L.A. Missile Launch


Well-Known Member
The first link def shows a missile as you can see the flames coming out of the rocket. The second link shows an airliner, you can see the two separate con trails coming from each engine.


Well-Known Member
b/c a multistage rocket flies up into the upper atmosphere and out of sight in about 6 minutes.

that's probably why.
you all are silly.

every cell phone in my house has picture and video capabilities.

the city of LA has millions of people. A LOT of them saw this. not ONE of them bothered to even take a pic, of a multi staged rocket. like it just happens everyday? seriously?

you all can keep defending it all day. i still say it is really weird.


Well-Known Member
Happy now? (clip linked showing at least two different videos)
it is you who seems to really be unhappy. i simply asked an honest question. and it was JUST a question. i never once attempted to debate what the object actually was. that is not what this is about, to me.

thank you for the link. i'll go look now. :)

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
nowhere does that state it being 2 different videos. :neutral:
You cant discern that those are from two seperate videos? You can't see the differences?

Or even concede that there wasn't just one person (like you had asserted) that got film or witnessed it for that matter?

I am not unhappy, just irritated man. I merely mentioned that you asserted something that wasnt true, and it became an issue for you. You begin to start trying to pick apart what I am saying. What the fuck is the point? You were wrong, plain and simple. Just fucking admit it. It's so minor, and essentially pointless, but yet the overwhelming internet bravado of pride prevents people from being honest here. It's fucking irritating that it's so hard to have a discussion that actually goes somewhere with everyone trying to one-up everybody else.


Well-Known Member
You cant discern that those are from two seperate videos? You can't see the differences?

Or even concede that there wasn't just one person (like you had asserted) that got film or witnessed it for that matter?

I am not unhappy, just irritated man. I merely mentioned that you asserted something that wasnt true, and it became an issue for you. You begin to start trying to pick apart what I am saying. What the fuck is the point? You were wrong, plain and simple. Just fucking admit it. It's so minor, and essentially pointless, but yet the overwhelming internet bravado of pride prevents people from being honest here. It's fucking irritating that it's so hard to have a discussion that actually goes somewhere with everyone trying to one-up everybody else.
if this is about you trying to prove me wrong then i will gladly give you the prize. :clap:

small penis much?


still wondering why there is only only video. helicopters move in the sky which is why there are different angles and views from the same camera. show me the links of people reportedly seeing this. you've really come up with NOTHING. but a background news clip.

all i ever wanted to know was why there isn't more vids of this. pretty simple observation, i'd say.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
WTF is your problem? Why do you always have to be right and when you're not you resort to a stupid-ass petty insult?

I didnt make you open your mouth and make an ass out of yourself as you are doing now.

Grow up, and reach maturity.


Well-Known Member
I'm definitely no conspiracy theorist but what I can't understand is why the govt. can't verify what it was via flight or radar records. This whole thing seems really odd.:?


Well-Known Member
I do believe the only jet aircraft that can achieve that kind near vertical trajectory is a F4 Phantom, and they haven't flown those for nearly 20 years. Certainly no Airliner could do that, I mean its nearly straight up for Pete's sake. Perhaps some kid got a bit over zealous with his Estes rocket kit and made a big un?


New Member
Haven't been reading this thread, so I don't know if it's been said, but I believe the contrail was caused by flight 808 from Honolulu to Phoenix. Some nerd that's apparently obsessed with contrails played super sleuth Jr. detective and figured it out.


Undercover Mod
Haven't been reading this thread, so I don't know if it's been said, but I believe the contrail was caused by flight 808 from Honolulu to Phoenix. Some nerd that's apparently obsessed with contrails played super sleuth Jr. detective and figured it out.
I call BS on that. From everything I heard there was no reported sightings on the reviewing of the radar in the area. But some random dude from it?


Well-Known Member
I call BS on that. From everything I heard there was no reported sightings on the reviewing of the radar in the area. But some random dude from it?
Not to mention that why would the flight veer way off path and nearly crash into the ocean only to then go near vertical? You would think there would be several hundred passengers telling about their near death experiences off the Coast of LA. Some people do not use logic or even common sense.


New Member
Not to mention that why would the flight veer way off path and nearly crash into the ocean only to then go near vertical? You would think there would be several hundred passengers telling about their near death experiences off the Coast of LA. Some people do not use logic or even common sense.
Logically because it is flying towards you, and the earth is round. As far as common sense goes, feel free to walk around thinking it's a Chinese or U.S. missile, but I wouldn't recommend vocalizing your thoughts.


Well-Known Member
Haven't been reading this thread, s
Really? DUH! You just said that I believe it was a Chinese or US Missile when indeed I have said nothing to that fact at all. How will you get the egg off your face? The earth is round therefore it gives the impression that it is going nearly vertical? Are you dumb? Ever seen a Contrail from a Jet Aircraft ever in your life? Ever? Did it look like it was going straight up? No? wonder why? If the Earth's Roundness caused this optical illusion and it was viewable the actual trail would have to be MILES WIDE to see it at that distance!