Research chemicals???


Active Member
people have not been smoking extracted dmt for hundreds of years its a completely diffrent effect... making a tea and orally eating it is completely different. Im more concerned about the shit we use to extract it. smoking naphtha probably isnt the best along with the dmt idono and who knows honestly? like i said people havnt been smoking dmt for long and could possibly have negitive effects.

personally id rather just smoke it then eat it regardless of its negitive effect on my brain "if any". idono if im prepared for a super long dmt trip... my life was completely changed from a 10min trip. to think of hourly tripping on dmt is crazy and you have to be prepared to basicly die and be reborrn. 5-10min is long enough for me. its legit enough unlike most rcs outthere


Well-Known Member
people have not been smoking extracted dmt for hundreds of years its a completely diffrent effect... making a tea and orally eating it is completely different. Im more concerned about the shit we use to extract it. smoking naphtha probably isnt the best along with the dmt idono and who knows honestly? like i said people havnt been smoking dmt for long and could possibly have negitive effects.

personally id rather just smoke it then eat it regardless of its negitive effect on my brain "if any". idono if im prepared for a super long dmt trip... my life was completely changed from a 10min trip. to think of hourly tripping on dmt is crazy and you have to be prepared to basicly die and be reborrn. 5-10min is long enough for me. its legit enough unlike most rcs outthere
Naptha is extremely solvent so it evaporates quickly from the substance and it would just create DMT NAOH crystals if i'm not mistaken? Either way I'd say a intense trip of DMT is probably like as bad as smoking half a cigarette. It's been around since the 60-70's. I don't know if this is just from a movie or is really a video of old hippies but he talks about releasing DMT and compares it to when he smokes DMT in a crossed legged position like meditating. But here People still seem to be relatively healthy... probably gotta worry more about your CFC's burning a hole in our earths atmosphere letting in high amount of concentrated UAV lights which are likely high in radiation causing skin cancer and melanoma. Before you had to worry about DMT...


Well-Known Member
lsd and mdma were research chems when they came out... but we know alot about both of them now and can be scheduled. people have only been smoking extracted dmt for less than 100 years. the solvents we use to exstract and what not mades it "un natural" imo. long term and short term effects of smoking dmt are still unknown.

dont get me wrong i love dmt ive done extractions plenty of times, but it is still unknown
Very true. All drugs were once research chemicals... shit when LSD first came out do you think scientist were locked in there laboratories for a 100 yrs studying it before it got released to society? No. They saw its effects and they were good... first used medicinally then recreationally. That's the trend of all drugs of therapuetic or habitual abuse. I can go on and on but for now I'll pause and let my thoughts linger ;)


Active Member
i feel ya swag im not worried about the side effect honestly but im sure there is some kind of side effect plus the many other drugs people use bound to have some type of negative effect on teh brain.


Well-Known Member
preach that shit ndangered. for us on RIU most hallucinogens are RC's because we wanna try em all and learn and document about them. that sounds like good researcg to me.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
people have not been smoking extracted dmt for hundreds of years its a completely diffrent effect...
I do not think mechanism of the substance itself would alter much just because the route of administration has been altered.

smoking naphtha probably isnt the best along with the dmt idono and who knows honestly?
Naphtha is only one of the many potential solvents that could be applied to extract DMT, not to mention, once it evaporates the residue is miniscule.


New Member
God smoked dmt taste aweful or its cuz my stuff is dirty but i spit a bunch to rid the taste.

Not to mention is leaves a weird sensation thats feel weird on my lips. Yucky. Need to do ayahausca


Active Member
God smoked dmt taste aweful or its cuz my stuff is dirty but i spit a bunch to rid the taste.

Not to mention is leaves a weird sensation thats feel weird on my lips. Yucky. Need to do ayahausca
usually smoke with a little shake on bottom usually cant even taste it. possibly need to air out the deem some more.


Well-Known Member
God smoked dmt taste aweful or its cuz my stuff is dirty but i spit a bunch to rid the taste.

Not to mention is leaves a weird sensation thats feel weird on my lips. Yucky. Need to do ayahausca
Did you have it in a sealed container? It could have have keeping the fumes in and you just smoked a bunch of fumes. I would also let it air out.


