AK-48 & master kush 400w HPS Grow


Active Member
Hi Steve,

Just been having a squiz and your ladies look really nice! Im especially interested in the AK-48, im a big fan of AK-47... what are the differences there?

I wouldn't worry about the yellowing spots, it appears they are only on a couple of fan leaves fairly low down on the plant, my belief is that something may have happened in the past to cause that (my first impression would have been calcium issue) but all the new growth since, is beautiful so if you have tested ph and water etc. then It could have been an environmental issue at that time. I notice those lamps do touch the plants, it couldn't be something as simple as that could it?

In any case, I highly doubt the few yellow spots you do have will cause any issues in the long run.

Top job so far, I am gonna be keeping an eye on this!


Well-Known Member
look for something called dolomite lime at a local flower store i had the same problem with the twisting and small brown spots, it may just be caused because now your plants are getting bigger thier taking all the ntes from the soil and now its getting acidic..... just my two cents but it looks firmiliar no big issue but gone unchecked for awhile you with really notice


Well-Known Member
Hi Steve,

Just been having a squiz and your ladies look really nice! Im especially interested in the AK-48, im a big fan of AK-47... what are the differences there?

I wouldn't worry about the yellowing spots, it appears they are only on a couple of fan leaves fairly low down on the plant, my belief is that something may have happened in the past to cause that (my first impression would have been calcium issue) but all the new growth since, is beautiful so if you have tested ph and water etc. then It could have been an environmental issue at that time. I notice those lamps do touch the plants, it couldn't be something as simple as that could it?

In any case, I highly doubt the few yellow spots you do have will cause any issues in the long run.

Top job so far, I am gonna be keeping an eye on this!
I'm not really sure the difference. Only thing I know is AK-48 is from Nirvana and AK-47 is from Serious Seeds. Some of the more experienced growers on here might know a lil more.


Well-Known Member
Some updated pics. Some rust spots have seemed to spread to new leaves. Come on where are the veteran growers I need some pointers. A lot of new growth these babies are growing quick. I still believe they have some kind of deficiency. Just not sure what it is. THanks for looking!


Well-Known Member
Question for anyone who can answer. Say you have nute lockout and you keep watering heavy with plain PHed water would this eventually clear up the prob??? Because I did not do a full flush I have just been watering with plain PHed water. Thanks


for the flushing question, the answer is yes, according to me

And your defeciency, according to my book, very much ressembles a calcium deficiency,
" Distilled and reverse osmosis water aswell a some tap water lack significant amounts of dissolved Ca.
Ca deficiency stunts plant growth and makes leaves turn dark green. large necrotic biotches of tan, dried tissue appears mostly on new growth but also on other plant parts along leaf edges.


Well-Known Member
Checked on the plants last night. Leaves were all drooping watered and it helped a lil. Hopefully they were just under watered.


Well-Known Member
Plants perked up nicely after the watering and some light foliar feeding with grow big. Here are some updated pics. Its a jungle in there! ;)
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Well-Known Member
Fed the babies last night with about 1/4 strength Grow Big and Big Bloom. Updated pics later today when the lights go on.


Well-Known Member
lookin good man. interested to see how they finish with just a400 watter, those cfls really help though huh! Good luck