The Attitude - Before Making Your Purchase


Well-Known Member
Was every online order placed that you used for a comparison an international order? Is each business you ordered from equally staffed, or at least equally staffed in relation to the amount of business they do? Does each business receive the same number of orders daily, in particular international ones? In each business do they run the same system on who does what when an order comes in online and does that include international orders? Does it take the exact same time for each business to pick an order, to physically go and get the item or items ordered from wherever they are located in the business. Does it take the exact same time for each business to package an order, international or otherwise? Do all the businesses ship the same way using the same shippers and ship an equal number of times per day?

If not your comparison was utterly worthless and an absurd way for you to attempt to validate your claims. If all things are not equal a valid comparison does not exist. It is irrational to use something for an example when it is so utterly different that it in no way can rightfully be used as an example of how something else should be. Just all being online purchases does not make everything else the same.
Have you ever seen a movie review? Or a magazine's review of a restaurant?

Does that make a review invalid if one movie spent 30Million to make and another spent 20? What about if one restaurant serves Spanish cuisine and another sells French? Nope. Go pickup a copy of consumer reports. Every one of their reviews, according to you, are invalid and unfair. And based on your criteria, no one could ever do reviews on seedbanks "fairly" since I'm sure all seedbanks operate differently.

If you were smart, which I'm sure you believe you are, you would understand that when it comes to reviews, all that matters is the perspective of the consumer.

Brick Top

New Member
Have you ever seen a movie review? Or a magazine's review of a restaurant?

Does that make a review invalid if one movie spent 30Million to make and another spent 20? What about if one restaurant serves Spanish cuisine and another sells French? Nope. Go pickup a copy of consumer reports. Every one of their reviews, according to you, are invalid and unfair. And based on your criteria, no one could ever do reviews on seedbanks "fairly" since I'm sure all seedbanks operate differently.

If you were smart, which I'm sure you believe you are, you would understand that when it comes to reviews, all that matters is the perspective of the consumer.
If you were as intelligent as you like to believe you are you would know that reviews are not made as in comparisons of totally different things. Low budget films and high budget films are not compared in the same ways and about the same things and usually they are compared against other films in the same general budget range. So yes if someone compared the two different budgeted films as if they were equals in every way it would make for a totally inaccurate comparison and review.

When you are talking about eateries most times the menu is a major part of a review and no one is going to compare the menu at a French eatery with a Spanish eatery. The most they would compare would service and atmosphere, but even then only if they were in the same general price range.

You really shouldn't try to tell me about Consumer Reports. I used to own a new car dealership and we had customers come in with them all the time and when Consumer Reports compared/reviewed cars they did it by size/category and price range. Sub-compacts, compacts, mid-sized large etc. They did not lump them all together. You did not see a review or comparison made between a Mercury Tracer and a BMW 7 Series.

Virtually everything reviewed is done according to what it most closely compares to, as in size and price. Vacuum cleaners were not all rated or reviewed together. They were in price ranges. TV's were reviewed and rated by screen size and price range of comparable models, not all together. The same goes for appliances and virtually everything else. They would pick an overall best, but that was not because it beat out something totally different. It was just because the staff believed it to be best overall.

You made a weak feeble attempt to validate your "review" by making comparisons that were like comparing apples and zebras and now you have compounded that with another weak feeble attempt to blow enough smoke to hide your previous failed attempts.

You would be smart to give up while you're behind rather than waiting until you are WAY behind.


Well-Known Member
Saying you don't like a particular group because of their race is racism. You are associating some less than desirable trait, (hence you don't like them) to all people of a single culture, rather than to individuals. That isn't being PC, that is being a racist. Saying you aren't one, or calling other people PC who say you are, doesn't change that fact.

Thanks for the review by the way. I think it actually showed a pretty quick response on Attitude's part. That's a positive in my book.


Well-Known Member
Brick Top, you really don't get te whole point though. You act as though I've attacked Attitude Seedbank. When, all I did was make a review based on their performance as a vendor.

According to your perspective, no one wil EVER make a proper review here. Your point seems to be, if it's not completely praising the vendor, it doesn't belong here. I truly believe my review was not unjust in any way. And there are others here who are appreciative of it.

Do I think the processing was too long? YES

Did I state that they claim it wil take 1-3 business days? YES

The point I'm making, which you still don't get, is that there's no excuse to not be able to process an order in 24 hours. The reasons you've given me (people are sick, they are super busy, their warehouse gets bombed...) are irrelevent. The perspective of the consumer is always the point of view that matters in a review.

If thousands of online stores can ship their customer's orders in 24 hours, why can't the Attitude?

And AGAIN, I didn't say they were a horrible vendor. You have this tendency to put words in my mouth. I simply said, they have room to improve. And I honestly believe that's in the best interest of everyone here in this forum. If they would offer faster shipping, I'd be sold.

Now, I'd appreciate it if you'd apologize for all of the times you said I was just complaining, or saying that my order was late (which I never did) and also just admit that you're a racist. You've had a few people already tell you that prejudice on a person's race is racism. The least you could do is admit it.