Well-Known Member
God smoked dmt taste aweful or its cuz my stuff is dirty but i spit a bunch to rid the taste.

Not to mention is leaves a weird sensation thats feel weird on my lips. Yucky. Need to do ayahausca
Ayahausca tea has 5-MeO-DMT which I heard is not as pleasent and does not provide the intense mind blowing hallucinations freebase DMT does. It also envolves a fair amount of purging I've read. Many people who have done ayahausca have compared it to be like a moderate-strong LSD trip on trip reports from erowid. Though i'm still very intrigued to try it.


Well-Known Member
Dmt is not the most wonderfully tasted chem on the planet... what chemicals really is lols... DMT feels like sucking in a big wheel tire... somewhat of a plastic taste. But as suggested let it air out a little more or do an extra wash then see where it leaves you!


Well-Known Member
Ayahuasca is for the cold hearted... the brute of mind... a person going into a ayahuasca trip has no recollection of looking back... its a rebirth and transformative process... it leaves you with the void of your own well being!


Well-Known Member
i have always wanted to partake in an ayhuascha ceremony. that is one drug i would not even consider taking without an actual tribe and in its religious context. maybe my dream will come tru and one day i will be able to experience this is tru form.


Well-Known Member
Ayahuasca is not the same as 5-meo-dmt. Ayahuasca consists of n-n dmt and a maoi. 5-meo-dmt is a different chemical.


Well-Known Member
Ayahuasca is not the same as 5-meo-dmt. Ayahuasca consists of n-n dmt and a maoi. 5-meo-dmt is a different chemical.
This article on erowid says there is a combination of both DMT and 5-MeO-DMT in some. While some have only NN-DMT and 1 has only 5-MeO-DMT. . So I guess a mixture of the two could provide for quite an experience. I heard though 5-MeO-DMT in extracted / synthesized freebase form is unpleasant in itself, producing fairly intense hallucinations but with no real purpose coupled with a confused state of mind.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I heard though 5-MeO-DMT in extracted / synthesized freebase form is unpleasant in itself, producing fairly intense hallucinations but with no real purpose coupled with a confused state of mind.
That goes against the meaning of the word Psychedelic.


Well-Known Member
That goes against the meaning of the word Psychedelic.
I used not sure how reliable their information is on all psychedelics but it never inquires the person learns anything "purposeful" from the trip, it mentions having a psychedelic / psychotic experience. That doesn't mean you necessarily take something purposeful or valuable you've learned with you after the trip, some people just do it to for the happy euphoria tryptamines and Phenethylamines provide an to see interesting patterns and colors with no desire to learn about themselves or anything else spiritual or meaningful to life. So the trip would hold as much purpose as getting intoxicated from any drug does, as that is the main goal.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I used not sure how reliable their information is on all psychedelics but it never inquires the person learns anything "purposeful" from the trip, it mentions having a psychedelic / psychotic experience.
The term psychedelic is derived from the Greek words ψυχή (psyche, "soul") and δηλοῦν (deloun, "to manifest"), translating to "mind-manifesting". A psychedelic experience is characterized by the perception of aspects of one's mind previously unknown, or by the creative exuberance of the mind liberated from its ostensibly ordinary fetters

That doesn't mean you necessarily take something purposeful or valuable you've learned with you after the trip, some people just do it to for the happy euphoria
Psychedelics are a mere bridge between the conscious mind and the unconscious mind, hallucinations are a manifestation of unconscious thoughts, memories, emotions, etc. I find it is impossible to trip without learning something. Psychedelics are much more of a tool than a drug.

tryptamines and Phenethylamines provide an to see interesting patterns and colors with no desire to learn about themselves or anything else spiritual or meaningful to life.
Really? You are aware that LSD is a tryptamine and that MDMA is a phenethylamine? I would recommend you take a look into the book LSD: Doorway to the Numinous by M.D. Stanislav Grof. It is about the 5000+ studies utilizing LSD for psychiatric therapy, mainly focusing on Psycholytic Therapy. Also, MAPS (The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies) has many studies showing the proper utilization of psychedelics in therapy.

Also, maybe you should research some more on the nature of 2c-e, not to mention the utilization of 2c-d in Germany for psychotherapy (under the name LE-25).