Micro's second pc attempt. 182 watts. Arjan kush. Soil.lots of pics. Rep to who post


Well-Known Member
yeahman... real shitty stuff.. we were supposedto have till tomorrow... oh well... she pulled through it... with a lot of transpiration... the deal is... when the lights came on, i opened the box... pulled her out, water/fed her... put her back in the box closed the door and... BAMM!!! the power went out.. totally unexpected... if the electicity company would have waited an hour, it would have been paid... fuckin pricks.sorry... well she missed 7 1/2 hoursof light for today... i am going to keep heron her reg. schedule of light since it is very convenient for me... i almost considederd changing her12 hours of light to when the power came back on...but like i said, convenience proved otherwise... anyways... hope she doesnt hermie.. imma post some piks i just took...

i totally appreciate all compliments on this grow... it was nice reading all of them after a stressful day with the electricity company...


Well-Known Member
basically like the title says... i explained what happened... so... oh yeah.. got a nice frosty bud shot in for you guys... gotta love the bud porn...
sorry... no vids... been stressed about the lady...



Well-Known Member
the comment about fillin the grid made me laugh... i think if i would have vegged till she was as tall as the length of the grid/screen, then tied her down and topped, it wouldhave totally been possible and could have possibly increasedmy yeild by as much as a half or so.. so next time... the grid will be filledwith a perfectly even canopy of tops... or so i pray...lol...


Well-Known Member
the comment about fillin the grid made me laugh... i think if i would have vegged till she was as tall as the length of the grid/screen, then tied her down and topped, it wouldhave totally been possible and could have possibly increasedmy yeild by as much as a half or so.. so next time... the grid will be filledwith a perfectly even canopy of tops... or so i pray...lol...


Well-Known Member
thanks homie... i was super scaredshe wasgonna be fucked after that... i was told it would only add a day or two to growing her out is all... i look at it like this.. if she were outdoor, there would be days that were rainy and super dark outside.. so lets just considerthis one of those days... lol...


Well-Known Member
Sorry about the electirical snafu, but yeah I don't think a few hours of darkness here and there will matter that much. glad to see things are still lookin good. The buds are fattening up bro!


Well-Known Member
yup... two of them are getting real fat... i think i will harvest them early and let the rest go for 8 weeks... we'll see...


Well-Known Member
well its not that... these two buds i am referring to have been shooting small amounts of pistils since i started to revvegg...i dunno... i am def gonna wait till the right moment... only reason i am curious about harvesting early is because i wanna keep this strainalive for a sec due to a clone i made before flowering... i wanna know the peak harvest moment of her and what type of stoned i liked most from her... i know dif harvest times and dif trich combos (more amber more cloudy type dif.)... just really wanna get familiar with this strain if i plan on callin it my own one day (breedingand whatnot)... sorry bout the ramble... its late and im stoned... lol...


Well-Known Member
damn... i juatrealised it says teaching howto roll under my name now... and im mr. ganja... im moving up in thisworld of riu... one day to be a micro legend.. writing books and shit.. bout the art of micro zen.... only can i wish...


Well-Known Member
hell yeah... i hope so homie... lemme upload some piks i just took... a lil bit of "pruning" for airation through out the canopy...


Well-Known Member
at the end of tonight she will have been on 12/12 for two weeks....damn... i still got six more.. lol... it wont be too bad... the smell of this garden is so pungent, while pruning her earlier, i thought i was getting stoned off the stinch... its a very "magical" smell indeed...

heres the piks.. i cant find my mag glass so, i may have to buy a new one tonight... we will see...



Well-Known Member
frosty budz arealways nice to wake up to... lol... they are the first thing i check out everyday... lol.... well... im off to work... hope to see some comments when i get back... thanks forlookin homies... even if some of ya dont post... the view counter lets me know ya'll are showing some love... i think this thread gets like 100 hits a day... not bad...not bad at all....