Heres a thought:

A man feels INFERIOR to a black man because his wife likes to have sex with black men over him based on the difference in penis size. For this reason, he hates black men. According to your logic, that's not racism. Even though, everytime this man sees a black man, he hates him. He doesn't feel superior, or better than the black race. Just the opposite.

Would you say that hating this man based on his race is not racism?


New Member
ALRIGHT ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are we fucking mature growers,
or people that argue who gets the last damn ice cream?!
Tighten up everyone,
shits a mans site.
Now chill the fuck out.. and everyone smoke or something.




Active Member
There is no reason for Ignorance online anymore, I just dont get it. I have googled the definition of racism for all of you and it seems that brick top is the only one who got it right. If you all dont have a clue what the definition of somthing is, then dont open your fucking mouth about opinions because thats what more than half of you have done here. he simply said that he didnt care for mexicans. I dont see any racism in that phrase.

Definitions of racism on the Web:
  • the prejudice that members of one race are intrinsically superior to members of other races
  • discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of another race
  • Racism is the belief that race is a primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. ...
  • The belief that each race has distinct and intrinsic attributes; The belief that one race is superior to all others; Prejudice or discrimination based upon race
  • racist - based on racial intolerance; "racist remarks"
  • racist - a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others
  • racist - discriminatory especially on the basis of race or religion
  • Racist - Playing the race card is an idiomatic phrase that refers to the act of bringing the issue of race or racism into a debate, perhaps to obfuscate the matter. ...


Well-Known Member
Smokebomb, brick top didn't say that he didn't care for mexicans.

And if someone judges based on race then its racism... all your definitions up there point to that.

If im Mexican, it doesn't automatically make me racist. Im not sure what you were trying to say there...


Well-Known Member
If you checkout your definition, it states under #3:

"hatred or INTOLERANCE of another race or races."

By saying "I don't care for mexicans" you're admitting to being intolerant of the mexican race. The definition of INTOLERANCE is "A FAIR, OBJECTIVE, AND PERMISSIVE ATTITUDE TOWARD THOSE WHOSE OPINIONS, PRACTICES, RACE, RELIGION, NATIONALITY, ETC., DIFFER FROM ONE'S OWN"

-if you write off another person based on their race, you're not being tolerant. This would lead one to believe you're being racist.


Active Member
Tweexican... sounds too close to 'Mexican'. I don't like Mexicans... :|

I'm not racists.. not one bit. But when it comes to Mexicans.. I just don't care for them at all.

Anyhow, you need to take 'GeeTee's advice and just chill out man. If you didn't make any mistakes on your contact information when you made your order.. your seeds will get to you. However, there are times where 'Customs' end up confiscating your seeds.. but if that happens to you (its very rare) but if it does happen to you, they'll send you a notice in the mail.. explaining to you that your package and its contents were confiscated by 'Customs'.

You won't get into trouble if they do happen to intercept your order (package)... worst case scenerio when this happens.. is 'Customs' ends up keeping your package and destroying it (throwing it away). So worst case scenerio, you'd be out the money you spent on the seeds that you ordered.

Anyhow, once again... this RARELY ever happens. I've made over 10 orders from Nirvana Seed company.. and probably close to the same amount of orders with Attitude Seed company.. and I've NEVER had my package intercepted (confiscated) by 'Customs'. But again, it can.. and DOES happen from time to time.

But just be patient dude.. you'll get your package.

sorry tweex, I ment to refer to ganj


Active Member
AND AGAIN, I ask. If i am white and I dont care for white people does that mean I'm racist? against whites.


Active Member
i think his statement was discriminatory in nature. anyone can not care for somone or a race and have every day relations (work, shopping, dealing with them in buisness ect... and not be racist. I personaly dont CARE for mexicans, arabs, or most white people. I also have mexican friends and white friends. I dont know any arabs personaly but am I considered racist now? because I dont care for whites. Now if I said I hate spicks, niggers and zipper heads that would be racist. Its all in the wording and HOW its said. if you want to go by some fucking definition thats fine but common sence is the real winner here and it seems that people just dont have much anymore.


and alot of there employees were probally at the cannabis cup so they were a little slow at the shop mabee


Well-Known Member
So I have made my second purchase from The Attitude Seedbank. As I write this review, I want to note that it is 11:58 PM Central Time on 12/02/2010 and I am still waiting on an order I placed on 11/18/2010.

A few days after placing my order, I logged onto my Attitude account and checked on the status of my order. To my surprise, my order had not even been processed yet. I diligently wrote an email to their customer service contact and promptly received a response. The correspondence goes as follows:
From: <***************>
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 9:54 AM
To: <>
Subject: Online Form: My Order


I just checked the status of my most recent purchase only to find out that my package has just now shipped. If this is correct, I made the payment for my recent purchase four days ago, three if you do not count Sunday as a business day. Is there any reason that it took 3 days to ship my package to me?

