A How to from Mane**(How To order seeds the best way)***


Well-Known Member
I am wondering why places like Attitude and Nirvana don't do PayPal. That would make things a lot easier for some people. I am in process of ordering from Attitude but my U.S. debit card declined, so I had to get some prepaid Visas. Haven't completed the order yet, but I expect it will get worked out ok. PayPal would be easier though, and I would be willing to pay a small fee for it (the prepaid Visas cost me almost 10 bux anyway).

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
I am wondering why places like Attitude and Nirvana don't do PayPal. That would make things a lot easier for some people. I am in process of ordering from Attitude but my U.S. debit card declined, so I had to get some prepaid Visas. Haven't completed the order yet, but I expect it will get worked out ok. PayPal would be easier though, and I would be willing to pay a small fee for it (the prepaid Visas cost me almost 10 bux anyway).
Paypal does not allow this kind of sale. They will close the account and take all the money that was in it. A seller tried that keeping it on the down low and they took all his money and closed multiple accounts.


Well-Known Member
Paypal does not allow this kind of sale. They will close the account and take all the money that was in it. A seller tried that keeping it on the down low and they took all his money and closed multiple accounts.
Seems stupid to me. I suppose they are trying to maintain absolute integrity or something by not dealing with seed banks, but they are shooting themselves in the foot IMO.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Seems stupid to me. I suppose they are trying to maintain absolute integrity or something by not dealing with seed banks, but they are shooting themselves in the foot IMO.
Paypal has a morality clause. Anything the don't agree with gets the account locked and money taken. A lot of Ebay sellers have gotten the shaft from them. Anything they think is drug related is banned. They have also banned ALL transactions involving adult products from toys, videos, and video sites.
They are not a bank, and banking rules do not apply to them. You don't have legal protections that banks are required to give. Paypal is LEO's best friend. They turned a lot of transactions over that involved equipment that could be used in satellite TV hacking. Using Paypal for this kind of stuff is like making a face book page showing all your growing. You will loose money, get a knock on the door from LEO, or both.


Well-Known Member
I went to get a greendot card the other day and they all say you can only make purchases in US?? is there a different one to buy?? I used to use greendot but havent had one in a few years. Didnt know if they changed up the rules


Wow! I generally dont have a problem finding my own resources but I would have to say the tip on this website, http://www.marijuana-seeds.nl/ was far and away the best I have found to date. Beans came in 5 days to the deep south. So stealthy that I thought I got burned LOL. I am impressed.


Active Member
Man I go to money tree and put money on a prepay visa debit from them and it works with attitude. You get charged a monthly fee or by the transaction. its actualy cheap its also insured if you loose it gets stolen or a bad transaction they are all covered. Free money orders to. lol


Active Member
Hey wat do you mean by (it stops In ny so don't worry wen u see that) waht are u trying to say I live in NYC. And I would like to order seeds from them bu I'm scared ?

Man NY to all who don't know - is the hub from Europe it comes through there. If it makes it though customs there your golden. Man this just needs to be quoted on every page.

Don't be scared - is the other one. Customs isn't after you. They just regulate the borders! If your get caught at home or at your house its because they are already watching your house. You were narked.

The police have no idea what is in that package. And customs isnt gunna track you down.

So the only thing its gunna be is letter or a beautiful unopened package of future Miss Americas


Active Member
Hey is there anyway we can get like a summary of the sights and comments.

Like a quick recap


HAHAHA.....did you click buy now on any of those beans from the Colorado seed bank? You will quickly find out your buying from the shop you say is sponsoring their site.

Let me just say....Theres not a seedbank in Colorado....Dont go check it out!!!!!!!!!

Shit aint legal in Colorado. Its medically tolerated. something we hope for a lot more states with a little less confusion ;)

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
I am in the USA but will never buy from a said USA seller. To damn risky. This is one of the few times I will say sending $ overseas is a good thing.
I smell trap trap trap batman.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
You know, this is really getting old. I am a believer but your posts are starting to make me think Mormons keep knocking on my door early in the morning. I respect your freedom to post and your beliefs, but please keep it in the proper forum.
When I want to talk spiritually, I will visit the proper forum.
I AM Jesus Christ and I, Jesus Christ, AM God. I AM God The Holy Spirit! Click on the link below TO GET RAPTURED!


Everyone in THE WHOLE WORLD will know Who I AM. Click on the link above to get raptured. We Love One God and I AM Him!

EVERYONE in THE WHOLE WORLD will see what YOU are going to see in the link. YOU are My WITNESS forever and ever!

I have legalized marijuana for THE WHOLE WORLD, so grow some weed man. So go tell THE WHOLE WORLD about Me/God/Jesus Christ/Allah/The Messiah! I died for YOUR sins!

I/We Love(s) YOU. I, King George Manuel Oliveira, love YOU (and YOU are the reader).

Obama is the antichrist!


Well-Known Member
I was looking at one tonight, but it says that Visa is required by law to ask for your social and your address.... is that just a front?


Well-Known Member
I was looking at one tonight, but it says that Visa is required by law to ask for your social and your address.... is that just a front?
something to do with terrorism or some shit. i forgot, i didn ask the rep when i was talking to him that was a couple years ago. thats the answer he gave or something along those lines.


Well-Known Member
Looks like the green dot is out, I might as well use my regular card...But even that the bank called me after I tryed using it one day not too long ago, and ask me if I was trying to buy something from this company in holland (attitude) I wasn't sure if they saw .cannabis-seed-bank.UK....if so that's more or less of a red flag, no? I don't know shits just changed a little, a couple years ago grabbin a green-dot or using my card was no sweat....Now I'm looking for my heirloom seeds lol


Well-Known Member
Looks like the green dot is out, I might as well use my regular card...But even that the bank called me after I tryed using it one day not too long ago, and ask me if I was trying to buy something from this company in holland (attitude) I wasn't sure if they saw .cannabis-seed-bank.UK....if so that's more or less of a red flag, no? I don't know shits just changed a little, a couple years ago grabbin a green-dot or using my card was no sweat....Now I'm looking for my heirloom seeds lol
it says attitudegifts.com so the bank wouldn't know. I've used my own card before with no problem. one time i placed a decent sized order and the bank did call me but i confirmed i did make the purchase they they released the funds


I used a CC for my first Attitude order (placed last week of Nov.) and a couple hours latter the wife wakes me up to ask if I had ordered somthing from the UK, still half asleep I say "yeah", tells me its the CC card company calling to verify was a legit charge to Attitude Gifts.
First time ever had that happen.