good post though man.
i have seen it before a while back. the first time i watched it i wasnt sure myself but after watching it again and realising it was scripted it lost alot of its appeal.
do you think this one is real ?
i was shown this the other night.
There were two different cameras shooting the video, one is outside in line with the stairs and the view of the street.
I also noticed that there was no damage to the car at all. I think a 110lb girl is going to at least dent the hood.
The car was not going very fast at all to be able to stop that quickly, most likely would have continued on past the point of impact at least 2 car lengths.
You can very easily stage a series of single shots with the car and the girl in progressively different positions and then feed all the frames together to look like one short moment in time. If you pause the video during impact you can find the actress in at least 2 different "staged" postures.
The body was still in the street and then got hit dead center. There is very little other forces that come into play during the collision so the trajectory of the body would have stayed in line with the car. Girl sticking out from the side of the car is not possible but certainly the best option for a low budget film. Most likely a real collision would have the girl still under the car or coming out the back like water through a pipe.
The editing was actually very impressive IMHO. The only way to really observe evidence of the stop gaps is to find the switch from the first camera(mobile) to the second camera(stationary) and then back to the first camera at the end.
The first time I saw it I was completely taken in. But after watching it about 10 times, heheheh, it all became clear.