TOPPED Seedling! can it still live?


Well-Known Member
thats fucked m8,
what kind of dumb ass does it take cut trim a plant like that.
get new seeds or take cuttings from the plants you already have.

wow go figure another new member coming in talking shit havent seen that one before man why post if your going to be ass


Weed Modifier
thats fucked m8,
what kind of dumb ass does it take cut trim a plant like that.
get new seeds or take cuttings from the plants you already have.
yah and your point???
i didn't take cut trim anything??? One that wants the most from the least! i like to manipulate my plants so... wtf is your problem???
I have more cuttings???

man...who are you to just pop your trap!!! At least read a bit of the thread before shooting off your mouth!!!

Man! don't people have any respect or dignity left anymore???....and like i need your input??? lmao have a good one!!! peace ...out!


Well-Known Member
yah and your point???
i didn't take cut trim anything??? One that wants the most from the least! i like to manipulate my plants so... wtf is your problem???
I have more cuttings???

man...who are you to just pop your trap!!! At least read a bit of the thread before shooting off your mouth!!!

Man! don't people have any respect or dignity left anymore???....and like i need your input??? lmao have a good one!!! peace ...out!
no lime they dont!!! what a shame! havnt you noticed that everything has gone automated these days??? its because of busters like "theone"
fuck this world is going to shit way to fast for me...


Weed Modifier
Well.....charlie is doing well....but i just realized i cut my yield from her by 25% from taking the cutting....crap!!!

She is liking the hps!!!

Angel seems to be ok so far just a tad droop on the top shoot...i think she will be fine???


Weed Modifier
Glad to hear angel just might pull through you should ever worry lol you have some skills
well 3 days and she is not laying down so i guess she is ok...time will tell, she still is nice and green...skill, haha yah..... more like luck? maybe? lol

I'm not one to say im good or a pro as i have made allot of mistakes to get where i am now....i just don't give up keep going and eventually it gets better! i talking about growin or life??? lol


Weed Modifier
holy crap charlie is basking in the hps...i think she is liking it!!! 4" in 4 days?

wtf she never grew this much at any was 14" before flowering, now 18" wwwoooohhhoooo!!! finally a plant....lmao

She is taking off now!!! Take it all off!!! Awesome...happy day today.
Your little guy looks like hes done. The most you can do is put a humidity dome over him/her and hope he gains vigor it looks like there is some leaf left but very little


Weed Modifier
Here! lets just do it up!!!:bigjoint:Enjoy the side-by-sides...;-) let's go back in time to the beginning...



Weed Modifier
yea lime i would say she is liking it just fine good job with the slide show...
Thanks regga....girls gave you a few your girls are getting mighty frosty cold is it in there??? BBBBBBRRRRRRRR!!!! I know cold temps will bring out the purps but that icing takes the cake bro....sweet work man! jealous to the T!!!


Weed Modifier
Like a trip down memory lane. +rep
yah man no kidding! lol it has been along road that is forsure!!! That's why I thought i would put a few together so all who stop by dont have to look through the whole thread....

I'm starting to get excited cuz she is in flower now almost 1 week....wwwooooohhhhooooo!!! And she is stretching out to she is gaining an 1"/day....more than i have ever seen from her at any point in time??? awesome though....she is still only like 19" now...started flower she was 14"!

Thanks for stopping by assasin...and the rep of


Well-Known Member
thanks lime, shit dude last night with lights on it was 51 in there... its been so cold that they only used 5gal of water in 2 weeks... im sure that will all change now...


Active Member
Well i did it! Not on purpose of course! Just wanting to know if anyone has done this to a seedling, and can it survive the trama?:confused:

Any advise on this topic would be greatly appreciated...:joint:
good advice by all... know, when i was transplanting my lil guy i mishandled the drop, and popped it right off at the base !! i paniced and trimmed the shit outta it and just jammed it in the soil, sick, thinking i killed it for sure...NOW..i have a beautiful 'wishbone' shaped OG Bubba Kush x Green Crack plant, 4 weeks into flowering and its already amazingly resinated! so dont give up hope, cannabis is a hearty plant.

excellent pics! glad you are having success! i cant wait to see where mine end up!


Weed Modifier
good advice by all... know, when i was transplanting my lil guy i mishandled the drop, and popped it right off at the base !! i paniced and trimmed the shit outta it and just jammed it in the soil, sick, thinking i killed it for sure...NOW..i have a beautiful 'wishbone' shaped OG Bubba Kush x Green Crack plant, 4 weeks into flowering and its already amazingly resinated! so dont give up hope, cannabis is a hearty plant.

excellent pics! glad you are having success! i cant wait to see where mine end up!
yah man forsure Mj can be a resilient plant at times!!!

shitty....but glad she worked out!.... see another oops....but still alive! man you should post a pic??? i would love to see it!

post a few if you like and thanks for stopping in man, all are welcome here!!! Welcome to RIU!!! stop by anytime....