How safe is


New Member
I was wondering how safe this site is and where it is based, does the site log ip's also? Thank you for clearing up my newbie questions in advance


Well-Known Member
I'm not one of the mod's so I don't really know if IP's are logged but as far as safety is concerned, I doubt you would have to worry. I've been on this site for two years and never once was concerned about my safety. Just don't be stupid and post names, numbers and other identifiable information.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering how safe this site is and where it is based, does the site log ip's also? Thank you for clearing up my newbie questions in advance
it shouldn't matter,,if you are down for the legalisation of Marijuana,,and are a firm believer in what you stand for,,who cares how safe it is,,as soon as everyone thinks like me,,we'll either all be in jail with Marc,,or maybe something will change,,or start to change,,but it ain't gonna happen with ppl who wanna grow,,but aren't prepared to cop the attitude that what they are doing isn't wrong,,it's not wrong,,my name is Ed,,I grow and smoke

Keep on Growin


Edit:oh,,my pic is here on the site somewhere to,,darn


Active Member
hell yeah! its just a plant, not a mixture of chemicals! ill smoke whatever the fuck i want that grows from dirt of this PLANET, the human species was born like every other species why can another man tell me what to do? he cant, gee gee (unless they bring some guns over to shoot me with lol)


Well-Known Member
as long as you wear an aluminum helmet whale visiting the site you safe should be safe from feds harassment.


Well-Known Member
I grow a few plants at a time. I think there are far more serious things for the Feds to worry about.



Well-Known Member
It"s as safe as any other one of these sites... meaning i am sure DEA and all have a long list of all of these sites, but lets be real how the hell are they going to bust someone for words, especially if you make it clear that is all they are, understand? Last time I checked it wasnt illegal to discuss MJ. and trust me they have way to much on their plates then to come to a site like this and try to actually bust someone, too much money for one and a lotta waste of time. It takes more then some internet forum for the 5-0 to roll in on you.


New Member
it shouldn't matter,,if you are down for the legalisation of Marijuana,,and are a firm believer in what you stand for,,who cares how safe it is,,as soon as everyone thinks like me,,we'll either all be in jail with Marc,,or maybe something will change,,or start to change,,but it ain't gonna happen with ppl who wanna grow,,but aren't prepared to cop the attitude that what they are doing isn't wrong,,it's not wrong,,my name is Ed,,I grow and smoke

Keep on Growin


Edit:oh,,my pic is here on the site somewhere to,,darn
This is the truth brother!!!! There needs to be some plubic events and more people standing up for what they belive in or pretend to belive in. Its a hard thing to do I know but life is not easy and change is worth it!


Well-Known Member
why do the mods never answer this question? I've seen other similar posts and all the person gets is some smart ass coment about holding your head between your legs or wearing tin foil on your head. Why can nobody give a real answer? I want to know what RIU does to protect our the answer going to hurt the site....if they tell the truth are they affraid everyone will leave. I won't leave, its too good here...I just want to know. What does RIU do to protect its members?????????

edit: just had a thought...maybe if they told us what they did it would make it easier for the bad men catch someone..and that would be no 2c


Well-Known Member
1% if that might be heat, but theyd only go for big busts. also ud have to be dumb enuf to give them alot of info, and hard evidence.......... (real dumb)

and fdd- howd u make that badge, man?


Well-Known Member
CALIGURL - Avatar gets an A+. The more i hear/see about cali on this site, the more i wanna go haha..

As far as safety, its straight. Id be more concerned with any personal friends/family that knew of my op. then anything i posted on thise site. Freedom of speach meng, its good stuff