing tomorrow. So why do you think your roots are rotting?


Well-Known Member
i think i read that if u have nute burn it makes the roots rott and what we see from that are the leaves dieing. (if that not true please let me no)

i use my swimming pool test kit to test the water. i pour the runoff through some coffe filters and as far as i know its acurate. it usually read 6.3-6.5

Also my other plant is showing no sings. it looks normal.


Well-Known Member
i think i read that if u have nute burn it makes the roots rott and what we see from that are the leaves dieing.

i use my swimming pool test kit to test the water. i pour the runoff through some coffe filters and as far as i know its acurate. it usually read 6.3
Well if its accurate its not your PH because I keep mine around 6.4

I know overwatering can cause root rot but never knew nute burn could. I am not saying that what you read is wrong, I just never knew about it. Or heard about it. I wonder if its true.


Well-Known Member
if u havnt heard of it then i bet its not real. found this right here:

Root Rot
What causes root rot? Low Oxygen levels. (DO) Desolved Oxigen. Temp's are the main reason for root rot, Low temps will lower the DO levels and high temps will cause low DO levels. Keeping temps between 65 to 82 will allow MAX DO levels or max o2 for roots. (Thank you so much for the information syko2! has provided above!)
Over watering also causes root rot, Root Rot infects parts of the roots, which then spread infecting the whole roots causing death, Root Rot can be caused by to high of temps in hydro as well as over watering. Not enough drainage in your soil can cause Root Rot, even signs of it looking over watered, because the soil holds moisture to long for the roots to dry out. So these 3 things are all connected together. The main one that causes everything is over watering. Once you find out you have root rot, depending on how bad the problem is, you can add H202( Hydrogen Peroxide) with your water or hydro setup to kill the bacteria caused from root rot. If the plant is severely taken over by it, there are only a few things you can do, cut off the roots affected by it depending on if its hair roots or tap roots, add H202, or just chop the plant. To prevent Root Rot, adding product's like Thrive Alive B-1, See Weed, Super thrive will help protect your plant's from root rot and will help cure root problems.

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