100W CFL Generating alot of heat!


Well-Known Member
just set up a new growbox, it has two 50W CFL's (6500K) in it..
and it doesn't have any ventilation in it..

the temps go up above 80F in 10 min.. im afraid that the growbox is going to overheat..

should it get so hot in with 2 50W CFL's and no ventilatio?


Well-Known Member
If you have no ventilation then what do you expect?

You have no escape for your heat.

CFL's generate heat just not a great deal of it. If you have nowhere for the heat that is created to go then it is just going to get hotter in there.

You need an exhaust at least to get the hot air out.



Well-Known Member
it's a small cardboard box.. kinda hard setting an exhaust in there..
a small wooden box with a normal fan inside would still overheat?

and how high can the temp go and still be ok to grow?


Active Member
for sure you need some kind of venalation heat stress can stunt a plants growth , heat can be a bigger issue than most people think . Try using a pc fan for a exhaust best of luck


Well-Known Member
for sure you need some kind of venalation heat stress can stunt a plants growth , heat can be a bigger issue than most people think . Try using a pc fan for a exhaust best of luck
you think i should continue with the cardboard box? im afraid that it will burn if it's too close to the CFL's..
and i think i can get a little exhaust fan in there if it;s going to make the difference..


Well-Known Member
here is what u do cut yourself a passive intake in the bottom and put a screen to keep out bugs and get yourself a fan in there moving air and make a hole in the top of the box on the oppisite side of the bottom hole and see what happens


Well-Known Member
Thanks! i'll buy a VENTS 100S and see how i can feet it in and how much it will take the temp down..


Active Member
This design may help you add an exhaust to your box

see pics below

I use this as a drying box but you could do the same for growing if you want to stay with the cardboard box.

lovin the box !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice setup if I knew how to give you rep I would .


Active Member
db&st I would for sure go with something like jondamon has shown you that's a really sweet setup on a box !!! Even if you can't get your gear now at least cut a vent hole in both the top and the bottom you should do fine


Well-Known Member
CFLs produce alot more heat than people think they do but your box would over heat with a candle in it if there is no ventilation.


Active Member
I did it . I'm excited like a kid who just learned something new . So thanks a million jondamon your the man !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member

bought this exhaust fan.
is says it's 1.9 m^3/min.

what will do better for the grow box?
make it exhausting the hot air, or making it get fresh air inside?

Cheap Basterd

Active Member
and with a hole at the bottom you think it'll be fine?
Yeah mate you'll be fine.

I'm only a noob here, it's fairly simple though. With the fan at the top of your box it will draw cool air through the hole in the bottom. If you put the holes at opposite sides it will draw cool air over your plant too.

Good luck