1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

mr west

Well-Known Member
no biggie. its just a cold not a brain melting out job ;)

thank you kindly HC!!! yeah my dogs are doing just champion my man!

not had the pleasure of tasting it yet tho chief! and yes it is our friend in the Dam's work!

reet am going to kill it or cure it with a couple of bongo's
pic bumpage


Well-Known Member
No 3 Bad brother! The good old toon is freezing, no to bad wi the snow yet (Hillend gettin there's up there)! Just catchin up on Westy's Dog's there looking fine eh man!



Well-Known Member
That's Don's DOGgies lad...lol

Long night last night eh?

No 3 Bad brother! The good old toon is freezing, no to bad wi the snow yet (Hillend gettin there's up there)! Just catchin up on Westy's Dog's there looking fine eh man!


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hope ya dont mind me throwing this up on your thread but its not everyday you see a 6 lb plant. Thats one of FDD's Warlock. Thought it might be worth a peek



Well-Known Member
oh to have the weather to grow like that...my outdoor attempt, although producing lovely looking plants, just didn't have the fattness due to our crap Northern Hemisphere climate!! Next year please can we have some nice weather like we are supposed to get in the summer...here's me thinking global warming would be good for o/d growing, just produces more rain though.....

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah thats some tree alright! if only we had the climate eh! global warming as you say, just making it warmer/rainier for longer. then baltic winters. need to get to canada ASAP


Well-Known Member
yeah thats some tree alright! if only we had the climate eh! global warming as you say, just making it warmer/rainier for longer. then baltic winters. need to get to canada ASAP
bollocks!!!! you need to come to the USA!!!! down south where its warm all year long
I know we look like a thrid world country these days,, but we're comin back

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahaha emigrating to the usa costs if you aint got skills they looking for man. costs a lot... canada is practically still british empire ;)


Active Member
America is way easier to get in than Canada... We'll take your talented and your dummies... You have to have an education or a job or be enrolled in school to get into Canada... No room for a High Plains Drifter like myself!


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Ontario man, english speaking very very friendly, the parliment in Ottawa make ya feel right at home, canal through the city lots of ice skating in the winter out door markets just a real fun city,,,,,Quebec, french speaking, generally downright unfriendly and Montreal is a dump for the most part, pretty filthy. On a clear day from top of the mountain here ya can see the sun glinting off some of the buildings though its over 100 miles away. Lot of concerts up there in my day brudder haha prolly better than 30 in that city alone


Well-Known Member
Until recently we could send a guy to Canada, and as long as he had the correct paperwork in advance, prepped by a lawyer, they would get 6 a month business working visa. ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE in America, if you are European. Canada is changing somewhat and we are having hassles now with visas - not helped by dumb ass contractors who decide they want to go to the US for Thanks Giving and discover when coming back to Canada that the rules have changed and they can't get a working visa anymore...fukin dick head....and even after he was told not to.

Now heres something for all you Shermans and Southern boys in the US, you can waltz into The Netherlands, with a bit of cash put a deposit on an apartment/ house, you got yourself an address and a place to live, nip down to the tax office and pick yourself up a tax number. Jump on the tram back up to central station (if you are in the Dam) Pop into the KvK and register yourself a little business - called an Eenmanszaak - then off you go to work. Or open up a shop ;) or do whatever you want to do...paperwork all handed to you there and then. Stroll into a bank, address, company name, registration number, "oh, you want a bank account shir? Well yesh we can help you widge jat! Oh and you have all you paperwork, oh we do love yoush Americansh, yesh, and when we speak English we often shound like yoush ash well...bang, few days later you got a bank card (you already have an account number given to you there and then), and most of them come with a 2k overdraft...Now beat that for easy fekkin peasy!!