1st grow.. overgrown?? with pics, advice appreciated : )

noober doober

Active Member
So, this is my first time growing anything and although the plants appear to be very healthy and happy (which I'm proud of :-o) I think I let them veg too long and they are over growing my tent lol. They have been in 12/12 for just over a week and are under a 400w hps. I don't think this is what people meant when they said I can grow four SMALL plants under these conditions. I'm nervous the canopy is too thick and they are out growing the light (I'm definitely LSTing my next grow). I'm going to add another fan and I'm constantly rotating and pinching stems on upper growth but would like some advice from the pros.
Thanks RIU



Well-Known Member
your doing right by pinching since you dont have room to bend them over but they have alot of vert left to go

noober doober

Active Member
ugh, I think I only have another foot or two max to raise the light and I feel like they are growing into it after every day I move it up : (

noober doober

Active Member
Well, I have 3 big bang's in there and 1 IPOT (sativa). I vegged so long (8 weeks maybe) because the sativa plant was way smaller then the big bangs and I wanted it to catch up. It's actually the one towards rear on the left and is still on a milk crate but quickly catching up (finally lol). It's all been a big learning experience and this place and jorge cervantes taught me a lot, but nothing replaces experience. I now have a small veg area and can do things a bit differently but nonetheless I'm still in this predicament. I sort of saw this coming and began pinching 3-4 weeks ago but man they are just growing out of control.


some easy to implement height control tips:
keep temp even for night and day - run a heater @ night
dont water too much - underwater for a bit even
keep the light low

reccomended for the first few weeks of stretch after flipping


Active Member
just don't veg as long...not trying to be offensive but you should have realized that they will double/triple in size after you switch them into 12/12...

noober doober

Active Member
some easy to implement height control tips:
keep temp even for night and day - run a heater @ night
dont water too much - underwater for a bit even
keep the light low

reccomended for the first few weeks of stretch after flipping
Thanks for the advice, what temp should I be trying to achieve?

just don't veg as long...not trying to be offensive but you should have realized that they will double/triple in size after you switch them into 12/12...
No offense taken. I really didn't expect this explosion, unfortunately it's a little late for that tip now.

Do you guys think I'm in trouble here?


Active Member
im in the same boat i plann on getting a screen and trainning them to grow horizontal instead of vertical. you can support teh screen with the walls or make pvc frame


Well-Known Member
your biggest problem will be the width. not height. big lights like that make plants wanna SPEAR outwards. ^^


Well-Known Member
Wow man, I'm super impressed this is your first grow! I can't comment on the height issues your having as I just started my first grow. I am however, using the same light system you have and close to the same size room. I have to say it's making me a little more confident with my grow. If you could give me a few pointers as to what you did to get these girls so pretty lookin I would appreciate it. Soil type, feed cycle's etc. My plants seem to have just kinda stopped growing, or are moving really slow to say the least.

I''ve currently got 6 widow seedlings (2 weeks old) under 400w MH
Using 1 part FFOF, 1 Partplain top/soil, 25% perlite mix
Jack's classic 20-20-20 blend every 3rd watering
plants are in 3 gallon bags and get watered every 3-4days, (takes a while for 3 gallon pots to dry out with seedlings)
18/6 light cycle with a room temp of 70-73 during dark and 78-80 during light cycle
PH test my water and nutes to around 6.0-6.5

Can I get a comparison with the way your doing your grow?


noober doober

Active Member
Wow man, I'm super impressed this is your first grow! I can't comment on the height issues your having as I just started my first grow. I am however, using the same light system you have and close to the same size room. I have to say it's making me a little more confident with my grow. If you could give me a few pointers as to what you did to get these girls so pretty lookin I would appreciate it. Soil type, feed cycle's etc. My plants seem to have just kinda stopped growing, or are moving really slow to say the least.

I''ve currently got 6 widow seedlings (2 weeks old) under 400w MH
Using 1 part FFOF, 1 Partplain top/soil, 25% perlite mix
Jack's classic 20-20-20 blend every 3rd watering
plants are in 3 gallon bags and get watered every 3-4days, (takes a while for 3 gallon pots to dry out with seedlings)
18/6 light cycle with a room temp of 70-73 during dark and 78-80 during light cycle
PH test my water and nutes to around 6.0-6.5

Can I get a comparison with the way your doing your grow?

Thanks for the kind words! I was pretty shocked they came out this well too (LOTS of reading). Our grows are very similar. They were planted from seed in 1 gallon smart pots in roots organic. when I transplanted to 5 gallon smart pots I switched to FFOF as well with perlite and dolomite lime. I think I was having some nute lock out before and the lime seemed to really help you may want to check into that. what is you PH run off? I water and add nutes depending on how each individual plant is doing. I had one IPOT that got severely stunted. She is the same age as the plants you see here and was on the verge of death for a long time. She has just finally turned around and although she in only 6 inches tall, all six inches are packed with growth : ) I used flora nova veg nutes along with carbo load from AN. I'm now using AN carbo load, bud blood for the fiirst two waterings in flower, big bud for the next few weeks and overdrive after that.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the kind words! I was pretty shocked they came out this well too (LOTS of reading). Our grows are very similar. They were planted from seed in 1 gallon smart pots in roots organic. when I transplanted to 5 gallon smart pots I switched to FFOF as well with perlite and dolomite lime. I think I was having some nute lock out before and the lime seemed to really help you may want to check into that. what is you PH run off? I water and add nutes depending on how each individual plant is doing. I had one IPOT that got severely stunted. She is the same age as the plants you see here and was on the verge of death for a long time. She has just finally turned around and although she in only 6 inches tall, all six inches are packed with growth : ) I used flora nova veg nutes along with carbo load from AN. I'm now using AN carbo load, bud blood for the fiirst two waterings in flower, big bud for the next few weeks and overdrive after that.
I've been using a liquid PH tester for my water/nute solution. I've never checked my soil PH, by water run off do you mean do a PH test on the water as it exits the bag? Never was quite sure how to test soil PH as all I have is a liquid test tube kit.


noober doober

Active Member
I'm not sure how those bags work. Is there no excess water out of the bottom when you water them? I catch my runoff in a tray and test that to get an idea of what level my soil is. I know there are soil testers as well. Not sure how well they work and I know you'll have to take multiple readings in different spots in one "pot" to get an accurate idea.


watsup man? if ur day max temps are 80F then to curtial stretch - the night temps should be close to it or even 81F but you can only do this for a week or 2 as it causes stress. My daytime max temp's are 83F and low of 75F at night during the first 2 weeks of flower. Healthy girls require about a 10 degree drop in temp at night - omptimaly not less then 70F.