Cons....THe Yeild is smaller and can't clone any autoflower strain.
More pros then cons.
so wrong they can be cloned but it dont make any since to do so
1 - cant keep mother life to terminate in about 10 weeks
2 - plant has to be about 5 weeks to have enought to cut off
3 - takes about 2 to 3 weeks to grow roots
4 - now mother is about week 7 minimum and daughter ready to flower
5 - now mother and daughter both to start to die at week ten
6 - cause daughter asums age of mother when cloned
so tell me what is the since everyone says they cant be cloned but dont know what they speaketh just repeating what they heard or read not tried
oh well that is how this site works people talking that should be reading and learning
Brick-i respect im about 5 percent of a auto man