This is off topic but I find it extremely interesting. Now, at my age, I'm a full blown skeptic and very cynical. However I consider myself a very positive person, it's everyone else I'm skeptical and cynical about. I find most people, first off to be dishonest and secondly full of themselves and their importance in life. Which brings me to the subject of psychics. Does anyone know any true psychics? I don't. I've been watching a show called Psychic Kids, Children of the Paranormal on A&E. What stands out to me about this show, all the kids hate that they have this ability that they cannot control, most of them it scares to death, and almost all of them feel like freaks and outsiders. I do believe these kids have true psychic abilities and it is really, really, eerie what they can see and hear and we don't. If this kind of stuff interests you, this is the show above and beyond any other that I think is real, one hundred percent real.