A Hermaphrodite close up

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
A Hermaphrodite close up, still got those juicy trichomes, I'll still smoke it too
My first grow and education

My all Girl



Well-Known Member
got a couple now myself, still smokable weed... were did we go wrong as parents?



Active Member
never had a hermie myself, but seriously those are some great pics. what camera did you use? ive been waiting to upgrade my 2.1megapixel camera that's now 5 years old.

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
never had a hermie myself, but seriously those are some great pics. what camera did you use? ive been waiting to upgrade my 2.1megapixel camera that's now 5 years old.
Man your lucky to never to get a hermie, I took that with a Canon 1D, 8.5 mg and a Canon 100mm Macro


Active Member
I have done a few indoor grows now,up to a dozen at a time .I use cuttings or seeds from previous crop and is still pretty good to smoke:joint:. But was wondering if there was a way to stop pollen sacks forming, as i have mainly hermies.

Blazed Hippie

Active Member
I have been growing bagseed in both of my grows I have done. They were not all hermies. They were 50% male 50% female like it normally is. Don't overthink it, the parents of a seed do not effect the sex of the plant. Feminine seeds are not made from hermies either, although its common belief.


Im real new to growing (still working on first plant), so can someone tell me what the dark, amber coloured hairs are? Are they a male feature?

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
yea man, you smokin hermi weed.

if you break up the buds, and seeds are poppin out, the plant it came from is a hermi.
If you break up the buds and seeds pop out - the plant was pollinated and produced seeds, maybe it was a hermie, maybe it was pollinated by another plant that was a hermie or maybe it was pollinated by a pure male.
There are 3 choices and only one is that the plant was a hermie.


Active Member
If you break up the buds and seeds pop out - the plant was pollinated and produced seeds, maybe it was a hermie, maybe it was pollinated by another plant that was a hermie or maybe it was pollinated by a pure male.
There are 3 choices and only one is that the plant was a hermie.
No kidding. Why is everybody so fast to jump to conclusions when it comes to bagseed?


In that case, can anyone tell me if they think my plant is a hermie?
First 2 pics are from the top of the plant. Pic 3 is from near the bottom. Pic 4 is top again. Pic 5 is near middle of plant. Pic 6 is near bottom again.


I take that to mean its a girl? Phew! It was mainly the little bulby things in pic 5 that threw me. I thought they were male bits.