Estimate my yield - Pics


Well-Known Member
I just harvested tonight at day 63 of flowering. All 10 of my ladies are Dutch Passion Blue Moonshine although there are 3 different phenotypes so some look different than others. It was a bit early for one of the phenotypes but the other two were done so I harvested.

Please guess my yield, I'm not going to weight until dry.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the kind words. This is my 3rd grow ever and my first two were in an entirely different setup so I don't know yet how much I yield each time. My guess is 6-8, I just didn't say because I didn't want to sway anybodies opinion. As for the density, some of the lower buds aren't but otherwise all are pretty dense. One pheno produces rock hard buds in like baseball shape chunks up the main stems. Although, my setup is aero/hydro and I've heard soil buds get more dense so... I'll definitely post back when it's dry as to what I actually yielded.


Well-Known Member
I just weighed it all and I currently have 300.8 grams. I've been smoking off it tho since it was burnable so I'm guessing the total would have been somewhere just over 11 ounces.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, I forgot the most important part. A couple of them apparently hermied. I havn't found or seen any seeds in buds yet, only seen a couple sitting at the bottom of the pile. So I'm hoping the damage is minimal.