Super Lemon Haze Irie Stuff


Well-Known Member
Yeah man I cant wait either...they showed preflowers pretty quickly, now that long wait...there are some huge fan leaves but they are just a pain in the ass....ive had to tie so many down just to keep light seems like every other day I am re-adjusting all the branches


Well-Known Member
3days later....
i had 2 move the light to get a good shot, thats the light shining at the front. impressed with the power of the tea.

sweeeeeeet :)
Do tell how do YOU make your tea?

Heres an update, nothing to exciting....still have a while to go but first week of flower down!
Rocky buy a small fan and sit the fan in or again'st the reflectors hole ( the one we see) and have it pulling air out and away from bulb. You would be amazed what a little cooling can do.


Well-Known Member
Do tell how do YOU make your tea?

Rocky buy a small fan and sit the fan in or again'st the reflectors hole ( the one we see) and have it pulling air out and away from bulb. You would be amazed what a little cooling can do.
I have a occelating fan on them....I have thought about putting a fan on just so I can put a filter on it but the temp at the plants is only 72 degrees...The room stays pretty cool this time of year...Im almost worried it will be too cold with one. I do need to invest in one though, especially for odor control. Thanks for the heads up


Well-Known Member
Does anyones slh turn purple mid-way through flowering? the reason i ask is because i have 2 slh plants and one of them is turning purple!

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
i was just reading quick before bed, quite high so please ask if its not clear ;) (blue cheese) but seems as u asked so nice ;)

get some old cotton rags, like a pillow case that ur not gonna use any more. put some of ur finest compost mix inside, i use 3-4 handful's for 5L water(aprox 1 gallon) and heaped table spoon of bat crap. tie some string around the bag to stop the bits coming out. i have a fish tank air pump with a air stone in the bucket, i think regular stirring would do it.

leave for 24 hours stirring every couple of hours. i also add a small amount of cannazyme but you could use any zyme based product, i'm sure it would work. this helps the nutes break down into stuff the plant can use, i think. not even sure this is necessary i just have some laying around i dont want to waste.
thats what i use, also coz its at hand ;)

edit - water


Well-Known Member
Does anyones slh turn purple mid-way through flowering? the reason i ask is because i have 2 slh plants and one of them is turning purple!
There are a couple posts about that in this thread...its a lot to look through but what I read is drop in temps can cause that.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the temps do drop at night but it doesn't get too cold, the temperature with the lights on is between 75-80F and with lights off it's between 65-75F do you think this would be causing it?


Active Member
Yes some pheonos of SLH will turn purple if the temps get a little low. I really hope you took a clone or two of that one friend! I have been trying for over a year to find one!


Well-Known Member
okay golden - i'm going to assume you didn't harvest your SLH, or you would have told us.....?


Well-Known Member
I have her in the dark now ( 29 hrs ). I need lots of coffee, a shower, music, positive vibes and some hash. Once all that is in play I am going to harvest them both. It's been like 87 days of 12/12. Pistils are still white for the most part, and there is no amber trich ( don't want any ). Mainly cloudy with a few clear.
I will post pics soon soon, but until then I will post pics of the two new SLH~


Well-Known Member
:leaf:Here are my 2 new SLH from seed. The one on left has a much better growth pattern so far. She grew out instead of up, and then yesterday I took the 4 branches that where going up and lst them. Her sister is going up so I am fiming her to keep her down.


Active Member
lookin nice ganj,nice n bushy just how u want them
how long did they take frm seed
my SLH is growing to slow
decent job mate nice 1
rep to u


Well-Known Member


Active Member
its ashame that greenhouse r dishing out these daft phenos,doesnt look to good ganj
i will go ape shit if i get hermies or bad phenos


Well-Known Member
SLH was just about the best of the strains i tried this year - it is a decent producer, but the taste is incredible and i almost find it too strong as far as potency.. the first time i smoked it i was hearing phantom telephones ringing downstairs.. heh.. it is a powerful confusing stone - it makes your stomach start to feel warm and churn around.. i will for sure be purchasing more in the spring..!