My pot movie

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12 or 13 in the five minute format. But the DVD will be without breaks. I've cut the show quick. It's very dense as you can see. No lingering on images for the most part. Much like a music video. Several reasons for this really. And it all has alot to do with bandwidth and the nature of the medium. It's a new filmic form actually. I don't think there is quite anything like it out there -- a reality produced like a movie. There certainly have been movies produced like realities. the Blair Witch Project (love it or hate it) pioneered the "movie as reality" genre and went on to be the highest grossing independent film of all time. I've kind of pulled the concept inside out. We'll see if it catches on as well. The numbers of views seem to be climbing steadily and respectfully. And the best is yet to come. Even if it gets a good cult following I will consider it a success. But I think it's going to have legs. The response has been overwhelmingly positive, and, the best part -- it's liked by people that don't grow pot. And of course the model is different. I'm giving the film away in exchange for branding. Kind of like a giant commercial. but I hope will eventually create several revenue streams through quality products synonymous with the name that bear my endorsement. I'm already negotiating with a nutrient company for my own brand. You're hearing it hear first. "Browndirt's Outoor Master Mix."
dude, that is fantastic. if only half of your plans come to fruition, that will still bring the fight to legalize marijuana to a more real front. i really appreciate what you are doing as a grower and a person. and especially as a marijuana rights activist.

bringing marijuana more mainstream and getting it into people's face can really help the cause that we all want and petition for.

thanks a bunch man, and as always, nice vid, and im looking forward to the next. WOOOOOO!!!


Well-Known Member
BrownDirt's Outdoor are the shit dude! Gettin endorsements is the f'n bomb. I love you man. Will you adopted me?


Well-Known Member
Jo brwndirtwarrior is this for real ? are u just playing around or is this your real life dude ?


Well-Known Member
you are the survivor man of the pot world . good shit man .anyone who sais that aint a job is trippin.


Well-Known Member
Dude, I gotta say I love the vids. I just saw the one you posted on Jan 22, I must say those girls are looking mighty fine. I take it you live in the Northern Hemisphere right? If so then are you just editing the footage you already have? Obviously its winter and its too cold to be growing outside. If so I hope you got a huge huge yield and its putting you closer to that bike. Oh, and I was on that commercial plane that flew over, I felt it. Haha, no but it woulda been bad ass if I was.


Well-Known Member
yea sick vids for sure, hes brobably gettin ready for daytona bike weed with his new HD. ive worked on alot of what we call weed bikes, that dealers paid for. always sick ass bikes, when the next vids. BDW?


Well-Known Member
first of all i got to say dude what ur doing is FUCKING AMAZING im a outdoor grower myself and i know what ya got to go threw to pull this shit off and dude take it from me ur doing great but damn that was close for with that dog and then that helicopter shit but dude wish u the best of luck and u got some pretty girls going for ya man and hope ur money situation works out and u can pull that harvest off but ill say it again ur crop fucking amazing keep with cause ur doing something right over grow the world


Well-Known Member
Just a quick one, what are your 5 favourite trout/salmon fly patterns? And release "Blazing Ganja".
I for one would pay to download (and I didn't do it for Radiohead (or anyone else)).
Just a quick one what are your 5 favourite trout/salmon fly patterns? And release "Blazing Ganja".
I for one would pay to download (and I didn't do it for Radiohead (or anyone else))
You see? that kind of stuff thrills me. Be sure to get the DVD in the early spring. Besides the high res show with no breaks and the how to, you'll get MP3s of the original music tracks. More about fly tyiing later...


Well-Known Member
Hilarious dude.... that is one killer fucking spot you have. Thanks for sharing I enjoyed those flicks.

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