I only ask because I have made previous orders from The Attitude and they took about two weeks to arrive. I would like to make future purchases, and would recommend your seedbank to others if I could be assured that it would not take an unnecessary amount of time to process an order. I would assume from a best business practice perspective, if you pay for something, you expect to receive it in a timely manner. If this is not the case, you may want to make a statement on your site that explains that it may take up to three days to process an order. At least that way, people might be more aware of their options.

I'll be publishing the handling of this feedback in an online forum to help promote awareness of your customer service standards. I hope it is addressed accordingly.


Hi there

Your order was placed Nov 18 2010, 20:04 PM, we state we will ship within 3 business days in our terms and confirmation email, your order shipped Monday 22nd November 2010 2 business days.

Many Thanks


The Attitude


Hi there

Sorry my email sent to quickly, I also want to add that we appreciate that our customers are excited to receive their order as quickly as possible ew try to ship within 24 hours but this is not always possible, we also order our souvenir stock, daily from the breeders to ensure freshness which has to be taken into account allowing for the 3 business days.

As mentioned in y last e-mail this is stated in the confirmation email sent to our customers.

Many Thanks


The Attitude

Ok, so maybe I jumped the gun a little. 2 business days to process an order. Not too bad? I guess so. Then I checked the confirmation email they sent me:
Order Status Change: 237316-101118

Monday, November 22, 2010 3:07 AM

"The Attitude" <>
Add sender to Contacts


Dear ******,

The status of your order id: 237316-101118 has been changed to Dispatched

This email was automaticaly sent from
I guess maybe their email cut off in transit? Anyway, I looked up the shipping policy and it does say it takes up to 3 days to process an order. That's a long time if you ask me. If you shop on Ebay and have to wait 3 days to get your item processed, you're more than likely not going to give the seller a perfect rating. I know I wouldn't. I have always heard good things about The Attitude. My first order from them went well; even though the freebies that were thrown in weren't viable.


The prices are competitive and they offer a %10 discount to RIU members. Altogether I spent about $250 on two separate orders.

Their customer service personnel are blunt and direct, but very much prompt. I received two emails immediately, the second seeming a little more compassionate than the first.

I'll be honest, I don't know much about international shipping. I will say, however, that another member who ordered on the exact same day as I received their shipment today. After checking the tracking info, USPS has yet to even receive my package to deliver it here domestically.
I'm sure there are some who swear by The Attitude and wouldn't take their money anywhere else. I will agree that their selection is top-notch, and their freebies are good enough to incite the most loyal of customers. However, I believe there is still a lot of room for improvement. I for one, will be shopping around and checking out other seedbanks. I will admit though, I'll be comparing any other company I deal with to The Attitude.

Bro, I feel like i've been you before in similar situations, and I can tell you as someone who purchased from attitude before everything is cool. They are sending and you are recieving and it will be good. as a pot grower you learn to relaxxxxxx. No too long limits have been reached yet.


Well-Known Member
Tweexican... sounds too close to 'Mexican'. I don't like Mexicans... :|

but if that happens to you (its very rare) but if it does happen to you, they'll send you a notice in the mail.. explaining to you that your package and its contents were confiscated by 'Customs'.

You won't get into trouble if they do happen to intercept your order (package)... worst case scenerio when this happens.. is 'Customs' ends up keeping your package and destroying it (throwing it away).

Anyhow, once again... this RARELY ever happens. I've made over 10 orders from Nirvana Seed company.. and probably close to the same amount of orders with Attitude Seed company.. and I've NEVER had my package intercepted (confiscated) by 'Customs'. But again, it can.. and DOES happen from time to time.
I'm Mexican, born in Mexico but was raised in California since I was a year old. One thing I learned about your English language while growing up is that a period (.) belongs inside the parenthesis and quotation symbols at the end of a sentence.

Just thought I'd give you one more reason to "dislike" us. Peace :leaf:

As for the OP, 2 weeks from the 'Tude is not bad compared to most other threads started here on RIU complaining about not getting them AND/OR whining about how their seeds hermied or didn't germ and blaming the seed bank instead of the breeder. You got your seeds, you should be happy, not posting this thread.


Active Member
Tweex - Thank you for your review. I feel it was well written provided the situation that you experienced.

A note for those wondering, I'll probably give Attitude a try even after this review. I've pretty much kept my orders to one bank, and they take FOREVER to ship. It would really be months before I receive my orders. They will remain nameless.

ganjaluvr is racist. This isn't the first time I've read racist remarks from him. Granted, they haven't been as blatant as racist slurs, but by definition AND common sense, he's racist. I've come to expect this from him and have become tolerant (or desensitized) of it. If I recall correctly, he's Italian-American, and for some reason has something against Mexican-Americans; or Mexicans trying to become Mexican-Americans. Other than his ignorance about Mexicans, he means well.


Well-Known Member
I appreciate your input guys. And for the record, I'm not worried about my beans NOT getting here... even though I'm still waiting :(.

Redhairs, I'm glad you actually used the review. They're a great company considering prices and freebies. If only they could get the shipping thing down to a science. Probably too many stoners....