Real ID


Well-Known Member
we do have 12 million people walking around and nobody knows who they are.
the goverment can trace you by ur ss#, bank/cc statements and cell phone location(even if cell is turned off)without you even knowing about it.
should I be scared of the real ID act? kinda late for that isnt it.
If "they" want the real ID, so shall you have and pay for.

nothing more then monkeys working in the diamond mine.
we should be thankful for the perosnal freedoms that master gives us.
the monkeys of the future will be so lucky to have such freedoms.


Well-Known Member
we do have 12 million people walking around and nobody knows who they are.
the goverment can trace you by ur ss#, bank/cc statements and cell phone location(even if cell is turned off)without you even knowing about it.
should I be scared of the real ID act? kinda late for that isnt it.
If "they" want the real ID, so shall you have and pay for.

nothing more then monkeys working in the diamond mine.
we should be thankful for the perosnal freedoms that master gives us.
the monkeys of the future will be so lucky to have such freedoms.

and thats the worse part about it, the tax payers are going to end up paying for it out of our pockets. you know you would think that since you and i pay taxes(at least you should be) we would get some say in how the shit is run here......

and your right, we are already being tracked by other means, but this would just make it much easier.

i wasn't trying to be racist or anything nasty. but do some research and find out what is behind Israel, and how much it is controling the united states, and you might get a little irritated.


Well-Known Member
you wouldnt believe how meany of are senators and other reps are on the jewish coalition board.
independent, pro american senators?
logical thinkers would believe these men might have a special underline interest for Israel.just ask anyone from the middle east and take a look at are past actions, it tells the whole story of whos interest is importent to america and whos not,even if it goes against 1/3 of the world.


New Member
you wouldnt believe how meany of are senators and other reps are on the jewish coalition board.
independent, pro american senators?
logical thinkers would believe these men might have a special underline interest for Israel.just ask anyone from the middle east and take a look at are past actions, it tells the whole story of whos interest is importent to america and whos not,even if it goes against 1/3 of the world.
You wouldn't believe how many of our Senators and other reps are on the Jewish coalition board. Independent, pro American Senators? Logical thinkers would believe these men might have a special underlying interest for Israel. Just ask anyone from the Middle East and take a look at our past actions; it tells the whole story of whose interest is important to America and whose is not, even if it goes against 1/3 of the world.

Speaking of thinking, logical or otherwise, these corrections couldn't hurt your argument. Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
if the jews run the country (if this is true!! i doubt it) then go ahead because i smoke too much weed to barely run my house let alone a whole country and the REAL ID thing sucks bad real bad.


Well-Known Member
You wouldn't believe how many of our Senators and other reps are on the Jewish coalition board. Independent, pro American Senators? Logical thinkers would believe these men might have a special underlying interest for Israel. Just ask anyone from the Middle East and take a look at our past actions; it tells the whole story of whose interest is important to America and whose is not, even if it goes against 1/3 of the world.

Speaking of thinking, logical or otherwise, these corrections couldn't hurt your argument. Just a thought.
yeah for sure logical thinking is the way to go.
does the red there show a code incripted in your message haha?


Well-Known Member
Has anybody else heard about this? I guess it was secretly passed in 2005. Looks like this could be the end of our freedom. Here are some links.


L.A.R.I. || Legislators Against Real ID - Fighting For Freedom on the Homefront

reading about this is really scary. did you see the picture of the id, it has that pyramid with the eye on it. fucked up....
YouTube - Zeitgeist - The Movie: Federal Reserve (Part 5 of 5)
YouTube - Real ID is the National ID card
check these links out these are only a few ive seen
just the other day i saw on a local news channel and mentioned how much money it will be and how nevada is one of the few states who objected
you tube real id


Well-Known Member
yea twostarhotel, saw that movie yesterday(Zeitgeist), really good, also watched one called, America fascism to freedom.

shit were gonna have to protect our self from the police, not our neighbors. so just remember how you use all them missiles dizzy.


Well-Known Member
If you guys think that is fucked up, I highly reccomend watching this documentary. It has changed my life forever. This country is so incredibly fucked up. I bet you guys havent heard of the North American Union ? It is a plan for there to eventually have a one centralized government for the whole world. Or each region at least. Also the real goal of the UNITED STATES, is to equip every living person with a RFID, which is implanted in all New Passports and in this real id card. Soon all information will be in this chip, and you will be able to be located anywhere in this world, at any given minute. It is very scary to see what they are doing to us. I bid you to watch this documentary, the documentary is almost two hours long, please read it, for your own good. Skip the first 30 or so minutes if you want, it talks about religon at first. Zeitgeist - The Movie, 2007


Well-Known Member
im sure if not all,then most of us on this forum has seen zeitgeist already.
good looking out tho, spead the word my brotha.
buy a copy, make copys, send mass emails...

the problem-what is one to do with the truth?


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
Also search for the Kennedy assassination and Illuminati. The money masters is good too. There are a lot out there. I will not take a real I.D.